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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Every time I read about the govt. screwing us over just increases my resolve to move out of this country when I retire.

    I have a spot picked out that is warm, friendly and most importantly overrun with giant hungry fish.

    And as a bonus you can live well on $2K a month.

    I figure on my pension, OAS, CPP etc I will be able to live like a king!!!!

    OH, and gas is 1/2 the price or less!!!

    Gotta fill up the offshore center console!!!! :D

  2. And in hockey news...




    But wait! There's more!




    This is like shooting Senators in a barrel...Here's the "Why the Sens suck" by Sportsnet





    So much fantastic reading material available about the Senators!!! Matt, where do you find the time? During their games? :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:


    So they're not the second coming? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

  3. Labour accounts for 60% of corporate expenses. I wonder where a "businessman" would start cutting if he were PM. Great way to bring jobs to the country....


    And while parliament isn't in session, I don't know how much "work" a PM can do. part of politicking is getting your face out there amongst the masses and taking the temperature of the electorate, not hiding away in an office avoiding press and exposure. If we weren't constantly reminded, I bet many Canadians would have forgot what Harper looked like. Accountability? Sure. How many press conferences was Harper available for that he didn't march out on because he didn't like the questions being asked? His very first press conference as PM he threw a hissy fit because he couldn't mandate which reporters could ask him questions.


    Just thought I'd throw that in there before this gets locked.


    A businessman would cut back on high corporate taxes to ease the burden on them.

    He would offer incentives to companies to keep their businesses in Canada. ;)

  4. The last time the leafs won the cup was the year my folks brought me to Canada from England to live.

    Didn't know what hockey was at the time being 5 but it wasn't long before I became a lifelong Leafs fan.

    I didn't jump ship during the Ballard years which would have been easy to do as he was the biggest #$%^ in the hockey world.

    But they are the Leafs, my Leafs!!!

    I still cheer for other teams (as long as they aren't playing my Toronto Maple Leafs) ;)

    This week Lou and Shanny confirmed what I already knew, that the Buds are ahead of schedule!!!! :wub:

    I still don't expect to see them in the playoffs this year although it could happen.

    I now however do expect to see them in the playoffs next year.

    And I think they will still be ahead of schedule if they do get in next year.


    These are exciting times to be a Leafs fan!!! :D

  5. What do you expect hes nothing more than a high school drama teacher in a rush to get us to a trillion in dept all while chasing away industry with his over the top policies. Bash trump but he will eat trudeau alive, Hopefully in four years we will elect someone with a business education and experience to fight for jobs




    I've always said the country, provinces, cities and towns need to be run as a business.

    Therefore we need business men and women not politicians in control.

    I lived in Mississauga most of my life and Hurricane Hazel new how to get it done with out racking up taxes and debt!!!

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