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Everything posted by BigSmallie

  1. I caught a golf club once, hooked it in the rubber handle.
  2. Go to the line spooling clinic that most tackle stores have. Our local shop just had Berkley braid on for 5 cents/foot would have cost $3.30 for each reel. 8 reels would have cost almost the same as one spool from CT.
  3. These two maps will give you a good idea of where to drift. http://www.outdoorsniagara.com/Maps.htm
  4. I saw that show too. They look amazing and the ability to add or take away weights to vary the action makes them versatile. $20 for a swimbait is a good price.
  5. I picked up a couple of these viper spoons for my up coming Pike Tournament. Similar to the Spoon and twister but you can add any plastic to it.
  6. I checked out the line, it looks decent, The product has been in the U.S. for a quite a while but since Shimano bought Powerpro , the Canadian distributor chose to promote the new line. It did sell well. Spider Thread is a completely different company than Spider Wire.
  7. Accuracy of casts is the big benefit to throwing any lure on a baitcaster. Yes you can skip a dock with a spinning rodeasier but try to cast to a precise point and you have no control. Using a heavier rod allows you to horse a fish out of cover and a baitcasting reel has quicker line pick-up to get a fish away from trouble and to the boat quicker. Open water fishing, I agree spinning would get the job done. I'm sure Tiger Woods could play a whole round of golf with just a 9 iron and still shoot great but give him the proper tools and look out!
  8. I throw all my senkos on a Quantum PT Med Hvy baitcaster with no problems. You just have to dial in the reel correctly.
  9. http://www.canadiantire.ca/jumpstart/
  10. I've seen these in few mags, comes complete, just hook up hoses and battery, http://www.fishmatepro.com/AboutUs.aspx
  11. I know Blue Water optics does prescription glasses and the price club does polarized lenses in some styles. http://www.bluewateroptics.com/
  12. It's the prize for winning the BASSmaster classic. They had to qualify to get there and then to win it all is a huge accomplishment. The top prize in the regular season T's is $100,000.
  13. Skeet Reese wins!!
  14. It does say "The fish appears to have broken the existing world record for a tiger muskie caught with a tip-up, " so it is only a tip up record and not a world record for all angling types? Still beautiful markings.
  15. Aaron Martens or Tim Horton.
  16. Fishing World and Natural Sports both had a good selection.
  17. That wasn't actual footage of them catching the fish......that was actual footage on the dock. That guy spent 70 days in a row on the water if that's not fishing than I don't know what is. To catch the same fish 5 years later is incredible. To have a shot at pitching a jig to the Biggest Freaking Bass in the World is nothing short of astounding! But I guess your right thats not what fishing is all about.......pass me the worms and a bobber......
  18. That fish was worth millions in endorsements. The way they hunted that fish was no different than hunting an animal. You pre-scout, sometime bait the area and wait for that perfect time and opportunity to take your shot. These guys spent a lot of time on the water for that one shot and got unlucky. Could be years before another one like that comes along. Here's the follow up article http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/fishing...ecord_bass_dies
  19. Spawning season is when the big ones are at their heaviest. It's a fact of life fishing the spawn in the south and the next world record will be a spawning fish without a doubt. The next world record was caught but the hook was on the outside of the mouth and California laws say that it has to be inside the mouth so he let it go. 'Dottie' had been watched for years by one angler and she ended up being found dead presumably dying of old age. A 'snagged' fish in California is different than a snagged fish here. If you catch a fish with a jerkbait and the hooks pull out of the mouth or the fish get stuck outside the mouth that is a legal fish in Ontario as you weren't purposely trying to snag the fish in California your supposed to release that same fish.
  20. 20 minutes a day could be enough if it's high intensity. Running hard on the tread mill for 20 minutes will have a much greater effect than walking for hour. I do a high intensity dumbbell routine at home, takes 20 minutes but I'm pooped by the end of it. Quality is far more important than quantity. Intensity continues to burn calories after you've worked out. I've been watching the biggest Loser TV show and if a 400lb guy can hike up a mountain or run at 7mph on a treadmill then I should have no excuse. I've never been large but find that weight gain is a lot easier as you age so I'm trying my best to stay ahead of it. Lost 14 pounds since Jan 1st, another 10 more to go.
  21. I find lowering carb intake(i.e. bread. pasta, rice, potatoes) are the big ones for me. If I eat carbs they are wholewheat bread and wholewheat pasta. At dinner I can have a giant steak but I have two vegetables with it instead of potatoes. Making sure to have healthy snacks between meals so you never feel hungry. Smaller portions are also good. Beer is the worst for me so I've started to drink rye and diet coke to lower calories if I have drinks. If your going to drink 3-4 days a week you better be running marathons cause those extra calories will catch up to you. I also found that fruit juices, as much as I considered them healthy, are empty calories. Better off to eat an apple than drink a glass of apple juice. I agree with the bringing your lunch. Even if it's a frozen dinner you can limit your calories and portion size, not to mention save a ton of money. I've started to look at few nutrition charts to see how bad some of the stuff I enjoy is and it makes me think twice now. Timmy's was a regular spot for me. Breakfast sandwich..over 500 calories....the new Whole Grain Rasberry Muffin sounds good but 400 calories, it's one of their worst muffins but sounds nutritious?? Better off to grab a whole sandwich or a soup instead of the muffin.
  22. Senko was the actual name by Yamamto but now is a genric term for all baits of that shape, dingers, tiki sticks, quiver sticks, etc. Similar to Kleenex which is an actual brand of facial tissue but we call all facial tissue Kleenex now.
  23. This debate has and will continue to go on for years. You either love tournaments or hate them. The tournament guys are fisherman first and competitors second and no matter how much cash is on the line the resources comes first. Yes there will be a little post mortality but nothing compared to years ago and nothing compared to what it would be like if this generation of tournament anglers had been raised as meat hunters. Many clubs have instituted small limits for tournaments(4 fish instead of 5) to help protect the fishery. BASS instituted a 3 fish co-angler limit the last time on Erie to help the fishery. We have come a long way and there is still some work to do. I have been tournament angling for over 10 years and have only seen the fishing improve.
  24. That's a $600 interest savings and no chance of ever recovering the $10,000? I don't think that is a no brainer.......
  25. The reason most people don't make any money on mutual funds is they sell when things are down and buy back when things look great.....the opposite of what you should be doing. How many people bought Nortel GIC's aren't without risk either........With GIC's yes your princpal is secure and if you can reach your goals by earning 4% then that is great but you don't gain purchasing power. You investments might be growing but your just keeping pace with inflation and not actually gaining any purchasing power. For non-RSP GIC's your actually not keeping pace with inflation once you factor in taxation so you are actually losing purchasing power. In the short term GIC's can look great but if you have a 10+ year time horizon mutual funds make more sense. It's always best to sit down with a professional and figure out your goals first and then make investment choices instead of the other way around. Chat with 2 or 3 professionals if it helps to see if there is a general consensus. Investment planning is but a small part of Financial Planning......
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