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Posts posted by Governator

  1. I'm proud to say I don't have a single service with Bell (Home phone is with Rogers). Bell once sent me a bill out of the blue for a phone number I've never owned and was apparently hooked up 3 years prior to a different address (The police station) but under my name! The bill was for $1700 and it took me 4 months to get cleared. After that I switched everything from them. Screw Bell, I'd never go back.

  2. I live in right in the South East corner of Barrie in a subdivision in the Yonge and Mapleview area, I'm not super familiar with the fishing shops in town. I know Innisfil better to be honest so I will head in there before I head over to the ice. Thanks for the help guys.



    Really? So do I. Off Prince William Way?

  3. My condolences, I never knew him personally but my thoughts are with you & his family.


    I'm in a similar situation right now, I lost a cousin of mine on Friday. You may have heard it on the news. He was alone at his cottage in Bracebridge when it went up in flames at 3am. He battled cancer for 3 years and was finally free of it this fall. He was happy again and to have this happen on Christmas Eve was a nightmare. Christmas felt different this year.

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