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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Yes, you are fairly close. Actually, 33.3 gal or 151.4 litres. Here is a link to a program I keep on my desktop to do all sorts of conversions. This free little application will convert things like: volume, flow, temperature, mass, distance, etc. I find it very handy.




    I also checked it with McAfee SiteAdvisor first. "In our tests, this download was free of adware, spyware and other potentially unwanted programs." Here is a link to their safety assessment before you down load.




    I use this online converter.


    Online Metric Converter

  2. As you know, these units have been discontinued. They are in short supply and demand is rising. Your options of where to buy might be shrinking daily!


    I'll be running a 525 & 522 this year.



    Yep, not many around as they have discontinued most of their line in favour of the new HD units.

    There are still some to be had new on ebay, but almost all online stores I have looked at are out of stock.

    It's too bad because now they don't make a midrange combo unit. If you want GPS/Finder you have to put out $1000 min. :angry:

  3. Actually for the Grand River the fresher the bait the better it works. Just go to some creek and get some big suckers, keep them alive until right before you use them then just cut them into chunks. There is no secret recipe, that is the best bait that we have found that works.



    Better yet fish the Caledonia dam with worms and float for Gold Eye or Moon Eye.

    They make great bait.

  4. It's just McSquinty giving it to you up the :asshat:

    One of these days you will figure out that this bozo doesn't give a crap about anybody but himself.

    Y'all keep voting him in so you have to deal with the consequences.

    The twit has never uttered a true word in his life.

    Remember his declarations such as "I will never allow building on the Oak Ridges Moraine" or how about this goodie "Healthcare will never be taxed" or the standby "I will not raise taxes" This putz will say anything to get into power. And yet he was re elected!!! :dunno::dunno::dunno:



    Rant Over B)

  5. One I remember was trolling Lake Nipigon for brookies using a light action rod and old Cardinal 4 loaded with 6 # test with a small fire tiger little cleo.

    I was over some deep water when the leviathon struck!!!!!! It tore off tons of line and I knew right then and there it wasn't a brookie but a big laker. After a couple of runs the fight settled into a tug of war with the fish sitting on bottom and me trying to get it up to the surface. The best I could do was to get it a foot off the bottom, and as soon as I did it would head back down. :huh: I fought the giant char for an hour before finally breaking the gossamer thread that tenuously connected me to the creature from the depths. In the epic hour long battle I never saw the fish :dunno: I'm guessing it was in the 30 to 40 pound class.

    I sure would have loved just a glimpse of the trophy that was not to be. :Gonefishing:


    The End :P

  6. I would get the most power you can afford. As it's your only mode of propulsion (other than paddles) you want to make sure you can get around if the weather turns nasty while you are out. I use Group 27 Nautilus Deep Cycle batteries from Canadian Tire (about $100 a piece).

    There are plenty of chargers available and the purpose built marine ones are the best for the application. (MinnKota, Model MK110P) is a good choice. It's a 10 amp multi stage portable unit that will maintain your battery during the off season for $80 US. If you want to put a permanent unit in your boat the MK 110 has the same speck in a water proof case to be mounted in the boat for $120 US.

  7. Thanks for the info. I'm having a hard time finding the 500 series though, the only ones I see are in the legacy (retured) products and the ones listed there (510C & 515C dumb ass) don't show GPS as a feature. Do you have a specific model I can look for?



    There may be some left in the stores as they have just been discontinued.


    Cabelas has some of the Eagle units (Different Division of Lowrance) Eagles Sonar


    If you want to save some $$$$ they have the B&W version as well. B&W Version


    There are a bunch of 500 series units with GPS available on ebay (520C, 522C and 525C brand new in box)

  8. I also like to have 2 separate units for graph/gps.


    All in one is great, but if it ever goes down, you have nothing.




    While this is true it's not something I worry about with Lowrance units.

    I have been running them for over 20 years without issues.

    I have an LMS350 combo unit on my boat that was purchased in '93 and it's still chugging away. :D

    It's about time for an upgrade though, the new 10" HD unit is going to look good in it's place. :lol:

    limeyangler has a good point about the seprate GPS for hiking and biking etc. That's why also hav a portable GPS. I just don't like fiddling with a portable unit while trying to concentrate on fishing a brake or other structure. I find it easier to just concentrate on my finder in split screen mode. But that's just me. B)

  9. A batteries biggest enemy is vibration and having it up front will beat it up badly in rough water. You're better off putting closer to the back where it will get a smoother ride. As said above, most finders have the ability to tell you the batteris voltage. There are several different sizes of deep cycle batteries available. If you think you may add an electric trolling motor later take that into consideration when purchasing your battery. Best to buy it once, rather than having to upgrade later.

    If you want to move weight forward look into a longer fuel line and move your gas tank forward.

  10. Can't help you Rick, the nearest Costco is 1,500kms away from me.

    My pup gets Science Diet Large Breed. It's good for my guy, but spendy also.

    We really get dinged on stuff in the far north. I don't know what a large bag of it is going for in Ontario but up here it's about $80 a bag!!!!! :w00t:

    I hope my dang dog knows what I do for him.........................rotten bugger!!!! :lol:

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