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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Hey all, looks like it's going to be another grand day. Enjoy it if you're not working...and do your best to if you are Maureen
  2. Nice Boat fishmaster, and like Lew said...love the wood Glad to see the maiden voyage went so well, looks good for future trips, and I love the black and white photos. Maureen
  3. Nice Bass jedi...me, I'll leave the kayaking to those with healthy backs Maureen
  4. Good tips to know....a good friend of mine had a stroke a few years ago...they rushed her to the hospital...she was treated and sent home....too soon it turned out...when released she was still in danger it seems. Thankfully she has recovered about 90% and is now retired Maureen
  5. Dang that stinks, I remember when you were relocating . I know of several others this has happened to and for them it turned out to be the best thing in the world. Some found new careers altogether that they now love, and others found new employers who treated them better and paid better too . Keep the faith that everything will work out for the best. Maureen
  6. DANG!!! Those are MONSTERS!!! Thanks for sharing those pics. Maureen
  7. You're right Brian, not the news we were hoping for....but as Lew said, the surgery can be successful so don't lose hope yet! Maureen
  8. Hey Beans, glad you managed to get something on the hook...you'll land one one of these days Maureen
  9. Sorry 'bout that Brian, got distracted doing other things before leaving for work...will try to improve tomorrow Maureen
  10. No preferance for me...what ever lake I can get on in the favorite for the day Honestly I don't have a favorite, haven't fished enough to have one. Maureen
  11. 53 Bass in one day....now that to me is a good day! In fact it's a great day!!! Maureen
  12. Now that's a cat fish!!! I don't think the boys down south could touch that kitty Beauty...how long did it take to haul her in...more details please!!!! Maureen
  13. Welcome to the board Bcee, have a great time at Nippissing and please don't forget the camera...we like Pictures Maureen
  14. OUCH!!! That's gotta hurt....but I gotta say he doesn't look too upset...guess he liked the Doctor . Hope he didn't get any nerve damage. Maureen
  15. Thanks Joey, but I think that is a service I would have to pay for...and I'm just too cheep to do that Maureen
  16. Drove through a heck of a storm from just south of hillsdale to just south of Wyebridge. Wanted to take some pics but only had my cell phone and no way to download from that. The visibilty was very poor most of the way. Drove into blue skies, and 30 minutes after arriving home, another hit here...blue skies now. Maureen
  17. You going to send someone up to house sit for me??? Sadly not fishing, work. ..I get up at 2am...and somedays I feel way older than I am Maureen
  18. As much as I would love to, my bed time for the summer is around 8:00pm so you'll have to count me out again One of these days... Maureen
  19. Well good morning all, hope everyone has a great day. It's a bit stormy up here right now...lots of noise anyway, has been through the night. It's just starting to rain now, and me with only one working wiper . Goes to show the weather newtork doesn't know much, they say this is supposed to come this afternoon....oh well, good for the lawn right Have a great day all, and stay cool. Maureen
  20. Go ahead little angler, the fish there are safe to eat...have a great time and don't forget to take your camera. Maureen
  21. Great stuff Rob, glad you managed to get out with the kids...they must have loved it! Looking forward to the pics. Maureen
  22. Congrats on the new PB, she's a beauty Maureen
  23. Great stuff Clive, Ya just never know what you're going to catch when you head out do you ? Maureen
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