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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016


    If the laffs would have had anything that even remotely resembled success in recent memory, maybe the fans would know what its like to lose an opportunity of a great run. But the haven't, so how could a laff fan possibly relate.


    Losing Spezza and then to turn around and lose Karrlson the way we did is criminal. Cooks actions and how Karrlson got hurt were intentional, and Cooke should have been reprimanded by the league. The fact that he was not would and should infuriate team mates, owners and coaching staff, not to mention the fans.

    Now that our hopes for making the playoffs is effectively dead and gone, I hope the rest of the team, driven by bitterness, pays this injustice forward. Smash Crosby, smash Malkin, smash Kessel, smash whoever, and goon up every game from here to the end of the season.

    Cooke should not be playing in this league and many top players have fallen to his inexcusable antics............enough is enough.


    Anyone who can't see, by the video, that it was intentional, hasn't a clue about hockey.




  2. I agree, he's a legend, I grew up listening to him


    I hate to say it, but I think he should call it quits, I now find him painful to listen to, incoherent ramblings


    my favorite is Joe Bowen




    I'm incoherent most of the time so I understand him. ;)

  3. HAHAHA!!!!!!

    Silly SENS Fans, TIX ARE FOR LEAF FANS!!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

    Too funny!!! I can hear how this went in the Sens boardroom.


    "Gentlemen we have a problem!! There are too many leafs fans in our building and we need to do something about it!! Lets pay the citizens of Ottawa to come to our games because we look like a bunch of loser dweebs when the visiting teams fans out number our own fans 4 to 1!!!!!"


    BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! :lol:


    LEAFS RULE!!!!

    SENS DROOL!!!!!!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

  4. Nice!!

    I bought mine to add to the dash of my boat during the open water season.

    It will work in concert with my LMS-350 until I can put away the $$$$ for an HDS-10/Structure Scan outfit.

    I couldn't pass up the deal when it went on sale. ;)

    Looking forward to checking it out come the spring.


    Only 4 more months until ice out!!!!! :rolleyes:

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