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Everything posted by stasbrute

  1. Try Kenlea Camp outta Point au Baril, great pike and walleye in early may, I go there spring and fall and always do well.
  2. Bass fun, Walleye food......
  3. Good to know guys, hoping I am too full of fish to resort to pizza and cheese burgers, but I will keep my options open.
  4. Heading up there soon, hope to have some pictures to show you all.......
  5. Wow !!!! some big fish coming out of the river lately, congrats!!!
  6. Thank you everyone, I am still amazed by my luck that day
  7. Yikes!!! wow
  8. What a great afternoon on the Upper, the lake was rough at Crystal so we launched at Fort Erie. The Smallies were on!! typical baits, tubes (dark colours). Around Strawberry Island I decided to put on a small Muskie bait (small Grandma lure) and troll for a bit, maybe pick up a small ski or a large walleye or bass. Just as I am taking a bite of my sandwich SLAM!! something hits the Grandma!! It was heavy, I am thinking ski or large walleye, it's not coming up. I get it up to the boat and its a monster smallie. John hoists in the net, its aboard, and we giggle like school girls. It measured 22.5 inches long and an incredible 19 inch girth, what a pig. Lots of bass were caught in the 2 to 3 lb range by both of us and to cap the evening off, I picked up a 22 inch Wally at the river mouth before getting off the water at around 9pm. here are the pictures
  9. Beauty!! I love it up there, nice fish!!!
  10. Thank you, Irishfield , I will start in the lake , I have heard there are smallies in the lake...
  11. Hey people, any suggestions on fishing at LOTR or nearby, I am camping there next week, I will have my canoe with my or I will fish from shore if need be, family camping trip hoping to sneak away for a day of fishing.
  12. Yes I guess I mean the caps for the wheel hub, not bearing buddies, just having a hard time getting to stay put.
  13. Thankyou for thr reply Misfish, I was talking about the metal kind, I saw the rubber ones at the Crappy Tire, maybe I will try those. The trailer originally came with metal ones so thats what I purchased. Do the rubber ones stay put?? are they interchangable??
  14. Has anyone had this trouble?? packed the bearings with new grease, and when trying to knock the new dust cap(s) on, they pop back off, I am guessing form the air pressure, very frustrating. Is there a secret to this??
  15. what a porker, very nice!!!
  16. psychedelic
  17. Scugog, good ice, no fish, on Sunday

  18. "goof job!!"
  19. Unattended line ......$120 fine
  20. very nice fish
  21. nice job boyz
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