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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Don`t know how much coin you want to spend but the Pioneer Elite series is great as is the Yamaha RX series I have had both and either will not disappoint.


    The equipment you mentioned are entry level type stuff nothing wrong with that just depends on what your listening habits are, the last system I had was Yamaha with paridigm and cerwin vega would literally shake stuff off the walls and furniture...probably why I am dealing with Tinnitus these days!!!


    Yeah, my Yamaha with Klipsch LaScala's will blur your vision and set yer heart a flutterin'!!! entertain005.gifentertain005.gifentertain005.gifentertain005.gif

  2. Toronto tonight will be -10C with a windchill factor of -15.

    Where I am in Boucherville Quebec it is -23C with a windchill factor of -30C......chilly but I've seen much worse.

    I don't tolerate the cold as well as I once did. Age will do that. :)



    It was -59 with the windchill here late last week. :tease::tease::tease:

    I hear ya aboot the old age and cold thing.

    Could have something to do with the 50#'s of insulation I've lost since last winter too. :whistling:

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