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Everything posted by redfin

  1. Hi I took down my old cottage building three years ago and the demolition permit was $80. Hydro and phone disconnections were no charge. The old cottage was 600 sq ft the total cost for the dumping was $500-$600, that is to haul all the stuff and dump it yourself. To dump everything for the 1300 sq ft building, if you’re not saving any wood, would cost you probably in the neighborhood of $1200 at the dump. I heard cottage zoning is a little more lenient, but for residential zoning building permit approval you have to pass Health unit check approx $300, MNR approx $100, first grading survey approval is approx $1,500 etc… the package from the city would have all the phone numbers for the different offices and you can find out the exact cost. Hope this helps.
  2. They're selling the fish to China... http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-07-14/news/ct-met-0714-quinn-asian-carp-20100714_1_carp-asian-illinois-river
  3. Had a great weekend on the Kawarthas with my kids, my Bro-in-law and his 8 years-old. The weather was great, cloudy mostly but no rain. The fishing was pretty good too… Cadence caught his first bass ever. He hooked and brought in the fish all on his own… Big Cousin Robyn got the jigging technique into science… Sheldon tries to make this little bass look bigger… Cadence told me sunfish swim in circles when they get hooked…hmmm…. This looks like fun too… I have a moss boss that looks like this guy… Hopefully the weather remain nice, we got to do this again. Thanks for reading.
  4. Hi, got out of the city a little early today and headed up to my fav kawarthas water to flip some bass. First fish of the day... I'm pretty sure she's a tiger, but my buddy kept saying barred musky. Whatever she is she's back in the drink. Well, good new for those who likes Northern pike fishn...Good friend of mine caught a tiger about 10 years ago on Elephant Lake, now it's pike all over the place.
  5. Hello folks, we just got back from our annual family vacation from the West Arm. The weather was very nice all week, cool nights and hot days. We only got rained on for not more than a couple of hours. There were NO mosquitoes at all, just a few annoying deerflies. The surface water temp ranged form 68°F in the mornings to 76°F in the afternoon. The water was quite stained this year at where we were. The fishing was good, nothing tremendous in size, but the bass, pike, and walleyes were willing to take a bait for the most part. The spinnerbait, plastic worms, and the topwater plugs did the jobs for us. Fog was quite thick in the mornings Hungry bass Little water snake sitting on the hook bend to post a pic for us (not hooked) The Northern we were catching were typically about this size The evenings are always nice and calm Little bass love hitting topwater lures Visiting our friends near Bala on our way back, only one of them were here this year A great week of family time for us. Thanks for looking.
  6. Hi, Thanks for all the replies. I made up my mind for a hand control bow mount and went to Basspro and purchased the only model they carried. It’s a Motorguide 54# 12v unit. I had it installed and last week and was using it for the past few days. Besides all the pros and cons that everyone mentioned above, I find another huge advantage of this unit - it has reverse gears, which I can use to get rid of most the weeds on the motor without lifting the unit out of the water, even the stubborn slops on Rice, a good (unexpected) feature that non of my previous foot control units had. It took me no time to adjust to the new motor, and in my opinion, the pros outweighs the cons, well…for a lazy a*s like me anyway. Unfortunately I had no time or choice of other hand control units, otherwise, I would definitely get a 24 v. Oh yeah…I did miss couple of pick ups while changing speed and steering. Thanks again guys for the inputs.
  7. I don’t know about the river, but we have seen them time and time again on both Moira and Stoco on musky opener. Pretty ferocious fish and not boat shy either. My buddy even tried for them for a little bit last year, he crumbled some mono on two trebles on a minnow plug and fished for them, they came attacking the lure like that was the last remaining food in the lake. After 10 minute or so he finally boated one and we left them alone. Most of the fish we saw were over 24”, very close to shore in the shallow. Good luck.
  8. Yes Lew, that's the one I was thinking to buy, I didn't even know there is a remote thumb control ones on the market. Thanks for the input folks.
  9. Hi I’m planning replace my bow mount electric before the bass open’r. I’ve noticed there are couple of hand control products out in the market, does anyone have any experience with hand control bow mount? I just thought I would have a bit more balance if I didn’t have to use my foot to control the motor especially on choppy water, plus more room at the bow without the foot pedal/cable if I had a hand control unit. Thanks.
  10. Great pix... I see you picked up some gold bands ... easier on your wallet eh. Thanks for reporting.
  11. Congrats! Perhaps a pair of brackets to guide the boat back on the trailer make it easier on a windy day.
  12. A small porta potti and plastic rain poncho will do.
  13. Hi my power trim suddenly quit on me yesterday, I checked the fuse and the wires and everything seemed to be Ok. So I called my mechanic and only found out that he’s retired. Can anyone recommend a reliable/ reasonable tech in Oshawa, or Lindsay area that I can take my boat to? What a bummer on the Musky openr …. Thanks folks.
  14. Wow ... A W E S O M E
  15. That's just N I C E
  16. Nice haul Rich, must be fun to catching all these big cats. The pix remind me an episode of “Dirty Jobs” on Discovery. Who is cleaning all these fish???
  17. just wanna add my 2 cents worth: I think you gain more control and landing the fish quicker if you play it out in sorta like a 45 degree angle (or less) pointing your rod upstream, so that the fish is not only fighting the pressure of your rod but also the current.
  18. Everything above will get you started with the fishing, I would use a smaller diameter leader on your 8# main line when the colour of the water is lighter than olive green, perhaps 4 or 6#. I like using surgical tubing on my float so I can constantly adjusting the length of the leader just by moving the float up and down the line instead of untying and retying the stopper on a slip float. Always keep your bait drift very close to the bottom. Spring trout especially drop-backs love the small garden worms. Good luck and “fish on”.
  19. Too bad i gotta work on apr 05 otherwise i join you for sure. Does Ian still own the place? He's a great guy .
  20. Hi, I keep a 5 wt in my boat locker just for the purpose of crappie fishing. I cast about 35’ with WF line on the 5wt in a calm day. I use some homemade weighted leech and streamers, size 6 or 8 will do, I don’t think you have to go finesse for the spawning scrappers. I will be getting some new floating line and try to catch one (if I can find any LOL…) on the surface this year. Good fishing.
  21. Cameron…my second home in the summer! <-- Say hi if you see this guy I’ll second what Sinker said about the pickerel and musky fishing. Just wanna add that both bays on the north (Cranberry) and the south (Sackett), are very good for the largemouth bass fishing. The smallies are plentiful on the Fenelon Falls side, find the rocks and the fish are nearby. Put a steel leader on tho…the muskies are always cruising the area. Good fishing.
  22. Thanks folks. Hi OP: have you ever fished Cedar? I might pop over and say hey on Sat. Good fishing.
  23. Brothers are special people. Wishing your bro speeding recovery. All the best to the both of you.
  24. Hi, Such a beautiful Easter day, my son and I decided to take a drive out Haliburton way to check out some fishing. Grabbed a small hand auger and a handful of jigs and off we went. Drove around a bit and decided to try a small bay near Minden for whatever. Punched the first hole through about 10-12 inch of ice and started to jig. Not 5 minute later my son yells fish on…only to lose the fish at the hole…a bright coloured fish either a white or cisco. 10 minutes later he yells again, “I got you this time…but it's a dark fish”. Small Laker, Sheldon’s first trout of the year. Quick picture, put er back. We had 5 or six fish on but only able to land this only fish… Couldn’t think of a better way to spend couple of hours... Good fishing.
  25. Everything you mentioned above. The occasion salmon and trout swim into the inlet from time to time, lots of black crappies to be had to keep you interested. Oh...and carp too. Good luck.
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