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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. AHHH, the joys of living in the big smoke!!!

    Even when I lived near Orangeville there was fee parking @ the hospital.

    Here in Yellowknife the parking@ the hospital is free.

    So if you want free parking, a long ice fishing season, clean air and an average of 190 days of snow on the ground move to Yellowknife!!!!!! :D

  2. Got out for a little fish yesterday.

    The plan was to leave at 8AM and sled about 25kms to a laker lake just outside of town.

    The morning temps were, well brisk is a good word. ;)

    -35 with -44 windchills!!!!! :w00t:

    To make things worse I had a loose connection to the defogger in my snowmobile helmet and blew a fuse so had no defogging and had to ride with my visor open the whole trip.

    It was not a whole lot of fun to say the least.

    I had to stop numerous times to de-ice my eye lashes as they kept freezing my eyes shut.


    We finally made it to our chosen destination and Bob found out the powerhead for his Jiffy auger made a break for freedom somewhere along the trail. :o

    While he went motor hunting the rest of us cleared snow and drilled holes with my auger.

    Just in time to get a line down Bob returns from his hunting trip...............SUCCESSFUL!!! :D


    The fishing was awesome, the catching not so much.

    We did have a bunch of fish on (some right to the hole) but only managed two on the ice. :(

    Bob got a good eater laker about 4 pounds and I got a delicious burbot about the same size. :good:


    The fish were being really finicky all day.

    I had 3 fish at one point following from 60' to 10' and back to 60' for minutes at a time but I just couldn't coax them to eat. :dunno:


    I ended up 1 for 3 with 3 dozen follows for the day. :rolleyes:


    Had some sled issues on the way home as well when I broke a carbide runner on my left ski and punched a hole through the ski. :oops:

    Off to the Yamaha dealer tomorrow for a new ski and carbides. Wallets probably gonna be two or three hundred bucks lighter. :wallbash:


    All in all t'was a good day with a bunch of new friends and tonight the pièce de résistance was the Beer Battered Burbot and Beef!!! :D



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