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Everything posted by BigSmallie

  1. Found this out at Christmas party lasty week...Bob Izumi has his own label..... http://www.coyotesrunwinery.com/Izumi.html
  2. I agree with JP, for casting mono or floro, for pitching and flipping heavy braid.
  3. Yup what he said. Just a word of caution on the antenna upgrade. It will now cause the antenna to continuosly draw power(net working purposes) even when the main unit is off so be sure it is attached to a master power switch. I found out the hard way with a motor that wouldn't start a couple times until I finally figured out what it was. Same unit as yours.
  4. If it was a small town, the Mayor may have been driving the snow plow with all the budget cutbacks.
  5. I chatted with Grant at Koppers and he does not know who the original poster is(his pic and e-mail address are in his profile) so you should give the poster the benefit of the doubt. He's been signed up since June before making his first post and he is also contributing on other threads. You guys are quick to judge.
  6. As far as price goes I believe you get what you pay for most of the time in any type of fishing gear(rods, reels, line, hooks, lures). Yes you can catch fish on lures you get at the dollar store but after spending a lot of time on the water and dollars in the stores I've switched to more quality baits as they do catch more fish and tend to stand up longer to the abuse. Steve, there is a 4 3/4 inch perch crank coming for the larger game fish. For those interested here is a sneak peak at the additions for 2009. Smelt jerkbait and deepdiver(silver & gold), Crawfish rattle trap (i've never seen anything like this one on the market), smallmouth bass crank(detail is amazing) and a larger crawfish crank. Singingdog, the life like fins and body details create additional flash points where as a lot of baits are smooth bodies with painted details which don't give off any additional flash.
  7. Pike Slayer, there are three different finishes to the perch lure for different applications. Flat, Gloss, and Florescent. I'm on Pro Staff with Koppers so I'd be happy to pass on any suggestions or comments. Everyone has they're own favorites and confidence lures so you can never make everyone happy. Grant's goal is to match the hatch just like fly fisherman so you will only see lures that look like the real thing with as much detail as possible.
  8. A Clock, so you can calculate how mad the Mrs. is going to be by how many hours ago you said you would be home.
  9. There is an ice boom camera, doesn't appear to be working today?? http://www.iceboom.nypa.gov/include.htm
  10. Mine is FYSHN, some I've seen around Niagara GNFISHIN, ROEBAG, 2 4 BASS, SMBASS, WE B FISHN.
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