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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Finally managed to get out for a little hard water fishin’!! :D

    Spent a few hours fishing a little lake North of town for some whities.

    Wasn’t disappointed as we got a few for dinner.

    I was surprised that the lake already had 2 feet of ice on it. :o


    A couple of shots of the lake






    The spoils!!








    Post cooking




    Four minutes and eighteen seconds later!!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:



  2. Cool I love this thread..Keep it going..Dave thanks for the links too BTW.. Awesome! As for distillers you can buy them on ebay. Just like POT if you make your own and dont sell it no one is going to bother you. Unless you got caught...Then its just a slap on the wrist anyway


    No problem. :D

    I forgot about this link until Purenewf reminded me. :rolleyes:




    Tons of good info there too. :)

  3. I believe that operating a still is really, really illegal. I think buying part for a still is also illegal.


    You can do it. Check You tube for DIY.


    If you don't have a good supply for a mash, you can make batches of beer and distill that down.


    You have to be careful as the first distillation creates Acetone... bad stuff. You might have to distill twice.


    David (Hick!!) aka Superdad




    You are correct about acetone production.

    There is also methanol which is even worse.

    They are the most volatile of the alcohols and as such boil @ the lowest temp and come off first.

    This is why the fore shots (between 50ml and 200ml depending on distillation method) are discarded.

    The heads ( early safe distillate) and tails (late distillate) are mostly recycled in the next run as they contain off flavours that can adversely effect taste. You are then left with the hearts which is the purest ethanol that is saved.


    Technically illegal yes but there are tens of thousands of people making for their own consumption. ;)

    I certainly wouldn't be selling any to anyone as this will get you in a heap of trouble in a hurry. nono-1.gif

  4. Well I have decided to get into making me own booze as yet another hobby and to save a bunch of dough. smileyvault-stirthepot.gif

    Booze is anything but cheap up here in the NWT with beer averaging about $55 a two four and my beloved rum is $56 for a 40 ouncer. :wallbash:


    So while I'm waiting for my supplies to arrive from Texas lets here about your home brewing/distilling exploits!!!! :D





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