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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Norton, what's that?? ?? ?? :unsure::dunno::blink::tease:


    The only reson I was thinking it was an issue on your end was that nothing has changed on mine since before the update. It's good to hear others are having the same problem as me though. We can co-miserate together!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

    I am thinking it is probably a cookie issue. I will delete the OFC cookie and reconnect and hopefully that will fix the issue.



    If you want to fix up my computer come on over, and don't forget your fishing rod. :Gonefishing:

  2. Since the "hook up" section is gone I'll post this here.


    Does anyone want to get out and do some fishing tomorrow in the GTA? I'm out in the East end (Durham). I've got all my gear at home right now (most itmes left at the cottage most of the time) incl. a new to me float rod and pin.


    I'm not asking for any honey hole spots by any means, I just want to get out and fish... Post here or PM me, cheers.





    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.......................I thought Mariko Isumi was going to be in town in her teeney bikini!!!! :(:(:(


    For some reason hookin' up with GBW just doesn't have the same appeal!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

  3. IMO it's either dogs or kids. Stupid dogs be swimming in the waters I be fishin'. Or stupid kids be throwin' rocks because "hurr it splashes." I mean if you're going to be taking your children out for a stroll by the local pond, atleast teach them so absic respect for the people around them (or keep a close eye on them). Kids + dogs = unfishable waters. This only applies to ignorant owners/parents, I've come across awesome dogs and calm children.



    I believe the fishermans worst enemy is:



































































    WIND!!!! :tease::tease::tease:

  4. So then guess what the issue is..lol

    Check your security settings and cookies and stuff for IE. I don't use it so I don't know optimal settings.



    It's in your configuration.

    I see there have been changes since yesterday as the 'expired web page' warning is now gone but I have to triple click to get back to the last page I was on. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

  5. Was watching kayak fishing on WFN this evening and saw some pretty extreme fishing.

    During fishing this movie one of the group of 3 kayakers hooks up on about a 250# blue marlin and while the other 2 are trying to catch up one hooks up on a striped marlin. By the time they land the smaller marlin the first guy is a speck on the horizon and they have to chase him down in the camera boat. :w00t:

    After an epic 5 hour battle buddy ends up breaking off!!! :(


    Here's the movies site: Movie site w trailer


    And a good review with pics: Review

  6. I did it 5 years ago. Got the heck out of Southern Ontario and moved to the North West Territories!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

    Why? Well the fishing was a big part of it and the fact that it's not Ontario was just as big a part. I grew tired of all the :asshat: driving the roads the ever increasing number of rude people and the politicians in Ontario are ruining the province. My original plans for my retirement down the road had me moving to Smithers BC but after vacationing with my buddy Terry from Prince George and talking about living in BC, I found out it is just Ontario West and am rethinkng my retirement plans.

    The Yukon is looking pretty good. Great laker fishing plus rainbows, char, pike, salmon, grayling...... plus a fairly short trip for BC steelies and salmon and a days drive to South Central Alaska for some more awesome fishing. :D

  7. How many times have I mentioned the Canon D10? I'll mention it again though :)



    Yep, they are great cameras for sure Bill, but drop it in the water and it instantly becomes a paper weight. That is unless you spend $200 on a waterproof housing for it.


    I have just replaced my 7 year old Olympus Stylus 300, with a Stylus SW 1050.

    While it isn't as crisp as the Canon it is waterproof, shockproof and it takes pretty decent pictures and the cost was very reasonable. The video and stills in this video were shot with it a week or so ago.


    Olympus Stylus SW 1050 Video

  8. Picked my latest cover up on ebay for under $150 delivered.

    I keep the boat in a portable garage so the main purpose of the cover is just to keep the dust and dirt off the boat.

    For custom snap covers check with the guys in the Pt. Credit marina. They can make you a good custom cover way less than $1000. ;)







  9. I ask because the old Rochester 4 barrels with vacuums use to bog under some loads... due to vacuum issues. Thinking maybe your boat under certain loads = incorrect manifold pressure to pull the secondary in.. or a vacuum hose leak. That said...most 2 barrels don't have secondaries...


    Partially clogged jet...



    And that's why they got the nickname Quadra Bog's!!!! :lol:

  10. Thanks for the replies.


    Drifter, how do you paint yours?



    I do them a couple of ways.

    One is to stick them on tooth picks and stick the tooth pick into a sheet of styrofoam and paint individually (using differnet shades of nail polish) (light pink/peach beads with a little orange nail polish is pretty good) and the second is to use a small tupperware container (baby food jar size) and foil. I use flat white testors spray paint and squirt a little bit in the container, throw in some bead, put the top on the container and shake. If the beads are too white I add more beads and shake again, do this until you get the right shade. I then pour them out onto a piece of tin foil that has the edges turned up so the little rascals don't try to escape. :lol:

  11. Congrats on some nice fish...Awesome video Dave :thumbsup_anim:


    Do you use an auger like this? :lol:



    Don't even have to click on the link to know what it is. :lol:

    Those augers are needed a little further North.

    This is mine. :D




    This deserved to be bumped up. I've watched the vid a couple times now buddy, just amazing.


    On a side note Eddie watched it last night and wants to head up there next winter. He was pretty impressed. :)


    Thanks Mike.

    Tell Eddie it's best to come in the spring as camping in -40 temps pretty much SUCKS!!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

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