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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Mike If that is truly the case they must be on dialup in Brantford.
  2. Should be indeed. They have been getting all kinds of donations from local business as well. BHP Diamonds have donated $20,000 and another business in town has donated $11,000 to the cause. If that doesn't prove the whole town is behind this thing I don't know what will. For a city as small as Yellowknife to get that many votes and almost place first with onlt 18,000 residents amazes me. Sure we had a lot of help but per capita we had an average of over 2 votes per every person in Yellowknife during the semis while the first place finisher averaged about 0.5 votes per person. Pretty cool.
  3. That may change since you don't have her yet. My pup for his first 3 weeks was named Kenai but the handle didn't really fit him so it was changed to Sahtu (a Dene word meaning Great Bear)
  4. Well we missed first place by 848 votes but we still have a good chance coming in second like we did. The top 30 go into the finals where the judges figure out how to divvy up the $1,000,000. So keep yer fingas crossed. Final tally 1st place 43,869 votes, 2nd place (us) 43,021!!! A dang fine result I think!!! Thanks to all that helped out and I'll keep y'all posted on the final results.
  5. The fat lady is warming up her pipes and we are still down 1000 votes............doesn't look good at this point, but she ain't singin' yet. We have clawed back over 1000 votes since 8AM so anything is possible!!!!
  6. Make sure to take lots of video and pics!!!! And maybe invite him ice fishing!!!
  7. Maybe if you had a nice big fat George Castanza wallet like mine you would know when you dropped it!!!!
  8. Not to mention the body damage from where he slapped the wall when he first pulled onto the high banks!!!
  9. Last Day!!!! Don't forget to vote before noon Eastern for your vote to count!!!!!!
  10. Tell me about it!!! After a week of -40 I'm outside in a tee shirt when it warms up into the -20's. It you think -37 was cold you should try -50!!!! It's like walking through liquid nitrogen!!!!
  11. ARRRRGH!!! Now we're behind again!!!!
  12. I need to do a little work on the Pilot to make it run like this thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TshFWSsrn8&feature=player_embedded&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
  13. Once in the finals all is up to the judges. They will decide how the money will be spent between the 30 finalists. I think we would be guaranteed winning only if we were to come in first over all. Last year they picked 9 winners, so there's always a chance we could get funding coming in second but they could hardly say no if the little town of Yellowknife got the most votes. PS. We're back in the lead by 300 votes!!!! This is going to kill me!!!!
  14. We've gained 500 on them since 8:30 but I fear we will not make enough to pass them back. Currently 342 votes behind.
  15. Late last winter I bought a used camper from a local dealer and my finance rate through my bank was about 7%.
  16. Sounds like she needs a Holmes inspection!!! He despises these useless contractors and inspectors.
  17. WOOHOO!!! We're starting to inch ahead again!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!! OH yeah ,almost forgot we just passed the 30,000 vote mark!!!!!
  18. My buddy has one and the hitch fell apart on our way back from an extended trip. It had the bolt on variety and the nut backed off. It's an easy fix though, just drill a 1/8" hole through the nut and bolt and install a cotter pin. They are a really decent boggan for the price though.
  19. We've gained back 150 votes since 8:30 AM MST this morning!!!! Keep up the fight!!!!! Only 2 days to go!!!!
  20. What are you saying? Are you saying OFC turns you GAY!!!!
  21. FYI It's not a Trekker it is called an Adventurer (made for CT) and it doesn't have the Trekkers stadium seats or stretcher poles. It comes with those little triangular folding seats (uber uncomfortable) Even the one on display at our CT is an Adventurer with the crappy seats.
  22. I'm partial to my Frabil as well. Their customer service is what will keep me coming back!!!! I have heard Clams customer service is not as good.
  23. Well if'n yer gonna name her after illegal narcotics how aboot these names then? Crank Smack Meth Crack Speed Ball Oh, and to answer your question 2 hours!!!
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