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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I bought a sled so I didn't have to drive my truck out, but I've got zero issues when the ice is over 15inches thick like it was a few years ago over the entire lake...


    I also have a sled for that purpose.

    Sometimes I trailer it out onto the lake to get to my starting point. ;)

    I have now problems driving on the ice up here in the North.

    Wouldn't be doing it very often down South though.

    Was out on Saturday and our ice was clear, black and 44 inches thick!!! :D

  2. Nice!!!

    Shoulda bonked it and claimed the all tackle WR. ;)

    I have no doubt that weight is accurate.

    I have the older version of that scale and we tested it against a certified Chatillion scale up at the lodge and found my 50# scale accurate up to 70#'s. I didn't want to go any higher for fear of breaking it.

  3. Wow, I didn't think they ate through batteries that fast.. My 747C is good for about a day and a half if I'm out for a full day.



    My LMS-350 Lowrance with GPS would get 12-14 hours per charge on a motorcycle/snowmobile battery.

    A group 24 deep cycle would give me a week and change.

  4. We had the exact same problem with HH regarding our patio door that we had ordered in July.....We ordered the patio door from HH...the kicker was the patio door manufacture rep was at the store up here for a promo. Went over all the details..........2 months not 2 weeks later the door arrives and is delivered to our house, WRONG OPENING, the store refused to do anything about it, and this store is NOT part of the HH association, ...an independent. The manufacturer agreed to exchange the door but HH refused to pick up till after their inventory, I said when is that, they replied 2 months from now, go figure, so the manufacturer even tried to get HH to pick it up, they still refused. We took pics of the door outside and said we are refusing any liability for any damage till they pick it up. November they finally pick up the friigin door.


    Did we ever get our door no,,,,,,they say they cant get one to us till june........oh to have a Rona or Home Depot.


    Go talk to the guys at Igloo John.

  5. Drilled through 44" of clear black ice on Great Slave today.

    Only drilled 3 holes before I was whipped.

    Been fighting a bad infection for 2 months now and my staying power seems to be down a few notches.

    Barely had enough energy to jig after I was set up. :(

  6. The last thing that got shipped UPS to me was my Marcum LX-5.

    Living in the NWT with no local UPS was a blessing.

    The package was shipped UPS and transferred to Buffalo Air to be delivered.

    A few weeks later I got an invoice from UPS down South for $75 in brokerage fees.

    I tore it up and threw it away.

    Haven't heard a peep since!!!! :lol:

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