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Everything posted by HookNrelease

  1. can you imagine how big the 46 lb plus would have been in 2002 had it been caught the first week and not the last week
  2. its truly a shame that the MNR have decided to close the salmon hatchery ran by volunteers, that has seen fry size double at release time, have pen inprinting projects run sucessfully,started a night time stocking plan, looked after coho and also stock bows in the rouge, all in all a benificial programm to the Lake, all be moved down south to Normandale, were "i dont care' goverment employees are supposed to take over and move ahead, i cant wait to see or hear them when they have to do a stocking run from normandale to wellington !!!!! theres always been an open door and classroom approach from the hatchery when any school has shown the interest to follow through. cheers ian
  3. was a great fight for him,,, i kept coaching him and to leave the drag alone, hes 11 and was getting excited,,,hahahaha, and on 6lb test too,,,,, i think ive lost my st.croix and shimano set up now,,,, thanks guys
  4. been taking my youngest son to the river over the past 6 weeks or so as hes been asking every weekend, seems hes getting the steelhead addiction, last sunday we spent the day walking up and down, between the two of us we manged a few nice fish 20 to 25 inches, late in the day my son nails this beautiful male steelie, 40 inches and in full colour, i think i was smiling as big as he was also, all fish were released to swim and wait for us on another day cheers
  5. Hey Lew, it was a pleasure to meet you at the dealership, seemed to be the fishing guys day at ford,,,lol,, as i mentioned i traded in my 2009 lariat which was a beut for this beast, have not had time to take an actual pic but this is what i got the same day we met.2010 f150 SVT raptor, all i can say is if you like the ride on an F150 you will not believe the ride in this beast, unbeleivable and the pick up and go is amazing with the SVT tuning. enjoy the truck, I am cheers ian
  6. Heres the official GTA information link, outlining the Maximum Driveway sizes, minimum landscape amount for the front of your house, one interesting point is that it states "In the case of the Toronto, East York, York and Scarborough bylaws, the driveway cannot exceed the width of the parking spaces (garages) located behind the front wall of thebuilding." I have heard that the city has plans to inspect areas and enforce the by-laws, regardless of who what when or where, ie, you buy a house You will be responsible to put back your landscaping or minimze your driveway now that YOU own the property. http://www.toronto.ca/building/pdf/landsca...ments_feb08.pdf cheers Ian
  7. thats the closest and only one around the area your asking about, theres a canadian tire just past the exit to the bluffs on kingston road for some items. cheers ian
  8. kids took dad out over the weekend to supposedely let me fish for a change,hahahah but they ended up steeling the rods again. We had a good weekend with a lot of salmon in the mid 20`s and Junior landed his personal best of 28.64 # cheers Ian
  9. 1971 Saab 96, ford V4 1.5L engine, 4 speed column gear shift, they even had a free wheel coaster to disengage the gearbox when on the highway, almost like an early cruise,to save gas,!!! had two the other was a 1970 then progressed to an Alfa sud 1500TI now that was a snot rocket 140mph boxer 4cylinder with 170hp at the wheels hahahaha cheers ian
  10. from an old journey man when i was an apprentice,,,,, If at first you dont succeed,,,,,,,F it up so no other smart ass can fix it,,,,,
  11. whats even sadder is that this guy has been running charters out on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario for years with a well established business????? makes ya wonder?????
  12. when you change the ownership of the boat do you still have to pay taxes on the value? thnx
  13. Hey guys looking for any reasonable suggestions, I found a stripped out hull of a boat similar to my own, and was trying to get some parts off it as they are not available anymore from the manufacturer due to age and model, such as the quarter window that the kids lost for me ;D etc,, long and short was the marina said i can take anything i want as long as i dispose / remove the hull from their yard, jerks, said i could even borrow the trailer its on to move it,,, so does anyone know of an econimical way to dispose of a 22ft fiberglass hull approx 2500 lbs,,,???? im figuring its not practical nor cheap. thanks Ian
  14. Hey Rob, no video of riding the waves saturday? wasnt that a blast,,, cheers ian
  15. yeah tracker your right it wasnt the north shore thats for sure, cliff, check the winds when your going out and plan your trip somewhat around that,the south shore is sheltered when its westerly and southerly, the bluffs / whitby etc gets sheltered more on a northerly and westerly cheers ian
  16. LOL HH, actually no photoshopping was done,,hahaha we went so far out the haze did the job for us, plus with this upcoming weekend you know i gotta save some details,,lol, cheers ian
  17. hey nate ran various cores of the boards and straight down the chute, as well as the riggers and dipseys, was a great weekend for sure cheers ian
  18. Well after many months of shivering and waiting we finally got to get the boat out this past weekend, testing everything make sure all is good, was a great weekend to be out, and the fish co-operated also. looks like it may be a good year class this year smallest was 12 lbs biggest just under 22lbs, averaged approx 18 lbs, all fish gave a great fight, especially a 20 lber that took the 10 colour lead and ran 500 ft, not much fun trying to get over 1000ft of line back in,,,hahahaha, glad i didnt get that rod. Great day out and look forward to a good year,,enjoy cheers Ian
  19. thanks for the info guys, guess its driving time this weekend:) cheers ian
  20. I have never had the need for a NY usa fishing license before now, but may be heading across that line in the water in the near future, So for someone in Toronto that has never ordered one before online how and where do you get one, I have found that the cost is $40.00, any info or advise would be apprciated. Cheers Ian
  21. if you call around your going to find most registered charter boats charging $450.00 and upewards of $1200.00 for 5 hours during that time of the year, all depends which boat and size the bigger the boat the more it costs, http://www.sportshows.ca/SalmonDerby/boatsEast05.htm, gives you a starting point of charter boats listed with the GOSD. cheers ian
  22. when we were coating the merc power heads the materials we used were locally sourced and compliant in all aspects, you will most likely find a high level of chromium on the aluminum as the chinese have less if any at all legislation and controls, also the finish materials will be initially of the north american formulation but may have waivered as time goes by for cheaper less compliant local chinese products. Also one thing to consider is that over the past 10 years or so the major western world and Na corporations have built plants in china and trained them how to make the product that was made here, the fat cats at the top close to retirement are reaping in the rewards of a higher profit line, they dont care about our future as they are securing their own retirement package. You watch, once china has the bulk of our products and the manufacturing in NA has closed and gone the prices will skyrocket from china, as they will have a captive market. Our manufacturing sector is dying we try to be competitive and keep ahead but if everyone buys cheap instead of thinking a bit and spending a buck or two more, we will end up being just like china in our life times, our kids will be working 15 to 20 hours a day for nothing and we will be supplying china all the sub components the tables will be reversed on us. teach your kids chinese now to secure their future jobs
  23. Ice, i believe with roller trailers it makes a difference based on your boat, i had a light 18ft`er once that was a pain till i put the guide poles on each side to stop the drift, but now with my big ole heavy 5000# 23fter, on rollers i can launch and reload on my own probably quicker and easier than someone with an 18ft aluminum, the main issue is centering the boat when your rollers are 4 foot below water, a smaller lighter boat wont sit on the rollers till you start to draw forward thats were the guide poles really help, i can actually drive my boat 75% onto the trailer and then winch it up the rest of the way, as they say practice makes perfect cheers ian
  24. hey gerrit, i made mention of this a number of years ago on this site, I was coating the power blocks for merc back then, they were cast in wisconsin, trucked to toronto, coated shipped to guelp for machining and sub assembly before being shipped back to merc. the one reason we were told was that merc went to the senate and asked for a tarrif on the japanese outboards being imported to the usa so that they could maintain competition, that was put through, however at that time merc had a deal with Yammy to make their 4 strokes as merc had not made their own at that time, so Yammy gave them the finger and they were forced offshore to china to be competitive. thats what i know and again it will sway some decisions but i believe its 4 years now so the longer it goes it looks like merc are doing due dillagence with their QA??????? cheers ian
  25. Congrats to Joey,,,,,, so when will the product be readily available? or can we order direct, may have an application / test run id like to do before the end of April???? cheers ian
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