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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Thats unreal...is there a reason you don't fly?


    Had to bring back stuff that my pop had for me. Tools and such.

    Also had to bring back a table for a friend, plus during Christmas break airlines don't let you bring your pooch. ;)

  2. So how many times did you hit Horton's on the way home bud?


    Once!!! Needed bagels.

    Tried their attempt @ espresso. Ended up dumping it out.

    Tasted like they used shredded used coffee filters that were soaked in turpentine before pressing the swill they call coffee out. :blink:

  3. So I left Southern Ontario at 11 AM local time (9 AM Yellowknife time) and pulled into my drive way just after midnight (YK time) last night.


    A total of 63 hours from the time I left to the time I got home.

    48 of those hours were behind the wheel tooling down the road. :D


    Total mileage is right around 5,500 kms.


    I don't go back to work until Thursday, so I still have a couple more days to recoup!! ;)

  4. Almost every fresh water fish species in that section of the river. Caledonia to Dunnville. Not much size or numbers but they are there. Even HTHM caught a Walleye there once. I'm not sure but you better check the regs to make sure it's open now above the Dunnville Dam. I'm fairly sure it is but that's not good enough.


    Lots of gar @ Caledonia too. ;)

  5. Ha ha ha Shak, this is a great topic! I went over to my steelhead fishing rod selection from back in the day and found my old St. Croix 12'6" St. Croix UL that was rate for 2lb to 6lb line. Man, what a whip!


    But I bested some real beauty Bows with it, including a few fresh river salmon. The 'C' arc it formed fighting a fish is a classic 80s image you don't see on the rivers anymore.


    That thing was a telephone pole compared to my 14' Lews!!!

    I could set the hook as hard as I could using 1# leader and not snap off!!! :lol:

  6. Yup - best DIY Drifter's cabin construction! By the way, why haven't we seen any reports lately? LOL!



    UH, cause I'm here in Ontario and the ice wasn't safe enough for me when I left to come here. :tease::tease:

    Will be heading out there when I get home and am going to work on the inside with my 70,000 BTU propane heater running full bore!!!! :D


    FYI: My favorite threads are Borger and Bunks epic adventures!!! :good::good:

  7. Buddy @ work backed into me in early Dec.

    His rear bumper hit the corner of my front bumper while he was parking.

    Damage to my vehicle: $2,500

    Damage to his vehicle: $2,400


    quite a few years ago one of our politicians backed into my last vehicle.

    Barely touched it and it was over $1,000 to repair.

  8. There shouldn't be a rate increase for comprehensive. Ours isn't, 3 claims in as many years no increase just as my agent said. One for a windshield crack and then the rear window smashed by a bottle at her work by punks and a racoon on the road tore the front fender off.



    I hit a deer once and did almost $8K damage to the vehicle.

    No increase.

    Same when my car got hail damage.

  9. Yes, 38 years is quite old for a bear.

    Interior grizzlies are the most evil, angry critters in North America.

    Unlike their coastal cousins they are smaller and hungrier as they don't get all that salmon to eat.


    My buddy was hiking in the mountains around the same area these folks live and was charged by a grizz.

    It popped it's head over a ridge about 100yds away and charged my buddy and his friend the second it saw them.

    My buddy told his friend to run while he stood his ground and shot the bear with his .458 when it was a sure thing.

    The bear ended up dropping at his feet.


    What my buddy didn't realize was his friend went nowhere and was taking pics over my buddies shoulder of the attack.

    The pic he showed me was of an angry grizz in full charge about 40yds out. You could tell it was out for blood by the evil Cujo look in it's eyes.


    I've got video somewhere of a Yukon grizz I shot on the Alaska highway.

    The bear walked over to a large boulder (1000#'s+) and rolled it over with one paw looking for grubs.

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