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Everything posted by HookNrelease

  1. hey Greg i called you at the office this morning and finally got to speak to Andy were all stunned, your 905 cell number yours or theirs? i tried to call you earlier. chin up dude,, keep in touch cheers Ian
  2. Hey English, I enjoyed reading your posts and remembering the days,,,lol,, i came over from the North west, Lancs, 18 years ago, and now cant believe the salmon fishing we have here in Toronto, right on our doorstep, got the boat that we would never dream of back home, kitted out and ow my kids fight 30 pound plus salmon during the summer, sure beats heading up to Ulswater for a day of 2 lb browns and then to seaforth docks for flatties and makeral, Oh but i do miss the stop off in Blackpool on the way home at night,,,hahahaha. Its hard for people here to understand that you need a seperate rod license for each county, plus you have to pay to fish or join a club to be able to fish anywhere except the sea. If your ever over this way we should set up an ENGLISH salmon charter trip...lol get all the expats on my small boat,,,hahahahha cheers Ian
  3. R & W Charters George Watkins 4504 Trent Trail Washago, ON L0K 2B0 416-518-5048 cell 905-689-1085 fax [email protected] www.fishnfun.net George is a super great guy and his 34ft silverton is well equipped and docked at whitby, one well seasoned charter boat that can get you on fish. cherrs ian
  4. wow some nice fish caught there and looks like a great time had by all. just AN FYI, they stopped the weekly draws 2 years ago for the sun derby, now its just fish that make the top ten that get a prize, they actually advertise for you to check the minimum qualifying weights befor weighing in to avoid culling unecesarrily.. but from your report thats a minor issue anyways,, just love the brown, way to go cheers Ian
  5. hahahah thats too funny, buddy in the boat was taking your picture too, man those whities hes wearing look like an ad for adult incontinent products nice fish by the way cheers
  6. the funny thing is that from back home we all have jokes about some other part of the country, being from the North west myself, the one i always had to laugh at was,,,,, what time is it when theres a pie on the mantle piece ? summit to aight
  7. once asked a yorkshire man the difference between a camera and a welly (rubber boot) and the reply was,,,,,,, one takes photos tuther takes five toes,,,
  8. our plant is 70,000Sq.ft, and we have approx 30,000 sq.ft of powder coat ovens running at 450F for 18 hours a day, PLUS our 17 stages of pre-treatments which are like a drive through car wash, we run outside to cool down and dry off,,,hahahahhahah, its funny how you can get used to certain things, but yes its certainly hot today
  9. not a scout but the Boys brigade back in the UK, similar things and fun to, still have great memories, i guess with everything the way it is today you cant do the things we did due to laws and regulations, insurance needs and all the other nonsense that seems to have been put together to take the fun out of being a kid
  10. i keep leaving the keys in the wifes 1992 caravan and it wont dissapear,,,lol
  11. I dont mean to upset any insurance brokers that may be on here but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, do you honestly believe that your loyalty to a mega million $ company will mean anything at all ifand when god forbid, you need and want them? they will stretch you out and short change you any which way they can to save a buck, and if anyone tries to tell you different well my opinion is there a fool ! you may get so called discounts from your current insurer based on long term, but chances are your gonna get the same down the road if you switch, why not go to your broker and tell them you have a competive quote and see if they will match it, lets see how loyal they are to you for $350.oo sorry to rant a bit but a mute point for me personally with one big named company say no more JMO Cheers
  12. well i have some real nice photos of the fish from the night it was landed, however at this time ESPN among a whole host of other sponsors have signed up all the rights to all pictures and info, so unfortunately without the right logos on each picture i cant post them as hoped, ah well im sure they will all come out sooner or later
  13. Doug, I have a number of pictures that were taken tuesday night, as soon as the boys give permission ill post them right here. cheers ian
  14. the fish was caught June 5th, 2 days ago, and will be upto the IGFA to approve, they actually caught 30 plus pound fish going for the 8lb class record last year and were denied as when the IGFA tested the line it broke at 8.89lbs and the limit is 8.81lbs , thats when they decided to spool 6lb so they would either make the 6lb or 8lb class range either way. they have been after these records for a number of years now, some true 26year old die hards
  15. just recieved an e-mail from a friend who`s two brothers just broke their own and the world class record for a Rainbow trout right here in Canada, Im looking with my mout wide open at pictures of this beast, get this 34 inch girth, 38.75 inches long and weighed officially at 43.6 LBS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and just for fun they caught it on 6 lb test line,,,,,,,,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as soon as i get the ok from them ill post the pictures,,, totally Amazingggggggggggg cheers ian
  16. basically as gerrit said I have seen the marina have the kids do the same with chain saws and sledge hammers and throw all the pieces in the dumpster, ive always wondered why theres never a boat wrecker yard like there is for cars, would be handy for guages, bow rails and the like?????? cheers Ian
  17. its all relevant really with many rewards, I personally have 6 kids and yes it does cut into the fishing times, now they are a bit older, youngster is 8, i cant take the time to go fish the weekends away with a buddy but we fish a lot of eavenings and most wekends together, well at least 3 out of 6 are eager. now my fishing time is even more rewarding, I personally enjoy it more seeing their faces light up for a perch, watching them hunt down worms and having them fight over a rod in the boat and then complain they cant fight a 25 # plus salmon anymore. yes i miss the weekends with the boys, but the times i do get out with the mates is a better day than it used to be and overall i find the fishing times are more rewarding and have more meaning to me now than they ever did. just my own opinion cheers ian
  18. you can try calling Select marine - Bill Brown 905-686-6348, he offers mobile service too, hes located in Ajax, has 30 plus years experience and looked after my needs well.
  19. scarboro ??? hahahhahah but can ya handle the big B,,,,LOL,,, talk to ya soon bud Ian
  20. its always better to tow with a vehicle that is rated up and over your max, dont forget the weight of the trailer, people in the vehicle and gear, fuel, gas is approx 10 lbs per gallon if i remember right? my boat weight was hull only as advertised by the manufacturer and did not include the motor and outdrive as they have different options and configurations so i had to re-evaluate the total weight as it sits now,even if your on the limit in weight one thing to think on about towing is that a 19ft boat on a trailer is going to be approx 24 feet long, get trucks passing you and some wind on the highway its gonna get a bit wobbly in the RAV IMHO, i towed a 4500# boat n trailer with a durango, weight was no issue but the swinging of the truck on the highway due to the short wheelbase was a concern, you may be able to do it but be safe Cheers
  21. Hey Bud, found these snippets and kinda similar to yours What is the Maximum recommended RPM for a 3 liter Mercruiser,in a 18 foot Sea Ray? thanks! 4200-4600 I believe heres a good site for info if you ask they will get back to you http://www.themarinedoctor.com/cgi-bin//YaBB.pl cheers ian
  22. anyone drive or driven a Yukon XL with the 5.8L and have any input as to actual gas mileage? looking at a used one for moving the boat and kids around:) cheers ian
  23. durango around the city 10 to 12 mpg towing was lucky to average 8mpg, ball joints and rear springs, intake gaskets, blown motors at 120k, tires for the RT at $1300 a set, full time 4x4 have to keep em even,,,,, all in all id stay far away from another durango personally, regardless of offers of good pricing etc, youll pay soon enough for the difference. just my penny
  24. Thanks Joey, I am looking for a stand alone marine insurance, dont want it with car or house.
  25. I know theres been multiple posts on this subject, I am about to renew my boat insurance and remembered there were a number of OFC`ers that were in the buisiness, If someone is in the GTA and interested in quoting my needs shoot me a PM and ill give you the details and my current quoted rate, Cheers Ian
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