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Everything posted by xeon

  1. Yes illegal too. I think there was a thread last week about this. It is illegal to transport any caught fish in water, as people are known to drop them off at little lakes along the way and introduce that species into them for angling use, even though it completly screws up the ecosystem there.
  2. Theres specks in every little creek and ditch north of the soo, so long as there isnt some sort of contaminant running into it. If you hit the right one, you can pull out bigger fish than what the southern ontario guys catch. I think last year out of a culvert 6'' deep and 3-4ft wide I was catching 8-10'' specks, biggest was 12.5''. You'd never even know they were there.
  3. Gota say, been there, done that. First off, dont bother... what a pain in the a$$, espetialy in the hot Toronto summer. You need to make sure the water temperatures are cool (depending on species) and most of the time the baitfish are full of diseases, so sometimes you can loose your batch after a week or two. Also, unless you have a good filter, the water is going to get filled with amonia after a few days because your basicaly overloading the capacity of your tank with all the fish. Warm water doesnt help that at all, it speeds up the metabolism of the fish, making the water quality worse. Frequent water changes are then needed almost every to everyother day, and of course the water has to be dechlorinated and also the same temperature as the tank water as to not shock the fish. But if your really getting hit that hard from the recession, the regular minnows just eat plain old goldfish flakes. Oh and theyre little kamikazes, make sure to put a lid on the tank. For the suckers, well, dont bother. Seriously, dont. Save yourself the hassel, and only buy what you need when your heading out for the day. You can keep them for a few days but again with warm watter, a bunch of 6''+ suckers are going to create one hell of a mess. Youve been warned. If you do do it though, have a fun summer.
  4. Thanks for calling ronnies, but I already tried oldcut, same thing, no rentals till late May. I just want to be able to get out anywhere on longpoint without that huge fish sanctuary to get some pike.
  5. Hello, just wondering if theres any places around longpoint that are renting out boats this early in the year. I called sandboy and oldcut and they dont start renting until the may long weekend. So if you know any other places that rent, let me know. Im almost considering renting a canoe, the water shouldnt be too bad.
  6. I dont know where bens bait and tackle, bells point campground, or the Gitcheegoomi marina is. Im only a part time soo resident...
  7. Thanks so far to people who have contributed, your places have either been added, or are being added.
  8. Well, if I did it all in mapsource I may be able to export the waypoints to google maps, as well as have a copy of them on mapsource.... Ill check it out for you. Sorry, I cant quite get it to work. I can only export waypoints to gps, not POIs. So basically it would be a pain in the arse to use on a gps. Checking out the map beforehand, and setting a waypoint on your gps is the only way.
  9. View Tackle/Bait/Boat Launch Map in a larger map WORK IN PROGRESS! If you cannot view the map above, plaese click the "View Tackle/Bait/Boat Launch Map in a larger map. If you would like to add a Tackle Shop, Bait Shop, or Boat Launch to the map please: 1) Post a Reply or Private Message me with the FULL address of the Store or Boat Launch with an optional breif description OR 2) If you would like to get involved with the project and update the map as things go, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE with your email address. You may need a GMail account, or you will have to register your existing email through Google (ex:hotmail, yahoo, ect). Please avoid giving a review of the store (ex: Customer Service, High/Low Prices, ect). However try to include the following if you want: Hours, Contact Info, Products Carried, or the Cost of the Boat Launch. Please DO NOT post any fishing spots!And yes I know, it probably starts off zoomed way in on Sault Ste. Marie. Edit: I have most of the major tackle and bait stores up, so if anyone knows any of those smaller family owned stores please post the address. I also only have a few boat launches posted, so again if you know where one is just give a couple of streets around it and I should be able to find it. And thanks to people who have contributed!
  10. Whats your budget?
  11. BUMP BUH- BUMP BUMP! Dont let nautifish loose her hotdog cart! Call the arcade and give em hell!
  12. Thanks for the suggestions guys, picked up a Viking suit today at Marks. Ill make sure to field test it all summer.
  13. Do you guys even know what trout tickling is? Like seriously guys.
  14. Any good stores around the area that sell decent rainwear? Im just looking for a decent jacket and pants/bibs. Thanks
  15. Usually you wont, you just have to pick a spoon that is light that will be drifted in the current, which will mean shortening/lengthing the leader lengths to conditions. Then if lure leader is twisted around the weight leader it will all untwist and should run ok. The rigs pretty much a bottom bouncer.
  16. HAHAHAHAHAAA now that is hilarious
  17. 3way swivel with a 1-6ft leader attached to a 1-4oz weight, then attach your spoon to a 3-8ft leader and let the current spin it, if its fast enough.
  18. Generally people dont own the lake bed, not sure in the case of the marina though. I think theyll kick you out because in the slight chance you screw up a cast and hook into the carpet or cover of somones boat. You would probably cut the line and run away and leave the boat owner with a nice hole in his cover or leave other damage. Remember the old saying: "Unless you have business there, you dont have business there." Theres usually better places than marinas to fish too. Sure ive seen 5-8lb bass hanging under the docks but I'd rather hit the open water.
  19. You guys have NEVER seen the Sault strippers. They all kinda look like GDC in that one picture where he's holding a striped bass without a shirt on.
  20. Welcome to the board kewl-blue. Keep in mind when your planning on releasing fish, take care to not harm their slime coat. Putting them on the ground like that is terrible for it. The dry dirt or grass will absorb it all like a sponge. But at the end of the day, youre really doing the fish more of a favor releasing it than keeping it, so good for you.
  21. lol your right, their friends would. But seriously, lets see some of the bigger ones in your bucket.
  22. They dont say where they were because it would ruin their spot when the name gets on this, or another fishing board or through word of mouth and the spot gets screwed over by everyone in Toronto and Barrie area who will be coming to Simcoe the next weekend to try out that new hot spot.
  23. How far away are you from the arcade? I could see if your 40-50m or more away than whatever, but under that you should respect the other business. Also, have you tried talking to the people at the arcade? Im pretty sure most nerds dont get along too well with the outdoors so go in there with a cool head and talk to the manager and work something out. You do really have to put this all into perspective though, if you owned a resturaunt and someone set up a hotdog stand infront of your business, you too would be a bit irretated. And if they change the rules for you, they have to change the rules for everyone, which will cause more problems for everyone. Wish you the best with your petition though, the city should realize that the markets you and the arcade are selling too are completly different. Also, what are the rules on the bait place getting the vendors permit instead of you?
  24. Honesty is the best policy. phone, email, and mail daiwa and tell them what happened and include that picture. Usually no place will take that back without a recipet, so you kinda did yourself in there. Talk to the store you bought it at if its a local tackle shop, and ask for the manager, maybe you can work out some kind of deal on a new one. If your polite about it, and the managers a dick about it, tell him your going to goto (insert other local tackle shop name here) because they have the same one for 50cents cheaper then walk out.
  25. If your 6lb line broke on a 10'' sucker, you sir, bought garbage line. I've taken 30'' pike this winter on 4lb, no leader. Buy some Trilene smooth casting or extra tuff, both good lines. Also, go to a local tackle/bait shop and just ask them what rivers have fish in them around the area. Also, try checking the regs for your area and look at the creeks and rivers that have fishing sancutaries on them in the spring(your first clue theres fish in it) then look at creeks around the area. Also, not just any trib will have trout in them, and the ones that do and are well known are packed to the brim with people. Thats why that creek you were at where you saw those big guys would probably be the place to go (but check the regs it might be a sanctuary). Things youll need for a basic setup: Roe bags or Yarn balls Leader Line (4-6lb depending how you have your drag set) Small swivels to connect your main line to your leader small split shot or pencil weights this is helpful http://www.raventackle.com/Shotting%20Patterns.pdf floats (scroll down to the bottom of the page to get an idea of what kind you need) http://www.centerpinangling.com/floats.html waiders/rubber boots camera a buddy who knows what theyre doing Good luck and keep reading the posts. Question for you: Do you like any of the fish (except the salmon) in the blue Highliner boxes at the grocery store? All bottom feeders, enjoy. Id be concerned about higher Mercury levels and such in the fish. And personally, you couldnt pay me enough to eat a big trout out of Lk Ontario.
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