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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Are Gar also referred to as "Dogfish." I've heard that these "Dogfish" have mouths of almost all teeth and bones and I figured it might be the same fish.


    I would love to try targeting these fish at some point but wouldn't have the slightest clue where to go . . . are they spread pretty evenly throughout most of Southern Ontario? What types of bait (beyond the treble minnow approach) would work for them. I'd mostly like to examine one (and potentially freak out some of the non-anglers we have with us sometimes).




    There's a bunch in the Grand River. Ihave seen them in Caledonia when I used to fish there.

  2. Have a merc motor that is oxidized and has water spots. Anyone know of any cleaners waxes that will fix this up


    The best thing I have found for removing water spots and the crud that builds up on the lower unit is CLR. For the cover I have a polisher and just use regular car polishing compounds and wax. I also use regular car wax on the lower unit after the CLR treatment.

  3. Global news reported this story and according to their report, the MNR will be killing this bear when they find it.



    I can see it now Bear Genocide!!!

    Mass graves in the bush where they toss all the bears they have gassed. :unsure:

  4. Well, on the bright side they were only half as bad as game 1.


    I think it's just a strategic move anyway. They're gonna lose 1-0 the thrid game letting the Flyers get cocky(ier?) and then they're gonna blow them away in a 4 game sweep eclipsing the Flyers' own accomplishments.


    Yeah, right. :whistling:





    Yep, they're just lulling the Flyers into a false sense of security!!! :good:

  5. LOL! this house was huge! extremely modern.. all the floor were light weight concrete.. it has been in a number of ads and commercials! they thought it would reduce costs.. but given the windows it hindered it!


    My link


    Ya broke your link Gerritt. :whistling:


    Here is my ex business partners place on Mississauga Rd. It is a little $$$$ to heat and such too.

    You have to go down to the bend in the road.


    Little House on the River

  6. Randy, this post is too funny!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:


    I do have to say I have camper envy as I also bought me a new to me camper this year and am looking forward to living in it in Alaska for a month this year. It's going to be nice to get off the ground and have a lot more room. :good::good:


    Here is my JR Training camper. :lol:









    I haven't backed it into anything yet but it's still early. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

  7. Im curious as to which store you wont even walk into. Would you be surprised to know that the owner of Troutfitters was the manager of the store on Victoria St for about ten years. Ken's actually a good guy but we all have our bad days. I'm actually shocked that they are selling minnows as most of the Grand up there is non organic bait.


    There's a heck of a lot more water than just the few miles of no bait trout water in the Grand. I lived in Grand Valley about 15 minutes upriver and would catch my own bait in the river up there. Plus there are several lakes that hold bass, pike etc in the area. The regulated Brown Trout section is only a tiny piece of a very large system. Saying that most of the river is non organic bait is akin to saying the Credit is mostly non organic bait due to the special regs section at the forks.

  8. Right on! Cool trip, I all of the sudden dislike work very much.


    What took you so long? I've disliked work for 30 years now. It gets in the way of fishing, but it does allow me to buy lots of fishing stuff and go on fishing vacations to exotic far away fishing nirvana's. So I guess it's not all that bad, but if I won the lottery I could stop working and fish full time!!! :lol:

  9. Those are a lodge classic, its hilarious to watch guests pogo in rough water, especially if they are smaller.



    We have 2 different versions of those mounts on our boats.

    The ones in those pictures and some that have 1 1/2" pins with srings 4 or 5 times as big as the ones on the 3/4" pins. They're real pogo sticks, saves the butt and back in rough water though. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  10. i will soon have a trailer hitch on my truck and be pulling a small tiny i will be one of those idiots probably, but i am going to a ramp on a week day after work to practice some backing up.


    Just head down to an empty parking lot and practice your backing there.

    Focus on getting you trailer straight in between the parking stall lines.

  11. ok one more...not really a dock story but still funny.



    It was my last trip out to the lake last fall, there is a small sailing club on the one side. The place is pretty well abandoned since the water levels were being lowered and it was cool and windy out. Well trolling along the sailing club side with my electric, i notice a trailer backing in to pull out one of the last few sail boats, few minutes later and older guy paddling comes out of the cove on his 15 or 16 foot small sail boat, no sail no motor just a paddle. Well the wind catches him and out to sea he goes, the poor guy paddled for all he was worth but tired out and lost all ground he had gained, he was just about to panic as i noticed what was going on, I waved to him that i was coming to help. So over i go on the electric and meet up. The guy is just about exhausted, well i got his bow rope and tied it off to my boat at the back, we started filtered try again please chatting as i sat in my chair at the bow, i had the electric on fairly low but we were moving. After about 3 minutes he asks me if im going to tow him in or just sit here. I took me a good couple minutes to explain how we were moving,he just couldn't understand it cause my gas motor was out of the water, i even went as far as turning the boat and showing him the electric motor.....he had never seen anything like that. The story ended happily with me landing him right on his trailer.



    What's that sonny? A what, Telegraph!! Well what will they think of next? Moving pictures? :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

  12. with 2 people doing it, it is a piece of filet...

    it takes tracker and I about 30 seconds to launch and the same to load.

    even faster when we use my golf cart instead of the van...






    Yep, doesn't take long if you have 2 people that know what they're doing.


    I launch solo now and it's about a minute to launch and 2 to recover.

  13. A second set of snows are way, way out of the budget, and snow/mud traction is important to me.

    Is there a big difference in fuel economy with between the A/T's and the all seasons?

    Don't do any in bed hauling other than gear for the cottage/camping,(a few 100 lbs at most).... I do tow my boat here and there it weighs in at around 1000lbs but I'm guessing that it wouldn't affect the load range of the tire I would need, (correct me if I'm wrong)





    No need for load range E tires on your vehicle.

    I have been very impressed with the ice, snow traction of the Wrangler Silent Armors so far. They are also very quiet considering their agressive profile and gas mileage has not been impacted significantly since I switched from the all seasons that came with the vehicle.

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