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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Yes I'm off grid, but still in the building process.

    Fridge, stove and on demand water heater will be propane.

    Power set up is going to be solar with generator backup.


    I'm sizing my solar system so the generator will only be needed in the winter due to lack of daylight.

    From March to November I should be able to run solar only.

    I have enough equipment to run a small system until I can budget my large system @ the cabin.

    My heavy draw devices will be my microwave and espresso machine.

    My water pump is going to be a 24 volt RV pump t hat will draw water from a large tank under the cabin.

    For filling the tank I will be using a gas powered pump.

    Typical 120 volt shallow well jet pumps use quite a bit of juice compared to the RV pumps so you would need a larger solar setup to run it.


    Look at these guys for solar. Good pricing on everything needed.



    For lighting go with LED bulbs to save energy.


    Good info here: http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=6059.0

  2. Looks like the right one, but sooner or later I sure you'll need the radio licence.


    Don't really need the license any more unless using it in other countries.

    Even then I wouldn't bother.





    1. Do I need a call sign or a radio station licence for my boat or vessel?

    Industry Canada has exempted Canadian vessels that are not operated in the territorial waters of another country from the requirement for a station licence. For more information, please refer to Industry Canada's Licensing Exemptions.

  3. Santa is a Fly Fisherman

    Twas the night before Christmas when down by the stream

    The full moon looked out on a chill winter scene.

    A lone trout was sipping a midge in his brook,

    Untroubled by worries of fishers with hooks.

    Then from above a small sleigh did appear

    Pulled by a brace of eight tiny reindeer.

    It swerved of a sudden and down it did glide,

    Settling its runners along the streamside.

    The fat, jolly driver dove into his sled

    And emerged with his three weight held high over head.

    "Thank you my elves for this wand smooth as silk.

    This break will be better than cookies and milk."

    So saying, he jumped from his sleigh with a chuckle,

    Hiked up his boots and cinched up his belt buckle.

    Santa meant business that cold winter's eve.

    A fish he would catch - that you'd better believe.

    Looking upstream and down, he spotted that trout,

    Then he open his flybox and took something out -

    "Size 32 midges are only for faddists

    I'll go with my favorite tan reindeer caddis."

    So he cast out his line with a magical ease

    And his fly floated down just as light as you please.

    And it drifted drag free down the trout's feeding lane,

    But the fish merely wiggled a fin of distain.

    "Oh Adams, oh Cahill, oh Sulphur, oh Pupa,

    Oh Hopper, oh Coachman, oh Olive Matuka!

    I've seen every fly in the book and the box.

    I'm old and I'm wary and sly as a fox.

    To catch me you'll need an unusual gift,

    For a present this common no fin will I lift."

    Old Nick scratched his head for his time it grew short

    The reindeer behind him did shuffle and snort.

    He looked once again in his box for a fly

    When a pattern compelling attracted his eye.

    "The Rudolph!" he muttered and grinned ear to ear

    "Far better to give than receive, so I hear."

    So he cast once again and his magic was true,

    And the trout it looked up and knew not what to do.

    "This fly has a body of bells don't you know,

    And if that's not enough there's a shining red nose!

    I know it's fraud and I know it's a fake,

    But I can't help myself. It's I gift I must take!"

    So he rose in swirl and captured that thing,

    Flew off down the stream. Santa's reel it did sing.

    "Ho!" shouted Santa, "You're making my day.

    If the heavens were water, you'd be pulling my sleigh."

    So, Santa prevailed and released his great rival

    First taking great care to ensure its survival.

    He then mounted his sled and he flew out of sight

    Shouting, "Merry Caddis to trout and to all a good night!"


    I was told my members of a 4x4 club to avoid metal hooks. They can become dangerous projectiles when things go wrong. They recommended a nylon strap with loops on both ends.


    That's fine as long as one of the vehicles has a trailer hitch ball to hook the loop on.

    the other end has to be run around an axle and looped through before hooking on the hitch.

    Having a shackle gets rid of having to loop through.


    I have just been using one of these for the last 5 years or so.


    I really need to get a better one but I hve managed to pull a stuck Suburban out of the sand in Alaska using it and my wee Honda to pull the guy out. :lol:


    So they are not actually breaking then; just releasing the rod? So, I will probably be fine running dipseys which is my main use for the Salties.


    No, the ones I spoke about broke.

    One of the legs broke (the forward one) and before you could get your hands on the rod the aft one would snap.

    The rod and the bulk of the holder went overboard while the legs and thumb screws ended up in the bottom of the boat.

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