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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Also to add. no gas required, no boat launch required, no lights not working on the trailer. LOL


    But, when your flat,your not fishing. LOL


    The best thing I get out of this float boat, a good work out.


    I once watched a grizzly bear walk up to a guys toon and take a bite of the front points on both bladders. :lol:

    Luckily he was straight across from the launch and he managed to row fast enough to get across before sinking!!! :good: :good:

  2. Your job as an officer on patrol is to be on look out for violations of the law, no matter how big or small. if your performance isn't adding up to other officers, why should they keep you?


    Because they are unionized and would need to kill someone (not a bad guy) to get fired. ;)

  3. Lew I also turn them around and buckle them at the back of the seat for 3 reasons, you won't have the buckles jabbing into your back when sitting and running second thing is my seats are white leather and look brand new, the buckles won't make a mark in the seat if buckled behind the seat and last is I don't want them to go flying when I'm running.


    Did that for 15 years while guiding up @ Great Bear.

    Never had one even think of coming off.

    Buckle and tighten and they are there until you open the buckle.

  4. forgive me but the options are


    New york Yawn

    Chicago...wow they won the cup again? yawn

    Tampa...florida based hockey...yawn

    and southern california based ducks hockey....quadruple yawn



    nobody cares Gary strikes again. We the suckers who will come back thirsty for hockey come september while the people in florida and california dont take notice until May.


    Well I can tell you that I have been to a bunch of games in Tampa and they have always had great crowds and it's a great atmosphere in that barn!!! Tons of Canucks live in the area and the arena is packed with expat Canadians. As an added bonus, tickets are very reasonable unlike the $18 double rum and cokes!!! :wallbash: :wallbash:

  5. The last time the CO's rolled up on me up here I was in the middle of fighting a 20#+ pike.

    They told me to take my time and backed off and watched the fight.

    Then they came over and checked my license and made sure my hooks were de-barbed and went on their way.

    We don't have to have a boaters card and it seems boat registration is optional too as most boats have no numbers on them. :D

  6. I don't miss the marine Nazi's of Ontario.

    All I get to deal with here are conservation officers.

    It's actually nice being asked for licenses and such.

    In 8 years here I have been asked more than the entire time live in Ontario. :tease::tease::tease:

    When I was in Ontario and lived in Mississauga I fished Lake O almost daily and the Peel Marine Unit checked me almost daily for my safety gear and license because they were too stupid to remember they checked me yesterday, and the day before, and the day before........... :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  7. B1 or B Complex get into your sweat and are supposed to help against mosquitoes and ticks. Not a full solution but it seems to help. The Thermocells work but don't sit too close or downwind they will make you weazy and light headed.


    For in your yard a Mosquito magnet or some of the other traps will make a difference.in your yard, sometimes the trap is half full but just a few this time I emptied it. Put it away from the house, where there is no breeze helps and next to plants.


    I have heard of some up north that have to empty it daily but I find once or twice a week is good and I can check on the propane.



    We tried a couple of those propane powered magnets @ the lodge on Great Bear.

    They did work but there are so many skitters they had to be emptied every 10 minutes.

    We stopped using them after a couple of weeks. Way too much work. ;)

  8. Up here in the NWT the mosquito is our territorial bird!!!! :tease: :tease: :tease:

    When trying to repel mosquito's, horse flies and deer flies I just use Deep Woods Off.

    Now the black flies can be brutal at times and require a head net in order to not breathe them in.

    I have seen swarms of horse flies that turn the sky black and when you come to a stop in your vehicle they attack the car due to the heat coming off it!!!!


    As said, wear light coloured clothing as it helps a lot.

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