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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Could be you sucked up some water if there was any condensation in the tank.

    First thing I would do before filters etc. would be to put a bottle of gas line antifreeze in your tank and run a while.

    Water droplets are bigger than fuel droplets and can clog small ports.

    The anti freeze breaks up the water droplets into smaller sizes so they can pass through the system.

  2. I had to run back some 9km's on Simcoe a few weeks ago when my sled came undone, lol!! I had $3,000 worth of camera gear in there, not to mention all of my fishing stuff (graph, etc). It was just there sitting on the ice waiting for me.. That could have been bad! I even found the pin that came undone.. Talk about lucky.


    Paying close attention were ya Bill? :D


    I lot my sled 2 weeks ago and had to run back a whole 100 yards!!!! :tease::tease::tease:

    Yes, I founf my pin too. :D

  3. I am constantly looking in my mirrors so I don't lose my stuff.

    I also stop a lot to check my gear.


    The only thing that broke so far this year is my recoil on my auger (still managed to make it work for the day though).


    Oh, almost forgot, had a giant pike break my heart when the drag froze!!! :(

  4. Yes, that is generally the way.

    I just drill an extra hole for my transducer.

    It's a pain when the ice is 5 feet thick though!!! :w00t:


    Here's my setup.

    Right hole for finder and left fer fishin'.

    If I have a buddy with me it's 3 holes with the ducer in the middle hole.



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