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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I replaced my radio last year with an Icom unit (Icom VHF) It's a sweet little radio that will fit in the smallest of places. Plus it is also DSC enabled, which means that it can when hooked up to your GPS transmit your position during an emergency. As for antennas, the difference in pricing is due to materials and size. Antennas can go from little 3 foot stainless whips to 8 or 10 foot fiberglass antennas. It depends on your boat as to what you will need for an antenna. My boat is an 18 foot fishing boat so I went with one of the short stainless models. The higher your antenna the better the range you will get. With my short antenna close to water level I get from 5 to 7 miles range on the radios hi-power setting. On my friends 36 Hatteras with 8 foot antenna mounted on the fly bridge he gets 15 to 15 miles depending on atmospheric conditions. If you run an open boat like me you will want a fully water-proof unit. I am extremely happy with my Icom, it's a full featured radio at a reasonable price.

    This is the antenna I am using: Low Profile Antenna


    And this is what my radio looks like installed in the console of my boat, plus you can see the bottom of my antenna:




    The DSC feature is nice because any one can use it. Just let people that come on your boat what needs to be done in an emergency.

    To send out a distress signal you just have to flip the little red cover on the front of the radio open and press the switch underneath it. This will send out an automated distress signal with your GPS position.

  2. AGREED! I got sick of throwing out gas grills. walking out to empty tanks, brittle flaked out burners.........half flames, hot spots and cold spots............I had a big falling out with these things and REFUSE TO BUY ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No i did not have a $1000 dollar grill, but i refuse to spend that kinda money to cook steak or burgers 3 months outta the year lol.


    I think charcoal is alot easier. Dump, light, cook, dump



    I don't know where you live Blaque, but I live in the Arctic and BBQ 12 months of the year!!!!

    You'll find me out in my covered porch in a tee shirt at -50 with my buddy sunflower heater going barbecuing up a storm. :lol:

  3. I owned one briefly - I think the one I had was made in Russia. I paid $16 for it new. Got it mostly as a novelty toy and a loaner reel...Used it once. Tolerances were poor. It wobbled when you spun it and my 8lb mainline found its way into the back of the spool. I landed a few dozen suckers with it though.


    I sold it to my friend who insisted it was a prototype JW Young Great Lakes Steelheader reel. I told him otherwise (more than once) but he offered me good cash for it and I sold it to him. He sold it shortly afterward.LOL


    You're better off with another reel. Perhaps something like an Okuma Aventa if you're looking for a decent reel for cheap.




  4. If at home, I put the remains securely wrapped in the freezer until garbage night and then put them into the community provided "gree" bins that the city picks up for composting. Freezing keeps the garage and the neighbourhood from stinking. :)


    I don't have to worry about stinking up the place for 7 months of the year here in my frozen wasteland. Wink-Smiley-male-happy-smiley-smile.gif

  5. As Karl said, blue fin tuna will make a boy out of a man. I have heard first hand of fights that last over 24 hours!



    I remember seeing a show where Lee Wulf was fishing blue fin tuna.

    The shot I still remember nearly 30 years after seeing the show was aired was a shot from the fly bridge of an umbrella rig in the prop wash and the head of a 1000# tuna came out of no where. The head on it was the size of a volkswagon and it had an eye as big as a dinner plate. Awesome!!!!!! :D

  6. I'm hoping that someone in town chose this week to clean out their buffalo corral. It's easier to turn the other cheek/take the high road when the other guy is toting bags of warm stinky buffalo poop to the truck. :D




    You guys farm Buffalo Poop down there??

    The stuff grows wild up here. :lol:



  7. Reeds Sporting Goods in Minnesota has the top of the line Marcum LX5 Flashers on sale for $299 US plus $29 shipping (to Canada) $15 (to US)

    This is an awesome deal if you are looking for a new flasher for ice fishing.

    They are listed on their web site as $499 on sale. You need to call them for the $299 deal.

    Mods, if this post is inappropriate please delete it.

  8. I guess anyone who doesn't have it as good as you is white trash! It's a shame we all don't have extra time outta our workday to be posting on an Ontario Fishing board from Saskatchewan, I betcha he would love to use your computer to look for a job! <_<


    As far as I see it you didn't do your job right and got mad this "white trash, inferior" guy called and complained. Shame on him it is his fault! If he was as much White trash as you say he is he would of left his dog crap in the yard for you to step in! Whatever happened to a little compassion, 2 sides to every story now everyone has the other!



    I'm sure he's a stand up guy, that's why he's doing community service.

    OH wait a minute, it was court ordered. Definately white trash.

  9. Cliff

    you need to attend the Solopaddler seminar series to learn all you need to know about ice fishing, walleye fishing, laker, steelhead and brookie fishing.

    I think he even caught one of them bass things once. :P

    Coming to a fishing hot spot near you soon!!!! :lol:

    Sign up early as spots are limited!!!!

  10. Whities are yummy!! :P

    Real Northern Lake Trout are yummy too!!! :D

    Not those grease balls you guys grow down south, but a good northern one like they grow in my area. :lol:

    I think Moosebunk has eaten a couple of good northern Lakers and he can confirm their eating qualities.

    Ling are as good or better than any fresh water fish out there.

  11. Ya got a good point there Drifter....BUT I'll be doing the




    come softwater season thinkin about you fishing all those awesome Lakes up there :angry:


    They are easier to get to when they are frozen. ;)

    Late March and April are sweet months for ice fishing, relatively warm and super sunny all the time.

    You can get a pretty wicked sunburn here in the spring. B)




    You said it. It's so much better than commuting to Toronto every day. I just wish it was a bit warmer some times. :D

  12. But not fer me!!!! cry2-male-cry-tears-smiley-emoticon.gif

    We're 6 months into our Northern winter and it still feels like the middle of winter up here.

    It's a balmy -49 with the wind this morning and I'm ticked because I don't want to walk 3 blocks into the wind to pick up a nice Mocha. :angry:

    I looks like it is going to start warming up un Sunday, if you can call -17 warm.



  13. I'd like to just look at things one year at a time and so this year, I'd like to get into a Gar pike. That'll knock one off the list. That way, if I meet my maker by some unfortunate turn of events,I'm not going to be dissapointed if I don't get a Marlin, Alaskan Halibut, Tarpon, Mako,or Peacock Bass.



    I could go tomorrow and not be dissapointed. Thus far I have had a good life and fished in many exotic locations and caught fish most people just dream about.


    You want a Gar Pike fish the dam at Caledonia (I knocked that one off my list in the 80's) :P

  14. I have a long list of fish on my bucket list and being an inlander most of them are in the salt.

    So here's my list so far. :D




    Blue Marlin

    Black Marlin

    White Shark

    Mako Shark

    Tiger Shark

    Hammerhead Shark

    Giant Bluefin Tuna

    Yellowfin Tuna

    Nile Perch

    Giant Catfish of the Amazon



    Goliath Grouper

    A really big Inconnu

    Rooster Fish




    Another Tarpon Preferrably from West Africa (they're giants over there) B)

    A big Atlantic skating a bomber

    Salmon Shark on a fly rod

    Peacock Bass

    A giant BC Steelie

    Kenai River King Salmon

    A trophy Brookie

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