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Everything posted by drufis

  1. Everyone seems to have had a tough go of it out there, here is a little good news for you, even though we were up there 1st week of September, when you are coming out of pleasent cove my brother in law caught them in the farthest bay to the right. Some really good weeds and dropoffs. 10 lbs pike Good luck
  2. I posted this last November, My First Walleye Hello Everyone, We were able to get out on Rice Lake on Saturday morning, however before my report I have to thank my 22 month year old daughter. About 3 weeks ago the family went to wal-mart, while my wife and the eldest went to go look at something the youngest and myself went over to where else the Fishing aisle. Well she picked a pack of 3 wild perch Storm lures off the shelf, I let her carry them around for a bit but when I tried to take them back from her and put them back on the shelf she just kept crying and carrying on. So I let her carry them around the store until we were ready to check out. Again when we got to the check out counter she would not give them up. Well $5 is well worth the price of keeping her quite all the way home and even the wife said just buy them. Well since then I have been on the water a couple of times and been skunked. So Friday night the wife said don’t forget you have those fish things up stairs. So I put them in the tackle box and a way we went My girl and the storm lure she picked. Well 6 of us took off for Rice lake, Nice cool November morning Fished for about 20 min, then I remembered the lures in my box so I figured I might as well give it a shot, about 5 minutes later I pulled this out of the lake, my first Walleye. So I guess the moral of the story is grab your kids, nieces, nephews or neighbors kids and head on over to the tackle shop and let them pick Good luck to everyone going to BOQ looking forward to your reports
  3. Hello all, Never really used top water lures until this past week. What a rush to see those bass come to the surface and snatch that lure, we used them especially in the early early morning and a bit at night. Couple of questions, for targetting bass, - Do top water baits produce bigger fish, all the fish we caught on top water baits were between 3-5 pounds, will smaller fish hit them also. - What is your favorite lure to use at night. Have a good one
  4. Hello all, Well myself and the family rented a cottage up in Parry Sound off Harris Lake, went up with my sisters family also. Need a vacation after spending a week with 4 kids under 4years old. Everyone had a blast and the brother in law and I even got some fishing in. Harris Lake produced tons of bass (some hitting 4lbs) and a ton of Pike (biggest one we caught was 5lbs) the fun thing was fishing early morning and night fishing, just out the cottage and off to the dock. However we did get over to one of our favorite spots Point of Barril for about 4 hours one morning and had a good day on the water. Point of Barril Brother in law 10lbs Pike Brother in law 4lbs Bass Me with a Bass This was great, one of the cottages that we see all the time has a Ronald McDonald on the Dock, and I have my brother in law’s brother convinced that it is a real mini McDonalds on the water with a Dock Drive Up window but we could not go because they are only open on weekends. Well September is here so get out and fish, fall is my favorite time to get out there, the white stuff and hard water will be here before you know it! Good luck to all.
  5. Have a cottage rented for a week with the family at Harris Lake in Parry Sound with my sister's family. Brother in Law is bringing up the boat but we have no idea what to expect regarding fish. Anyone fish it before? Thanks
  6. Crocs for all the way My brother in laws feet used to hurt at the end of a fishing day (he would wear running shoes) I got him a pair of crocs and now he wears nothing else but and says his feet don't hurt after a day of fishing.
  7. Hutch, We we have been up there a couple of times for the last three years. Bruce is the owner and he will take care of you. Give them a call and he can set you up with a real experienced guide. I echo what Ohiofisherman said, careful when you are navigating the water, we know the area pretty well and my brother in law still managaged to take out his prop ($300 later). Fishing is great, Pike, Bass and walleye, you can usaually hook into a couple monster pike. We were up for the long weekend in May, a father and son were out early morning, first time taking his son fishing and he caught a 14Lbs Pike trolling out from the resort. We did not catch any monsters but we had a great time, here are some pictures of fish all caught from about 5min form the resort. Xrap perch pattern has given me the best luck up there. Good Luck, take lots of pictures.
  8. Hello all, Got out for about two hours, after reading the thread about Senko lures (I had never used them before either) I decided to give them a try. Tons of bites and fish, here are a couple of the larger ones, did not get into any real monster bass but we were also only out for a couple of hours. Looking forward to giving them a longer test. However the reason I only went out for a couple of hours was that I wanted to take my girls fishing from shore. I had an even better time watching the 2 and 4 year old catching sunfish. Who would have thought a small hook and some corn would generate so much fun. The little one actually hooked a fish, snagged some weeds. gave it a hard yank and the fish landed right in her lap. I was waiting for the tears but instead she just started laughing and yelling "fishy on my leg" priceless. Hope everyone had a great weekend fishing. couple of bass after using senko lure for the first time The girls fishing
  9. Send me a PM with your phone number if you want I will give you a call. I worked for a pool company from the age of 16 to 25 all through high school and university. I have an inground now and have done everything from installing them, painting them, cleaning them etc.... Nothing like being the pool boy growing up and servicing all those Toronto Condos. Cheers
  10. Hello all, Looking for somewhere to take the 2 year old and 4 year old for a couple of hours from shore or a dock to fish for perch, sunfish etc.... Just so they can have some fun. I am in Richmond Hill if anyone has any suggestions either north or east about 2 hours or so, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Got out near orillia today, I usually don't pay a ton of attention to the weather but that drop in temperature from Wednesday to today really slowed things up. We did not have a ton of time on the water but after about 3 hours of nothing but a few small perch, my brother in law finally hooked into something worth taking a picture of and I finally hooked into a couple all with in about 20 min. It's amazing how a fun half hour will keep you coming back for more and leave you with a smile on your face all the way home. Hope everyone has a great time on the water this weekend.
  12. Congrats...... Great job What's next on the list ????
  13. Speechless.....Congrats!!!
  14. Congrats.... Great looking fish
  15. Stoty The BPS sale on Senko's goes untill July 8th. Buy 2 packs get one free. They also have a coupon in the back of the flyer spend $50 and get $5 off. You know if you go to the BPS store you are not going to come out with only the Senko's LOL... So bring in $50 and leave the rest of your cards and wallet in the car LOL.... Cheers
  16. Sorry Musky Max not sure if I got it the first time, what is that website again? Just kidding, I think?
  17. Hope everyone had a great fishing weekend, Went out fishing in Orillia with the brother in law and one other, ran into some technical difficulties that we won't get into, long story short we fished for about 2 hours. I brought the ipod and a radio. We debated over if playing music would spook the fish or not. The results were: Fished for one hour and 45min with no music on and caught nothing, fished the last 15 min with the music on (not very loud) and we caught a 5lbs and 3lbs pike. I know this is just coincidence but who fishes with music on and who fishes with out. Does the music spook the fish? However I have to admit it was nice to have some music on the boat, I just wish I could remember what was playing when we hooked into these fish, all fish were released so we could serenade them again. Have a good one
  18. Dutch, My brother in law is putting his boat in the trader on Thurs, It is a Lowe with a 25 on the back, included is trailer, trolling motor, fish finder. Just put it in the water and go. We used it for about 3 months last year Sept - Nov and it ran great, no problems. He is selling it because he just upgraded to a bigger boat. Not sure what he is asking, I think around $6200. Send me a PM if you want his number.
  19. Nice looking fish, congrats. All it takes is one nice pike like that to make it all worth while.
  20. Dude, Brad Paisley I am with you, best "fishing" song out there. I laugh everytime I hear it. Especially if my wife is with me at the time.
  21. Wow, great report, that is what it is all about.
  22. Great Job, thanks for the report all the pics, looks like you had a great day.
  23. Nice looking fish, yes spring is around the corner. Hopefully.
  24. Not sure if this has been posted yet but here is a really cool read from ESPN on as they put it "Flat-out mean and ugly: 10 scariest fish on planet" http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/tv/colu...est_fish_Part_I Cheers
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