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Everything posted by Streamerguy

  1. Tie your line to a good barrel swivel w/clip,add 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce weight to clip(have to change with the current and found this to be the simplest and fastest way) and 3 to 4' leader line off the same barrel swivel (2 knots only instead of a 3 way) add 1 of these with a corky and stay on bottom .........thanx for pic cliff!! cheers Streamerguy
  2. Great detailed report thanks for sharing cheers Streamerguy
  3. On-line Gaming (wish i had,biggest thing going today) Hands down !!!
  4. I was told it was a sucker and that's about all i wanted to know about it,pretty ugly looking fish if ya ask me.About it being stout? think it was a female carrying eggs!!!Anyhow here's another pic of it TY TJ... and i already have bud, but i'm having a little dilema!! Went out friday night and my buddy caught an 18lber,I caught 3 ...2 PB and my 16th species for the year and 2 PB last friday,well i showed the sturgeon but i also caught a 7lb catfish(sorry no pics).But this friday went VERY well and i'm afraid if i post it and people recongnize the area,it could turn into a zoo by NEXT friday!!! It was at night but very distintive to someone who knows the area the pros and cons of posting? any advise would be appeaciated. The report is rdy to go,but do i wait a day/week/month to get my fishing in without bumping shoulders when the zoo arrives?? or Just post it and say the hell with it ? i got strong shoulders... let me know,cheers Streamerguy
  5. Can you tell me why the red panties and black strap bra are doing on the floor? cheers Streamerguy
  6. oops i mean shhhh Nice catch Paul,good looking fish and better lookin pic of angela cheers Streamerguy
  7. Soon as you hit the falls and give me a shout? Wouldn't have it any other way Cheers thats fishing nut and it would be a blast to see ya down there Thanx joey My pleasure bly and will deliver some more very soon,promise!!! Invitation still stands Here,here Thanx lbh Thanx again Ladies and gents for the great welcome here..... cheers Streamerguy
  8. Very emotional video,I sure hope he makes the cut GO Clay Thanx for sharing that video Cheers Streamerguy
  9. Food,Beer and Fishing ??? and i wasnt invited ahh wait roadkill stew great report guys,thanx for sharing cheers Streamerguy
  10. Now if i told you,i'd have to kill ya
  11. I think you have an addiction lol Nice report,thanx for sharing cheers Streamerguy
  12. Thank-you for the correction, white bass is it then........like i said before they have a beautiful chrome to them and are alot of fun to catch,caught 4 of them and all were chrome & very clean fish and all released. cheers Streamerguy
  13. Awesome Report very funny aswell,but How you got that pike in with all that extra cabbage on 6lb test is just amazing well done Thanx for sharing Cheers Streamerguy
  14. WOW....I really don't know what to really say here guys...... but What a Welcome TY This OFC Community is awesome guys, i really appreaciate you taking the time to say Hello!! Just gonna see if i can answer some question's here ... HearingFish ... or Woman anytime you hit the falls (hopefully on a weekend) nadda prob,be my pleasure Johnny Bass..Ha,ha like the name kinda sounds like a country singer we all know lol .......Streamers bud,period!! so far this year ive managed 15 species/10 species on streamers and some would surprise you and me .. like this guy and this Stripped or Silver Bass as some people mentioned,don't really know but they are a beautiful chrome looking fish and fight great And to good old Cliff...You know where i'll be, hanging with pops(romeo) listening to all his stories lol Once again Thank you everyone for taking the time and posting,i hope i can keep up BUT i can't keep up with the muskie and pike you guys are getting here(lew and roy) Those fish are just Amazing,i would love to land something like that but till then ill just have to enjoy your reports lol Cheers all Streamerguy edit: Mr Eh..you are absollutly correct about handling these guys, most of the times i get out fishing are alone, and i do try my best to C.P.R as quick as possible cheers
  15. Sounds like a helluva day, congrats on the new boat,looks like it could fit 1 more guy cheers Streamerguy
  16. WOW......That is a great report,thanx for sharing!! a 72incher (must be a PB...LOL) cheers Streamerguy
  17. Thanx for the welcome and comments everyone Hope to give you guys more fish porn soon after we head up to Quinte 3rd week of October,will be a change, fishing from a boat. Once again thanx for the reply's cheers Streamerguy
  18. Thank you kemper,hope i do jwl... don't you know it 4Reel.... thnx bud,nice to meet you over 70 views eh? must be lurkers like i used to be cheers all Streamerguy
  19. You got that right
  20. Great looking ski's,beautiful color Thanx for sharing cheers Streamerguy
  21. Hello All, New to the boards and wanted to say hello to all of you fine anglers out there. I have been lurking this site for sometime now and have really enjoyed all the report's, pics conversations and overall attitude of the members here,I am impressed with the wealth of knowledge and information,always willing to share,excellent job and site. My first experience with fishing was when i was 11 yrs old and went on vacation with my family back home to paspebiac,Quebec (i was born in bonaventure,Quebec but lived here in niagara falls ,Ontario since i was 2 months old) Mom had me when she was on vacation, Well my grandpops would take me out every morning by 7am and leave me on the pier and by noon he would bring me something to eat and then pick me up around dinner time,this was the best fishing ive ever had to date 24 flounder in 1 day.(still havent seen numbers like that) After that i more or less stopped fishing when i hit my teens to chase girls,hang with friends,play sports(mostly hockey). Back in march /06 i fractured my tibia plateau and had knee surgery to repair it (5 screws,steel plate and a 3inch donor bone to do the trick),the doc told me "no weight bearing for 3 months" after the 3 months my left leg lost alot of muscle and mass,my sport playing days are over...so i needed something to do,get out of the house, something that i could do standing for a few hours a day to work the muscles in my leg, well that's when i decided to start fishing again.But wait i have no fishing gear at all, (except for the old tackle box i had when i was a kid)so off to the tackle shop and buy a rod and reel combo,line,hooks,sinkers etc...oh and most importanly SENKO'S Within a year and half,I now own 5 rods and have more tackle than i can use (fishing is very addicting,lol)...I also had more luck in the fish species and PB this year IN /08,so i would like to show you all a few pics first up stipped bass / SM Bass next a couple pike a few Muskie my 2 eyes 1 and only brown lakers and bows sheephead (freshwater drum) and last but not least i caught my 1st on friday night first pic he did this I hope you enjoy the pics as i did catching these guys,all pics are from april /08 to present day and ALL from shore..thats what i call a great 6 months for me cheers Streamerguy
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