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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016


    That is scary. Were those the double clamp; or the single clamp model? I may have to start tethering my rods.


    They were double clamp ones. They can't handle the stress of a T60 Flatfish over long periods of use.

    Especially if you're pounding bottom with them.


    FYI, I bought the Orca's and they are awesome holders!!!! :)

  2. https://www.funker530.com/canadian-special-forces-stomp-out-isis-attack-in-iraq/




    Canadian Special Forces Stomp Out ISIS Attack In Iraq

    first published on December 18, 2015 by Will


    Canadian special forces were engaged in heavy combat at the forefront of what is being called a “significant” operation by Islamic State insurgents near Mosul in northern Iraq on Wednesday.


    Fighting alongside Kurdish elements, the elite Canadian troops stopped the ISIS offensive in its tracks and pushed them back to Mosul after two CF-18 fighter jets hammered enemy positions with airstrikes. No Canadians were killed or wounded during the attack, however a number of Kurdish soldiers were. An estimated 70 ISIS fighters were also killed.

    ISIS attempted to employ as many as nine SVBIEDs (suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive devices) to break through the coalition’s lines east and north of Mosul. This suggests that ISIS in Mosul is possibly surrounded, or at least, cut off from supply routes. This buildup of coalition troops also suggests that the ever-looming offensive to liberate mosul is very near. The timeframe for the offensive may be dependent on the ongoing operations in Ramadi, which seem to be making progress according to defense officials.


    The new Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has confirmed that he will withdraw Canadian fighter jets from partaking in airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, a move that clearly hasn’t been implemented yet. That withdraw may wait until the arrival of their current obligation deadline in March, 2016. Trudeau’s withdrawal appears to have been nothing more than a campaign publicity stunt to secure votes. Canada will maintain its constant aerial targeting missions over the region with CP-140 Aurora aircraft. They will also continue to run air refuel operations with their CC-150T Polaris tankers for all Operation Inherent Resolve strike aircraft conducting bombing runs over Iraq and Syria. The point being here is that the Forward Observer has just as much blood on his hands as the Mortarmen themselves when the rounds land.

    The six Canadian CF-18s will in no way be missed now that the French and Brits have added dozens of their own into the fight. Withdrawing the aircraft would almost seem like a common sense streamlining process for the overall mission.



  3. Guess it depends on the border too


    The international falls border is rediculous.


    Google image it from above its a big american flag, even has one of those big xray type machines


    Looks more like a small army base than customs


    I've crossed at couple of real redneck border crossings.

    Portal North Dakota is a good one. Poorly laid out and you really have no idea where you're going.

    You drive around a few buildings until you find a little gatehouse where the agent is.

    Poker Creek Alaska is a great little border crossing. There is a sign there that says POP. 2!!! :lol:

    One US guard and one Canadian. It's also the most Northerly border crossing in North America.

    When you go into the US they ask you if you would like your passport stamped. The stamp is quite big (about the size of a business card) and has a large image of a caribou and Poker Creek Alaska in it.


    The crossing @ Beaver Creek Yukon is more like a traditional crossing.

    The guards there on both sides are really good people.

    On year when I was pulling my camper to Alaska I had a rock kicked up by my tire bounce off the front of the trailer and smash my rear window about 5 miles from the US border. :wallbash:

    When I got to the border I asked the guard if they had any plastic and tape for the window I just broke. They hooked me up with garbage bags and tape as well as a garbage bin and broom to clean up. Didn't really ask me any questions other than where I was going, doing and how long. :good: :good:


    Actually lots of times going to the US the customs officers like to chat a bit as well..one asked where we were heading and them proceeded to offer advice on the best restaraunts in the area...


    When Mike & I went to Michigan last week the US border guy was a real chatterbox!!! :D

    When we told him where we were going he said that he goes there to fish often.

    We were there close to 5 minutes blabbing about fishing while there was a long lineup at the border. :whistling:

  5. OK, I pulled a pile out of the herd!!!

    The Mitchell is missing the handle but you may be able to use one off the current worn out reels.

    Also one of the Shimano's is missing a spool but it can be used as a spare to the other 3 that are working. Three of the reels and the rod are as new. Should help out a bit I would think.




    That would be a stretch for me to get there next week, only other way we could do that, is if there was a member out that way that would be willing to hold on to them until after Christmas. Just so busy putting in extra hours at work to get Christmas orders together, its about a 1hr 30min dive for me, assuming traffic is fine :s




    Yeah, Mississauga is an hour or so East of where I'm going to be.

    I'm sure there is someone that can step up for us.

    I will be in Southern Ontario until Jan 1 so I'm sure we can arrange something.

  7. I will be coming to Southern Ontario next week.

    I will look through my selection of reels as I know I could probably let 1/2 dozen or so go.

    We can make arrangements to maybe meet in Mississauga as I will be doing some business there a couple of days.

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