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Posts posted by Governator

  1. We don't sell our oil and buy it back. We HAVE To ship our oil to the US, it's part of the NAFTA agreement we signed. We have to distribute our oil/gas equally with the states and their demand is higher than ours so they get more. Most of the remaining oil stays on the West side of Canada as we don't have pipelines to get it to the East. 40% or more of Ontario's oil is imported (Not from the States last I checked). We certainly have more than enough of oil for all of Canada but there are no energy plans in place here to utilize it.

  2. I could be wrong but as far as I know due to NAFTA, Canada exports more oil to the states than any other country (Including Saudi Arabia). We have to legally give them (for the rest of our known lives) something like 75% of our oil. Basically oil in North America must be divided up to the highest consumers which of course is mainly the States. :wallbash:

  3. Agreed with bobowski, Peter from the cooks bay board is extremely helpful with info from Gilford.


    The guy from Innisfil Bait & Tackle is great too, definitely go there. Afterwards head south 1 street from there and go on Gilford rd. and head towards the lake. Park right on Gilford rd on the south side. Do NOT park close to a driveway or corner or you will get ticketed. They heavily enforce parking tickets there. Parking starts about a block or so up from the end of the road.


    There's huts everywhere out there so just head towards them.

  4. Thats why most of these guys have all the pics of their tackle for insurance purposes I catalog mine every year and give my broker a copy of the list with pictures I didn't do it last year but will be this year for sure I had a house fire and lost about $2500 in gear ins adjuster said I was lying LOL I prolly have $7000 worth now + the boat so he would laugh in my face they want to give you the least amount of money as possible so the better you protect yourself the better off you will be if something terrible ever happens unfortunately I found out the hard way :wallbash:



    That's what I thought, too bad on the house fire sorry to hear. I have maybe 4 or 5 rods and 5 full plano boxes but that's about it. Well plus ice fishing gear too. Come to think of it I probably have $1200-$1500 worth and I only started in 08. I could see the $$ going up pretty steadily.

  5. We've had a membership a couple of years but I've never really shopped there a lot although we really should. I don't have a deep freezer and it's just my wife and I and an 18 month old. Buying fresh food in bulk doesn't really help us yet until I get that freezer but for whatever reason we keep renewing the membership.


    I do a lot of my christmas shopping there which saves me money and buy most of my gas there too (Barrie's location has a gas station). That stuff alone I probably break even on my membership.

  6. Really looking forward to this as well, just puttin' the fixins on my pop up, broke 2 hubs so far (Clam replaced). I think I've finally figured it out now lol.


    Hopefully others might be able to steer us in the right direction when we're there. Never fished from IBP and don't have a flasher.

  7. My buddy had a pike on in about 6-7' feet of water, he used his lap grabber to land it, but the fish thrashed next to the boat and got away. However, it took the lip grabber with it! (He didn't have the loop around his wrist). It was in very still water, anyway he looked down and saw the pike dormant right below the boat. He attached a heavy jig and carefully lowered his line and managed to snag the rope of the lip grabber. He successfully relanded the pike with the lip grabber in it's mouth lol! There's a pic somewhere with it as well, pretty cool story.

  8. Basically its a number 30 for a number 2 pick over the two years , cant see how thats a win unless dumping salary is the purpose. Should have moved him when they were rebuilding 2 years ago. That being said they had to do it at some point.

    Just wonder who is going to get the puck out of there end now, Kaberle is one of the best in the league on getting that first pass going for the break out.



    They tried to make a similar deal last year and boston backed down before the trade deadline. Remember too, Kaberle had a no trade clause he could refuse any trade and thankfully allowed this to happen. They couldn't just sell him like he was freely available to all teams because he wasn't. What other choices did they have? This is likely the best deal they could've got for him and it's 10x better than having him walk to the free agent market like Sundin did.

  9. Its a sad day in leaf land..Kabs will be missed..Had to be done thou. Good move Burkie!! Wonder what he has up his sleeve next? Im willing to bet that with over 7 mill in cap space and 2 first rounders there is a BIG deal comming soon..I dont think you will see the leafs resign Kabs in the off season.. thats considered drity work among the GM's.. Burkie would be hung out to dry in future moves as a gm if he did that to Boston..



    That's true but Boston would have to make a decision how big of a contract they can offer Kabs. He's not getting any younger and will probably still demand over 4mil/season.

  10. Kaberle has been dealt to the Bruins for prospect Joe Colborne (He was a 1st rnder) the Bruins' first round pick in 2011 and a conditional draft pick. It's not the pick the leafs gave up for Kessel, it's the Bruins pick but still they got a couple of 1st rounders and 2nd rounders now.


    I'll miss Kaberle though, he was definitely a dedicated Leaf in and out. Maybe he'll get resigned in the offseason.

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