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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. No preheating tips from me.

    I just use a 4" foamy and 2 very good sleeping bags.

    One I hop into and I cover up with the other.

    Need to keep the dome warm.

    This is a nice January day out on Great Slave in the NWT. :D




    This however is doing it in style.

    We had a Cabelas Alagnak outfitter tent with a wood stove for this trip. :)

    The pop up icehut is our privy. Nice and warm with a bucket/bag + super warm foam seat. ;)




  2. If you know anyone that border shops, have them pick one up for 1/2 price, my Honda 2000 was $845 in Detroit, $1799 here.


    Yep way cheaper in the US.

    I'm going to pick up a 2000 inverter this fall.

    Im tired of my cheap 140 decibel one. :D

    Even in Alaska the Honda's and Yamaha's are only $1000 for a 2000 watt model.

    A 1000 watt model in Yellowknife is $1,250. :(

  3. TJ

    My place is heated with a forced air propane furnace.

    Works no different than any natural gas furnace really.

    I spend in the neighbourhood of $2,000-$2,500 a year on fuel.

    But you have to remember where I live. ;)

    Furnace starts running in September and by May our winter is done.

    Also my place is a trailer so take that into consideration. The insulation is not as good as a real home either.

    This winter may cost less as I have just finished renovating the addition. The insulation was terrible and in places in the roof was only about R7. It's R40 now and a lot warmer. :)


    Best place for the tank is in a dip or beside a hump or hilly area.

    The snow will collect and help insulate the tank if you get some frigid temps.

    Mine is beside the house at the bottom of a short slope. It doesn't take long to get covered and I have never had a cold weather flow problem.



    Come on Dave give me a break... Have you seen the pic of the RS6 ripped in half? What about the Porsche into the toll booth? OMG that means those cars area unsafe to!!! Do you really think Mercedes makes a vehicle anyone would consider to be unsafe? They've been the leader in the safety industry since well forever..


    Here's a link for you to read, lol. There are a lot of very unsafe vehicles on the road (The previous gen Ford F150 is a great example, that thing folds like an accordian)




    Small does not equal unsafe.







    Not to be an ass, but the Smart probably has better crash ratings then the car you're driving right now. And what makes you think these cars shouldn't be driving on the highway or on a daily basis for that matter? The CDI models are getting 60 MPG US with ease and are pretty bulletproof.



    If you had seen the accident scene pictures of a smart car head on you would know why.

    The driver was completely cut in half @ the waist!!!! upck.gif

  6. Here's another. :D

    A friend of mine used to have an old full size van.

    He was coming home from a day of steelheading in Meaford and Thornbury after sunset.

    While travelling home he crested a hill only to find Betsy the cow standing in the middle of the road!!!

    After the collision the van was bent up but drive-able and the cow was on it's back, legs in the air and DOA.

    When the cops and fame showed up they all had to gang together to drag old Betsy off the road.

  7. Here's a good one from the 80's.

    I was working @ Sheridan Mall @ the time.

    It was winter during a snow storm and I was heading South coming up to the light just South of Dundas and I saw a vehicle in the Northbound curb lane that had spun out. It had it's back end in the ditch with it's front wheels on the shoulder and forward of the wheels was just poking into the curb lane (this was about 100yds North of the last light before Dundas). There are 2 lanes each way so the center lane North was clear (except for snow of course). It was fairly late and there were very few vehicles on the road, but there was one heading North in the curb lane. The ditched vehicle was there for quite a while already and had it's flashers on.

    Did the Northbound vehicle slow down and change lanes.

    Of course not!!!

    They just leaned on their horn for several hundred yards and smacked straight into the stuck car.!!!!!! :wacko:

  8. Snugs as a bug in the shop today.. fire going.. music blaring away.


    Sure glad I took my compass with me though... to go shut the compressor off in the hangar. I might have ended up in the swampy area to the east of the hangar door, from yesterdays spring weather, and had to call 911 on my cell phone to be rescued! ;)


    Or you could have used the GPS app on yer fone ta git back. ;)

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