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Posts posted by scuro2

  1. I'm pretty sure I know where you walked to and from. That is a long distance for foot dragging supplies, probably longer then you realized. Must of a been a bee-och at the time. For sure that was the better choice, it's always better to eliminate a small chance of catastrophe then to go the easier route and take on some risk. There are some shots there of spots on the lake that I think I know, and for Leslie and I it's a pleasure seeing that landscape in deep cobalt blues and cold ice creamy whites of winter. Awesome report once again, it is a blessed lake and you have it's number.

  2. Same old song and dance every time this topic comes up. Natives, natives, natives.... it's getting old. They are not the only ones taking fish. It is getting hammered by angling as well, and it is a combination of the two that had stressed the walleye population. We had gone from almost zero winter commercial harvest to a 1000 hut/billion dollar annual boondoggle in 15 years. 1000 huts that are generally full on any given weekend, and everyone is after walleye - that has no effect? Just look at the attention the lake gets now every winter on various message boards like this one. All the reports and anticipation on behalf of guys from the GTA all hot for Jan 1st every year. This is all relatively new. By now most know what state the fishery may be in, it doesn't matter. Everyone still wants to tear into'em. A lot boast about the money they are bringing to North Bay on their one boys weekend a year, like they are owed something in return and to hell with the world if the fishing happens to suck the 3 days they are here. Before all of this the netting was still taking place.. and the lake supported a 6 fish, any size limit. It did so for years.


    I remember when everyone was all hot for stocking the lake, when stocking on top of a naturally sustainable population is about one of the worst management practices you can do. It's been going on for years, we still don't know what effect it has. How do the walleye reared outside the lake and then dumped in compete with the natural ones? How many make it? 0%... 90%? There are figures out there based on "conventional wisdom" but when it comes to Nipissing itself it's a crapshoot. No one knows. Despite the best of intentions by those involved, it could have very well been doing more harm than good all this time.

    The natives do stock as well. 2 million fry a year from their own hatchery, if my memory isn't off.. but it may be.


    It was a good article. Did anyone read it? "We're not getting a fair picture of the non-native fishery," - that's pretty accurate. I've been taking walleye from the lake every year of my life since the age of about 4. I've never been involved in a creel survey. Nobody asks me or my walleye eating neighbors what our take is. Some locals are in a position to take a lot of fish when the getting is good, as was touched on in a post above. Just because they don't use a net doesn't mean there is no effect.

    They also alluded to the low index netting yield being a "blip" or an off year. Anyone who has experience with with fisheries management knows these things happen. The smelt thing was just the science behind a theory.


    I also like how the MNR is somehow a bad guy in all of this. They were the ones who waved the red flag back in '99... not us. We probably would had raped the lake clean if it wasn't for the slot size, reduced limits, and shortened seasons. I'm not saying there aren't issues or questions marks when it comes to the management of the lake, but they are doing a hell of a lot more than the angling community, IMO, which has seemed to be hell bent on finger pointing the whole way through.


    Thanks for taking on this issue in a fair manner. I appreciate your opinion.

  3. IMGP0192-1-1.jpg



    Fished a new location yesterday and went into the local fishing store. Always like to give my patronage to those who offer advice. Picked up this williams spoon. Looks to be about 20-30 years old. Still had the old price tag of $6.95. Thought I might be able to use it for pike later in the year. Checked up on the lure on the internet and apparently it is used for lakers. Seems that some people don't even use this lure to fish with but use it as a flasher. One would take off the hook and then attach a much smaller lure with a leader to the back of this lure. Apparently this lure has a big wobble. Learn something everyday.

  4. If you take firearms out of the hands of your citizens, you in effect control them and can do whatever you wish because they cannot defend themselves. That is Sociology 101 kids.

    If you limit access to guns, less people die from gunshot wounds. That is about as basic as it gets. Now if you're into conspiracy theories and believe you need your gun to protect you from cops, the army, the united nations...then there is really no point in further communication.

  5. It's more about being CONTROLLED by your government....seems in Canada they control EVERYTHING you do up there... :wallbash:


    The waiting time is not a bad thing. My brother applied for a gun license. He was mentally unstable....as did a former coworker who wrote some disturbing stuff on FB about her employer. I'm not totally up on this but I believe you need to supply references. The wait time may very well be so that they have enough time contact references in case there are red flags. Neither of the two people above got their gun license.

  6. Get north of that 4 hour drive zone from Toronto and all of a sudden walleye fishing picks right up. I'm sure there are good spots south of the Sudbury Northbay line but for me half the fun is driving past "civilization" into the true north. Up there walleye are a dime a dozen if size doesn't really matter. Locals up north will be more then willing to share information. Get the pattern down and you have very predictable fishing. Northerns may not share their best honey holes but will put you on fish. If you have a boat such a trip can be done on the cheap with a cottage rental. Half the enjoyment of such a trip is the wildlife you will encounter.


    Now if your looking for "silly" fishing or trophies, that's when you consider a fly-in and then you want to get as far away from civilization as possible. For truly good silly fishing you will pay some coin.

  7. My wife said that she heard on the news that the 70 year old man had a headshot wound and that there was another officer in the police car who fired the fatal shot that eventually killed the man. I heard on the radio that this was a "domestic dispute". The man had recently separated from his wife. Not to much to wonder about here. Domestic disputes are very dangerous calls for police officers and it is a tragedy for all of society that some men simply can't let go and move on when their spouse no longer wants to be in a relationship.

  8. assaulting anglers, yup throw the book at him


    but there is little if any proof there was anything raciest in this attack, just news media blowing things out of proportion


    over half the people fishing who were assaulted were white

    the guy with brain damage is white........why do people want to put a rascal slant on something that just isn't there

    but there is no excuse for assaulting any race for any reason

    There is plenty of proof this was race motivated. After drinking a bunch of bonehead youths went out looking to "tip nips". I believe there were 5 in the party against over a dozen. It didn't matter to them that some where white. They were happy to throw those of asian decent into the water and anyone else who got in their way. It is the mark of a racist to continue, hate is hard to satisfy. They chased a Honda down and rammed it into the lake. That in the end it was a white guy who suffered doesn't matter one bit. This would have never have happened if the victims were all white. The car would have never been chased down by trucks if all the occupants of the car were white.

  9. Went to the London show for the first time in a few years and I was very pleasantly surprised. The place was packed with people at lunchtime. Three large show rooms for the boats, and one large jam packed show room for fishing. There are a number of retail vendors who came down from Toronto, plus those in SW Ontario, plus Angling Outfitters have taken over an entire wall. If you live in the area and are only going to one show, don't bother with Toronto.

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