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Everything posted by HookNrelease

  1. they schooling is falling short in TO, so i thought id shed some light on the situation after the kids showed me there english lessons, 1. HONOR ROLL - We was playin poker on the stoop the other day, man I was HONOROLL. 2. PLANET - I got me some seed to grow weed, so I PLANET in the backyard. 3. DISMAY - I went for a blood test, the doctor pulled out a big needle. He said, "DISMAY hurt a little." 4. OMELETTE - Every time I start a new job, OMELETTE go after a week. 5. STAIRWAY - When me and my homies get high, we STAIRWAY into space. 6. MOBILE - I went to buy crack, I was short on cash, my man said, "Gimme one MOBILE." 7. DEFENSE - I ran from the cops, and hopped DEFENSE and got away. 8. AFRO - I got so mad at my carp, AFRO a lamp at her. 9. AFTERMATH - I like to be high in school, so AFTERMATH I go to the field and smoke weed. 10. LOCKET - I slam the door so hard, I LOCKET. 11. DOMINEERING - My girly's birthday was yesterday, I got her a DOMINEERING. 12. KENYA - I needed change fo the subway, so I axe a stranger KENYA spare some change. 13. DERANGE - DERANGE is where da deer and antelope play. 14. DATA - At my basketball game, I scored thirty points. My coach said, "DATA boy!" 15. COPULATE - I called 911 and an hour later when they show up, I said, "COPULATE!" 16. FASCINATE - My girly's titties are so big. Her shirt has ten buttons, she can only FASCINATE. 17. BEWARE - I asked the man at the unemployment office, "Is this BEWARE I get a job?" 18. DIMENSION - I be tall, dark, handsome and not DIMENSION hung like a horse. 19. COATROOM - The judge said, "One more outburst like that, and you'll be thrown out the COATROOM." 20. DECIDE - I like Wanda and Yolanda, but I like to have a couple of rabid dogs on DECIDE.
  2. some to try for alodine Progressive Anodizers-warden/lawrence, alodine is either yellow or clear and is also refered to as chromate conversion coating, L & M heat treating in Burlington Taylor corp, mississauga /brampton
  3. im also with premier marine, my boat is a 1985, they ask for pictures, no survey, and nowadays they want your drivers abstract too !!!!!
  4. i would like to add something from personal experience regarding "all' insurance. If your going to put your boat under your house insurance think about it first, how much will you cover it for? do think you will have it stolen or other claim related issues? I had a house fire a number of years ago, after the fire someone stole electronics and such which we reported to the insurance company ( im not gonna slag off who) anyways the long and short was that even tho no claim or payout was made it was listed as a "LOSS' and as such reflected in the actions of my insurance company. Talk to your broker and get written confirmation about your options on claims, if you claim $1000.00 for your boat damage and then your roof leaks you may be over you limit/years for claims and they wont cover you. if the boat is worth it take out a seperate marine insurance, I just think i need home insurance for the home and when i really need it i want it:) you dont need to be fighting a broker and insurance company over issues with a $1000 boat clain last year when your basement just flooded. Just take the time and look into it from all angles, Im sure some Ins. reps will have more to add or dispute, but been there done that and never again HIH
  5. YEAHHHHHHHHHH roll on the spring kings we need some more DINKS like this 33lber
  6. Irish, nice fish for sure Terry, JJ gave me a price of $7.00 an inch for a replica I personally thought that was a real good deal, give me a few weeks and ill post a pic of how it turns out cheers ian
  7. Irish, yes i kept the fish cause (one) it was weighed in for the derby 33lbs and (two) i didnt know what to do about a mount. The guy told me yesterday that a salmon skin mount will last approx 5 years and then start to deteriorate, at what rate depends on the location its in, could last 20 years, a replica all he needs is the length and girth and will last a life time fo a $1.00 an inch more !!!! This fish was caught by my daughter so id like for her to have it a long time, as for advanced, yes they do have a nice website and you cant doubt there work, however, they will not give you a price or even a ball park till your there and then they set the hook,,,hahahahah,, JJ if im correct used to work at advanced and then started his own line so hopefully all should be ok, and he did come recomended by a few board members also. Will let you know how it turns out . Again thnx for the assistance guys Cheers ian
  8. thanks Maureen, that was the one, $7.00 an inch for a replica. thanks again Ian
  9. Looking for some quick help boyzzzzzzz, during the summer my daughter caught a nice fish and we kept it to get a replica made and someone had posted about a place in Brampton I thing, it wasnt advanced and the number, if i remember right it was a house, does anyone know were im talking about or a link to search the old posts from aug/sep time? want to take the fish there today if we can. cheeers and thanks for any help Ian
  10. overheard a conversation at work today and one guy was saying that there are new laws in place for 2007 regarding trailers and including boat trailers? of specific concern to me was that tandem axle trailers need to be certified yearly along with the towing vehicle, anyone have any input as to what is the rules now? I for one think that certification is a good thing just dont need to be ignorant of any new laws cheers ian
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