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Everything posted by HookNrelease

  1. i think its more like 11.98 liters per 100 KM ?
  2. the early Okumas had the odd issues but they were quick to fix that and there service / replacement is the best, no questions asked simple exchange, ive battled a few 30 plus salmon on my 30`s and they still running good after 4 years, for the price they are a great choice. just my penny in
  3. oopsss i broke down and picked up a 1999 expedition eddie bauer the other week as the price was good, but it appears to get better average mileage than the 5.9L durango i was running and its saying just over 12MPG trotting around the city, god knows what its gonna do when i hook up 5000lbs of trailer to it in the summer
  4. because fish dont have periscopes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the new TORPEDO divers*TM battle stations on your boat will be complete with the new TORPEDO Divers *TM No mate i said put the TORPEDO DIVER on not your speedo on Impress your buddies and the ladies with your new TORPEDO No fish were harmed in testing of the new TORPEDO diver, Now you can launch multiple Torpedos at your targets TM we went to great depth to prove our Torpedos work,,,,,,,,,*TM theres nothing easier than launching your own Tordedo TM thats my fun for now cheers ian
  5. What Do Retired People Do All Day? Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day the wife and I went into town and went into a shop. We were only in there for about 5 minutes. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and I said, "Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?" He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. I called him a Dumbass. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tires. So Mary called him a shithead. He finished the Second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote. Personally, we didn't care. We came into town by bus. We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired. It's important at our age.
  6. girl at school was Teressa Green, always asked her if her sisters name was Grassis worked with an old guy named Tom Bowler, lady at home Eileen Dover, she took some stick when she had a drink,,,lol
  7. Actually that is a compition over in Europe, back in England, more northern areas tho there are lots of compitions for making these faces and its actually called GURNING,,hahahah nowonder some people call us english wierd,,,lol http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/3670504.stm
  8. For those who may not have seen this clip it sure is funny and true of some Torontonians:)
  9. Thanks Vanselena the si-tex looks like it may be the answer, appreciate the info guys
  10. Regarding bateries i was in LeBarons the other day and for $36.00 they have humminbird battery and charger or for $26.00 the battery alone
  11. Hi all, looking for some help on sonar, fishfinders. I have an old Humminbird DX200 mounted on the boat and it works fine, however i wanted to put a second unit on the dash as the older unit is mounted on the transom and hard to see some times. the humminbird is dual frequencie 83 khz and 200 khz and i was told that you cant run the same frequencies from seperate units at the same time as they will interfere with each other??? so does anyone know of any make or model of sonar that does not run on 83 or 200 khz? I cant find anything, there are dual frequency models from lowrance that are 50 & 200 khz so is there a lowrance that is single 50 khz? Thanks again for any input or suggestions cheers ian
  12. i have had this discussion on Lake O with MNR guys, the wording in the law reads apparently that you can not put the guts into the lake, i was told that it could be a charge under the enviromental laws, its seems to be a grey area that nobody really knows but we were told not to throw guts back into the lake !!!
  13. Guys when Nicole sent me the pics back in June we were impressed, regardless of what the fish is tell everyone more about your history, your fathers records and more that impressed me was the line breaking strain you caught these fish on, regardless of anything id say, to land a fish like that on the line you did deserves more recognition to the skill than the actuall record validity. cheers ian
  14. A small boy had been praying to God for weeks and asking for $100.00 so he could buy some presents, but as much as he prayed the money never came. So one day he decides to sit down and write a letter to God. Dear God, please send me $100.00 so that i can buy christmas presents for my family,,,,,. He signed the letter ,sealed it in an envelope and wrote on the outside TO GOD,,, Canada When the letter made it to the postal office the workers looked at it and decided to send it on to Ottawa and addressed it to the Prime Minister, a few days later the PM opens and reads the letter and starts to chuckle and is amused by it, so he decides to send back $10.00, as he thinks a small boy will think thats a lot of money. Eventually the boy gets his letter back and opens it to find $10.00, he was so happy he sits down to write a letter back to God: Dear God Thanks so much for the money, but I noticed by the post mark on the envelope that for some reason you mailed it through Ottawa, and those idiots deducted $90.00 in taxes !!!!!
  15. *CHINESE PROVERBS* Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone. Man who run in front of car get tired. Man who run behind car get exhausted. Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day. Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ. Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok Man with one chopstick go hungry. Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails. Man who eat many prunes get good run for money. Baseball is wrong: man with four balls cannot walk. Panties not best thing on earth! But next to best thing on earth. War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left. Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house. Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night. It take many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it. Man who drive like hell, bound to get there. Man who stand on toilet is high on pot. Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement. Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs. Man who fart in church sit in own pew. Crowded elevator smell different to midget.
  16. when we first started trolling salmon on Lake O we didnt have much look landing fish due to too loose a drag, an old friend was in hysterics one day when we lost about 4 fish in a row ans shouted out, "talk about catch and release your Hook and Release" and thus we named the boat HookNrelease
  17. hey Al riley salmon and I were chucking some spoons on wednesday night but there was no action, last monday am a few were caught from the travel lift on Roe, if your down in the AM ill see ya there cheers ian
  18. definately not for the faint of heart nor younger viewers but a grusome remionder of the damage a large animal can do when hit http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&...threadid=777869
  19. HH, we have been out the past three weekends to the 300 to 380 FOW range from the bluffs and had a blast with close to 20 hook ups a morning, lots of steel to 32 inch, cohos to 10 # and the odd A*%@&^C mixed in there also, our best results have been on spoons, black & orange has been firing good along with black & Purple, ran meat at 65 to 75 and had some mid teen nooks also. out deep we were running the dipseys 175 back on # 3, riggers set 45, 50, 55 and 65 down and cheaters on the spoons. Flies have also taken some good fish too. HIH cheers ian
  20. looks like we do Sherrif with studdle doodle ive missed getting him out here this yaer and not been upto simcoe or the moon for too long,,,, looking how the weather is ill have to get out with him for some lakers on simcoe soon:) cheers ian
  21. headed out again this morning at around 6;30 am,, headed straight for the blue zone which for the first day of fall was the orange and blue zone ;D set up with meat, spoons and fly, ran the meat between 89 and 65 down, dipsey on braid 175ft back number 3 and riggers set from 45 to 65 down. all bites were on spoons again with orange/black being the best performers and silver/greens, John had to try a "BooBy" spoon and hooked up Lots of bows this morning between 300 & 380 FOW also landed one Coho and we managed one of those fish we cant talk about from Lake O ;D all in all we went 10 for 14, on the way back in at 240FOW the meat fired at 80 down and the reel started peeling,,, passed the rod to Michaela and the fight was on, but it was short lived after about 2 or 3 minutes with some strong runs we lost a green/black SD with sure strike meat rig and possibly a nice sized nook on the end of it all. Most fish were in the 6 to 12 lbs range but another great day out in the lake. looks like theres still some more fun to be had. Cheers Ian
  22. I too have run big jon electrics for the past 10 years without any problems,,,, I do have a motor that is starting to slow and creep a bit however that was due to running a 15# ball last year, if you stick to 10# balls they should be fine, Its like everything else some people have some bad luck even with scotties, walkers, cannons etc, to each there own i guess, good luck either way you go. cheers ian
  23. Ive heard many stories over the years of people using it, but quite frankly why would you want to pollute the water with a petro product???? theres plenty of fish scents for sale at your local tackle store. Just my 2c Cheers
  24. the spotters do not need to dip into their pockets at all regarding the boat /teams expenses, the tighlines has a pay out of i believe $75.00 for the spotter and a draw for a digi camera, also some teams will pay extra depending on how they do etc, all you need is your own expenses, you also have to be at the team meeting friday at 7pm and then back for saturday morning start off is 6 am , but your boat may head out earlier, cheers ian
  25. I guess it must have been a typo as its disapeared today, just when i was gonna make the drive and get me one,,,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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