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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. They don't produce enough heat to keep snow off them.


    Not a huge issue with the boat trailer.

    With the sled trailer it is more of an issue.

    Not worried though as you can easily see the lights on my truck and the LEDs are super bright and should be able to shoot through some snow. ;)

    We'll find out in the new year. :)

  2. My cabin is off the grid so my monthly electric bills over the span of the first 10 years (AVG life of batt bank) should be about $83/mo. Then the cost for the batt replacement every 10 years will be about $1500.

    The original $83/mo is the cost of the entire solar/gen back up system spread over 10 years.

    The only other expenses during that time will be the cost of oil and fuel for the generator (which will only need to be run periodically during the depths of winter or when running larger power tools).


    The initial layout for my system is in the $8-10K range and will be more than enough to power my cabin.

  3. You should never be into your backing anyhow. 15-20lb mono will fill the spool with ease.


    "Shouldn't" is the operative word here.

    In all my years I've only been into the backing once.

    It was a big hot chrome fish on the Kenai in 2009.

    By the time I got it stopped and turned it had 200 yds of mainline and 50 yds of backing out on me. :D

  4. 100% agreed... and with that in mind, isn't it obvious that there are far too many people with them, who are completely unqualified to do so?

    If you don't have the ware with all to properly manage what's obvious, such as proper storage etc... then there is obviously something wrong with the system that allows those people access to firearms.




    In Canada before we can even think about purchasing a firearm we need to take a safety course.

    My course lasted for 6 weeks and was one night a week. Then there is written and practical tests to pass before you can apply for a license to even purchase/own a firearm. Then when you apply for your license (there are a couple of levels most often applied for unrestricted (long guns and shot guns) and restricted (handguns and other restricted firearms) you send in all the paper work and the RCMP runs a background check on you (takes weeks). Then if you are approved you get your license and are able to go into a gun shop and purchase a firearm. They take down all the info off the card when you purchase and after you pay for it you leave the shop.

    You have to renew your license every 5 years which helps weed out the undesirables (wife beaters, crooks) who have popped up. They are then denied a license because of their transgressions.


    This keeps the majority of mental cases gun free. There are still illegal guns around but nothing like the States because down there the 2nd amendment says "every body gets guns"!!! No training and lax background checks.


    On black Friday the FBI got 185,000 checks to do.

    Tell me how they can manage to not make an error with numbers like that?


    Our system may not be perfect but I do believe it is a lot better than the one in the US.

  5. Confirmed Terrorist Attack!!!!





    TThe two shooters that took the lives of 14 innocent, unarmed civilians yesterday in San Bernardino, California have been identified as an Islamic Man and his wife who recently returned from Saudi Arabia. We won’t be giving them the satisfaction of naming the cowards in this article, but here is a photo of one of them after police officers caught up with them shortly after the attack.


    Details of the attack show that this was planned well in advance.

    Dressed in tactical gear and toting AR-15 rifles, (REDACTED), 28, and (REDACTED), 27, burst into a San Bernardino social services facility and shot up a conference room where Farook’s employer, the county health department, was hosting a holiday party. The pair escaped in a black SUV after the attack, which authorities said was over within minutes, only to resurface four hours later and less than two miles away in a fierce gun battle on the city’s main drag.

    “They came prepared to do what they did, as if they were on a mission,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said.

    Farook, who Burguan said was born in the U.S. and had worked at the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health for five years, was described by co-workers as a “devout” Muslim, whoe is believed to have lived in nearby Redlands. The nationality of Malik, who reportedly recently had a baby with Farook, was not identified. Family members told The Associated Press the couple was married.

    Law enforcement officials said late Wednesday they could not rule out terrorism as a possible motive. The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force was aiding in the investigation.

    A law enforcement source told Fox News that the couple were each carrying an AR-15 rifle and and a pistol when they were shot and killed by police after a brief chase in their black SUV about 2 miles from the initial shooting site. The source said the vehicle also contained so-called “rollout bags” with multiple pipe bombs, as well as additional ammunition. The couple also had GoPro cameras strapped to their body armor and wore tactical clothing, including vests stuffed with ammunition magazines.

    “That’s a military tactic for a sustained fight,” the source told Fox New of the rollout bags.

    In addition to the explosives found at the SUV, authorities discovered and detonated three pipe bombs late Wednesday at the Inland Regional Center, the complex where the initial shooting took place about 60 miles east of Los Angeles.

    Another source described a house in Redlands that was being searched in connection with the shooting as “an IED facility.” The source said investigators discovered multiple pipe bombs in the house, as well as small explosives that were strapped to remote-controlled cars.

    A co-worker of the man who led the cowardly attack said that the male shooter had traveled to Saudi Arabia earlier this year, returned with his wife, and later grew a beard. ISIS social media outlets are already praising the two shooters, calling them “Lions”, and starting an Arabic hashtag for “America is burning.”

    California is known to have some of the most strict gun control laws in the United States, however, in his first statement on the attack President Obama pounced on the opportunity to call for stricter gun control laws assuming, and hoping this was another case of “workplace violence.” It’s clear that the mainstream media is going to try and support this narrative, as CNN’s headline highlights that the shooters were only “Husband and wife”, and claim that their motives are still unknown.

    This was not work place violence. This was a planned Islamic terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

    The fact that President Obama is already trying to sweep this under the rug, and brush it off as just an angry set of office mates taking out their frustration, all because of how “easy” it is to get guns in the U.S. is sickening. However, it’s much easier for this administration to chalk this up as another “mass shooting” to support their anti-gun agenda, rather than admit we just witnessed another act of war on our home soil and actually have to do something about it.

    The government is not making any efforts to protect you from these attacks at home, and if they are, they are failing. The safety of yourself and your family is your responsibility alone, do not trust that the government will save you with more laws and firearm restrictions.

  6. I would run some 20# dacron backing as a cushion and run 12# Raven main line.

    Then you can run any leader you want on your setup that the rod can handle.

    Also there is no need for a shot line as you can run your float and shot on the main line.

    If you break off it will be the leader, just tie on a new one and get back to fishing.


    This is the set up I run pretty much everywhere I fish with the float rod these days.

  7. I don't see what the idea behind attacking this facility is? Its a medical place that I'm sure serves a wide range of help to those that are disabled, but I did read it also has a large part devoted to those who have mild to severe autism


    The people that were attacked did not work there.

    They were renting the conference room for some event.

    No one has said who the group was that was using the room.

    Sounds like the group that rented the room was targeted.

  8. Proof positive how desensitized we are as a whole.


    I laughed at that, no lie.


    Then I cringed at the thought of lives lost.


    We live in strange times


    If you take the world we live in too seriously you'll end up eating your gun. ;)

    Of course it's terrible that people have been injured and killed especially @ this time of year but you can't let this type of thing rule your life.


    There will be another incident next week though.

    And another the week after that.


    This world is messed up. :(

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