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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. These are the days to support any waterfront restaurants... Get out of the sun for an hour or so.. Works wonders.... Chapstick with SPF Loads of water... 4 liters per person is my regular... On ice is best... SPF 30 sunblock... Any higher just gives false security and you won't apply as often as you should... SPF 60 isn't 2x as strong as SPF 30... Snacks like watermelon to get more fluids... And some big walleyes help too...lol Oh yeah... Coffee... Pop... Redbull... Beer... Doesn't help for hydration... Most actual make it worse... ...
  2. Just need her drivers license or a copy of it... All the info they need is there...
  3. Thanks The wife is going to Guelph and taking my son so I have no strings all weekend... I have plans in place for about 36 hours fishing in 3 days... St Lawrence musky St Lawrence walleye with some Supervisors from work Ottawa river musky... I hope the fish help make this a great weekend...
  4. I'd say that depends on the situation... I tried to run a boat into rocks(or have him stop following me) the other day... A local angler I know was following me to find my spots... So I ran throught a gap I knew of between some rocks... I knew he would wise up and leave me be... Or leave his lower unit... I didn't really care wich one...
  5. I think the issue is for a group of anglers that supposedly know a lot about fishing.... You would think they would know better then to buzz through the spot your fishing.... With their 250 verodo on their 60,000 dollar boat... I get mad when a boat that's going 60-80 won't go around with a decent distance... Bass boat or not... But I expect anglers to know better....
  6. Ive heard high contrast inlines and topwaters rule there... So my game plan is to use some black/chartrues and black/orange handlebarz... And top raiders for the most part.. With some suicks and glide baits mixed in when depth/ weeds will permit... And some trolling to give the arms a break... And I moved several fish in pencil weeds last time I was there Lew... That's where the highest concentration I found was...
  7. He got you too...? Him and his buddies got me on the Larry... He really gets around... Then his 20-30 foot cruiser buddies joined the family reunion... I could hardly keep a straight line trolling...
  8. Im heading up to the Ottawa river for some musky this weekend... I've only been there once before and moved about 6 fish that day by myself... So I think I have a "decent" grasp on things there... But it is very different from the st.lawrence that I'm used to... The fish seem to hold shallower... And the dirty water effects what colors produce... But I'm looking for some Ottawa river specific tips to help me boat a few... What type of structure do you guys like there...? Favorite style of baits...? Colors? Any tips would be great.... I'll be fishing somewhere between Ottawa and hawksbury... Like I said... I found spots that have musky... And I have a few more to try... But as you guys know.... Any local tips can really help... Thanks Mike
  9. Worst part is knowbody made light of rape in my opinion... Just proving a point of how rediculous it would be to charge someone for fishing without a license because there is enought rods In the boat to do so... I find it frustrating nowadays how everyone is telling you to bite your tongue... Freedom of speach... Yeah right...
  10. The warmer it is the faster you wanna get em swimming away... So avoid pictures.... Get the hooks out quick... Try to have EVRYTHING ready... Camera...cutters... Pliers... Etc.... So your as efficient as possible for a quick release....
  11. That's funny... I say it's 50/50 with me as far as walleye on cranks... If I could only keep one it would be the tail hook... Because when they're are in a very aggressive mood they really grab it and the back hook should get a high percentage... And when the fish are sluggish... And they nip at it... You'll get em on the tail hook... If you only had the front hook and the fish are biting short your screwed...
  12. Cool... I'm gunna try to get one in NY state this year... They stock em...
  13. So I see the slump is over...lmao... Looks like fun Paul...
  14. X2 I would be willing to bet that an HDS unit has that setting.... I can't remember ever seeing a unit without this menu function...
  15. On quiet evenings I'll listen to music on my iPhone....
  16. Yup drum/sheepshead Lots around us.... We got this one about 30 minutes east of you a week or two ago I actually know guys that target them in long sault...
  17. This situation was regarding a PROVINTIAL border not INTERNATIONAL... And no you do not have to check in by going to shore when crossing to the usa side....You require special paper work... And check in by calling with your ID #... And like I posted earlier... He IS paying the fine... I'm trying to point out a really stupid set of rules that should be changed.... And when I said I hoped he would fight it it was only in hopes of shedding light on a confusing situation...
  18. Rock bass = Herb MacRae... Apparently way back in the day when dad took this guy fishing... He would always catch rock bass while targeting walleye... Like 2-3 a trip... I get like 10 a year...lol Always called em that since I was a little kid...
  19. Very cool... I didn't LAND my first musky till I was 18... But it's a bit easier to find information nowadays.... Learn new techniques... Etc... And it's turning out some great anglers like yourself... Heck We didn't even have Internet at our house growing up....
  20. on an provincial border water you dont need both licenses... i can fish QC with my ontario license... however... you cannot fish NY border waters with any ontario or quebec license...... thats international... and a different ball game...
  21. Third 50+ ever or this year? What a snake.... Is it ever skinny... Musts felt great catching her on a home made bait too...
  22. But what I'm saying is you shouldn't have to buy a gps... It's not fair that every angler in my area has to own a gps so they know where the border is... It wouldn't be bad if the shipping Chanel was the border... Then there would be no confusion... But that's not the case... It's a jagged border line that makes many turns and cuts back and forth in the middle of nowhere...
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