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Posts posted by scuro2

  1. Actually, I think this will help bussineses. Manufacturers anyway


    Right now, GST is basically a wash till you get to the last guy.

    When a manufacturer buys raw material, they pay GST on it, when they sell the finished product, they charge GST at the added value. To submit GST to the feds, they take what they charged in GST and subtract what they paid out. This is what they hand the government. Basically, none of their own money. They also charge PST and hand it over as well.

    Now when they buy equipment, or put up a building, they pay GST and PST on these purchases. PST exempt does not mean PST exempt on everything. Just get audited once and see how it works out. A side note PST auditors are contracted and paid based on the extra taxes they collect...they always get their time paid for (you think CO's are bad..try a PST auditor)

    The PST they pay is gone...money out of their pocket, the GST is just accounted for the same as any material purchase. A wash.

    With the HST everything is a wash. They save an automatic 8% on all buildings, equipment, vehichle purchases, leases, everything they now pay PST on.


    So, manufacturing saves big time, we the people foot the bill.

    Suposedly there will be no HST on housing under $400k. I gotta see how this works, because that would mean no GST either which would be a big savings for a lot of housing.


    Somebody please tell me if I am wrong with my assumptions.


    Wow, someone who has a handle on this issue and doesn't resort to "Sun Media" hyperbole at the drop of a hat. Thank you for posting your informed information.

  2. Hmph!?!?!?! :o


    A surprising post from you Chris. From long-winded global warming threads to a short anti-Habs post. :lol: You're changing with the seasons I guess. :P


    If the Leafs fans ever showed an ounce of the "honest passion" Habs fans have for their team, then maybe they wouldn't have been a franchise of "Hab Nots" throughout history. Booo your own team... so what??? Praising failure doesn't shape improvement, just look at the Leafs.



    Greatest sports Dynasty in the history of sport. The Habs ain't just about Scientific guessing... they're proven fact.

    I post about important things, about major changes in the world. Global warming is changing the world. There appears to be another rift in the time space continuum, the Habs are looking to take over the role of Canada's WORST team. They lost again last night, zero wins in their last 4 games, and they are playing Boston next!!! Bwhahahaa! :thumbsup_anim:

  3. No..no..no, they have every style of lure that Rapala would make...be it a popper, suspending, crankbait or whatever. The question is does anyone have any experience fishing these lures where they feel that these laser reflective surfaces really make a difference? Or are they just another pretty surface?

  4. Regular lures but with some of the most attractive finishes that one could imagine. Photos don't do them justice. They reflect an incredible amount of light with their, "brilliant holographic laser finish ".


    Another beaut I can't wait to try. Of course they may prove to be no better then any other lure but for the moment I am smitten. Wonder how some of these lures would do with Lakers, or for that matter bass or pike.

  5. Bought a 1/2 dozen new Yo-zuri lures for down south where sparkle and flash is everything. That got me thinkin', hey I probably could use them up here! :P Anyone care to share lure type and applications for these lures in our waters?


    This one will be nice on in the morning or cloudy Cuban winter day...trolled slowly.

  6. Does anyone actually read real news on this forum? :P Everyone knows exactly what the HST is about except that no one here knows what it is about. This is really more about taking two taxes and turning it into one tax that covers the same stuff.


    This is a tax that is good for business, it streamlines things and save the government money, and as far as I can see is not going to cost the average consumer thousands and thousands of dollars, but instead...as I understand it, is to be revenue neutral overall. If someone wants to state that the tax is the first step of the United nations enslaving all Canadians, or a way for liberals to simply line their pockets....well then I say make that connection using a reliable source. Otherwise it's just a bunch of blowhards grumping about a tax they don't understand and connecting that to whatever bothers them.

  7. Your Prime Minister once headed this group. At least here's someone trying to do something about the high taxes that I see many moaning about (but resigned to!). I don't belong, but you could do worse.

    Yes he did. Harper is now considered a traitor by this crew. I've got no problem with a government trying to reducing high taxes. What I have a problem with is agenda driven propaganda being passed off as discontent with government. The HST is actually supposed to be good for business in that it doesn't tax business for incidentals, and levels the playing field for Canadian business in the world market. How come we didn't hear a stitch about that from any of the posters here or on the website? You would think Libertarians would trumpet less tax for business. Propaganda has no interest in balance.

  8. Ah I get it now. This is propaganda. Never took the time to look at the original post. It comes from the National Citizens Coalition. This is a Libertarian lobby group. At the link provided you can't use there handy-dandy HST calculator unless you given them your e-mail. Memberships must be slipping.


    Libertarian - think Ron Paul. Libertarians don't want any government and don't want to pay any tax. That goal goes to extremes, if your are blind or crippled from birth, well that is your problem....don't be looking for no government help. The NCC have been fighting the Canadian Health act for four decades, it irks them to no end that their membership, fat old white bald dudes, have to pay into a general pot that may include immigrants.

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