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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Im guessing he has alot of support just because hes pro 2nd amendment


    I'm guessing he has a lot of support because of all the media attacks and lies, Democratic lies and cheating and the fact his own party is against him.


    I find it incredible that the media is so liberally biased and they refuse to actually report news (Leaked eamils, scandals etc) and report on important things like what someone said a decade ago.


    There hasn't been a single word in any news media that the military have raised their alert status to DEFCON 3 from DEFCON 5.

    I guess threat of nuclear war doesn't make for interesting news.



  2. Yep. if it has wheels or an engine on it insurance has become ridiculous. Especially off road toys. A buddy was just talking about 700 a year for a brand new snow machine.


    Full coverage on my sled back in late '07 was $850!!!

    Needless to say I dropped the collision on it to save$$$$.

  3. The easiest way to get clean power is running a quality inverter generator like a Honda EU 3000 or similar Yamaha. They have been bench/oscilloscope tested and found to be just as clean and steady as commercial hydro. If you do go the generator-battery- inverter route, do yourself a favour and get a full prosine inverter. They definitely cost more but do the job right. Having spent "some" time on RV sites, it's a frequent discussion and people find out the cheap inverters tend to burn up electronics, especially anything with electronic clocks, circuit boards and motors.


    Yup, you want ta true sine wave and not the cheaper modified sine wave converters.

    They are quite a bit more $$$.

  4. I have a 20 year old Honda 3500w and it works like a charm! At least where you are civilization isn't too far if you need help or the generator quits... But definitely consider another heat source, heat and lights make the gennie run like mad and you will burn through gas like crazy!


    Do yourself a favour and use LED lights. ;)

    ​Currently I have the equivalent of 360 watts (incandescent bulbs) that only draw a total of 54 watts. :)

  5. I have built my cabin with a 2000 watt Yamaha generator.

    Granted I don't run a heater off it, that's what wood/pellet stoves or propane heaters are for.

    The only time I've had issues is running a Hilti TE80 rotary hammer as it tripped the breaker due to current draw.

    I have a 4000 watt that I can run heavier draw items off.

    My 4 KW unit is a Champion I bought when CT had a sale. ;)

    It starts and runs great but is noticeably louder and uses quite a bit more fuel than the smaller Yammie.

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