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Posts posted by Governator

  1. I’ve been doing the same as Governator’s “standard” method; but I scale them first & leave the shin on.

    I know everyone thinks it’s a pain to scale them, let alone the mess; but I think they taste better and well worth the effort.

    Plus I’ve just bought an electric scaler that works great. It doesn’t rip the skin of the fish at all and the shield helps to keep the scales from flying all over the place. One or two passes with the arbor and the scales are gone; almost as fast as skinning the fillet but with no waste. I don’t know why this thing works as good as it does; the teeth on the arbor are covered in what looks like plastic. You can hold it against your hand and it does nothing as in cut or scrape; but it sure does remove the scales easily.

    Plus once they’re scaled they fillet twice as easy; not having to cut through the scales.




    That's very cool I've never used one of those. I like them with skin on as well so I do the butterfly method afterwards, keeps it all intact and good size portions. Pain to scale though by hand so I usually limit how many I do from my catch lol.



  2. While there is many ways to clean perch, I think the 2 most common ways would be like this:


    1) Easiest/Beginner method. This method keeps the rib cage attached but you remove afterwards: Cut behind the gill plates to the back bone, then slide the knife flat against it all the way through the tail essentially cutting off half the fish. You then just cut out the ribs (try to get under the bones but leaving the bit of meat behind it. Then skin it.


    2) Standard Method: This method avoids the ribs from the get go. Hard to explain, but it's like filleting a small walleye. Slice around the gills/neck, then slice on the top of the fish behind it's head on the inside of the spine, just a little bit in all the way down until your knife is in line with it's anus, at that point you're past the rib cage and can push the knife right through the fish then slice through the tail. Then you start opening up the fish from the top and slice around the ribs and down under the belly and remove the fillet (No ribs attached). Then just skin it and do the same on the other side.


    Youtube is your friend though, it's much easier to understand watching videos.


    This video from 2min onwards is how to butterfly perch, my favourite method. You don't need to scale them, you can just skin them afterwards. Good technique though:

  3. I love small ball. There is nothing more exciting than aggressive baserunning and slashing hits into the gaps. This type of play keeps tension on the opposing pitchers more than a few power hitters. Throw a few power hitters in the mix with some speed and you have pure beauty.


    I promised myself I would go to more games this year. I am going to keep my promise. I think by 2013 we should be gold.



    Totally agree, Jays have been the only Toronto organization I've been loyal to over the last 5 years. I certainly hope I can make it to more games this year as well. I don't believe they will top last year's record, I think it will take some tweaking over the next year for the team to gel and come together but the future is very promising. Aaron Hill has to be a bigger contributor at the plate this year in order to have a solid core in the line up I think.

  4. Sure there's some idiots out there like everywhere, but overall most people I've talked ice fishing are just happy to be out of the house. I've always had a good time out there and the 'community' at least on simcoe are usually filled with awesome people.

  5. You will need to make some sort of sleigh or skis for it or it will be pretty much impossible. Its not like fold over huts with the built in toboggan. Once its folds into the suitcase it can't really be pulled around without damaging it.



    I agree with this. It folds in to a suitcase, the floor will get damaged or cracked if you drag it out on it's own especially with more weight on it as it's not intended to be a sled. So if you buy it you'll want to rig it with skis or runners.


    I was going to purchase a clam 2000 myself this year but after testing it out I wasn't too impressed and settled on a pop out (Clam Base Camp - love it btw). I also had difficulty taking it down and putting it back up, the poles are a pain in the ass even with 2 people.


    $100 is a good price mind you if it's in good condition but a pop out is a lot more convenient if you just get a utility sled that fits it.

  6. I live near Mapleview/Yonge in Barrie and spent just as much $ in Innisfil as most of their own residents (I do my grocery shopping and lunch & coffee runs in Stroud, let alone gas runs and bait/tackle). It's such a slap to the face to those who live in the area for them to keep doing this. Makes me furious. I've been wanting to write to them about this for quite a while, people all over contribute to their town. They offer various services to attract visitors which keeps their local businesses in tact yet they neglect us with cheapshots like this.

  7. The line strength & lure choice would depend on what species you plan to target. If it's panfish, think smaaaalll... a couple of small rapala jigging raps, you can tip them with a power wiggler. Or even just very small jigs or spoons will work. You can tip those with live minnows or small plastics as well.

  8. Thanks guys for the advice & offer for help.


    I just wanted to give big props to Clam Corp. for providing some great customer service. I explained what happened and they just asked for my mailing address and are sending me a replacement hub that I broke without any questions! These guys are great and because of that I'll continue to buy from them. They certainly made me happy.



  9. Wooooww... now the top roof hinge broke just trying to pop it up, so it's completely wrecked and won't pop up anymore. Awesome I now have a freaking broken shack without it being on the ice. Unreal I don't understand what I did wrong, I did the exact same thing they show on their video from their site. I've never felt so completely useless before.

  10. I have the eskimo quick fish 3 which is pretty much the same thing i think.

    I open it myself all the time. Just pop out the roof/top piece first then the sides of the hut. Sometimes it goes smoothly and it will pop right up, sometimes I need to pull it against the wind...



    Hey Kevin - That's what I keep trying to do, but it won't lay flat for me to do that. When I try to pop the roof/top first the opposite side flips up at me. I'm just I just need some practice and maybe need to work it in a bit.



  11. Hey Guys,


    I got the clam base camp, has anyone been successful setting it up by themself? I've found it nearly impossible, I just can't keept he 4 corners down in order to pop up the top, is there a better way to try by yourself? Pretty easy to setup with another person just thought I'd like the possibility of bringing it alone too.

  12. My worst experience happened a few years back when it was still legal to smoke inside. I stopped in to this restaurant to warm as my work that day was outside. So I order my fries and a burger combo. Sit down and I lite up a cigarette. There was 2 of us smoking and it took about 20 minutes to get our food. 20 minutes, 2 smokers there was lots of stray ashes around the ashtray. My buddy gets his order and I get my burger, I asked the waitress about my fries and she says that she was busy and forgot, so she goes back to the kitchen and 5 minutes later comes back to the table with my order of fries and puts it in front of me but 4-5 fries fall off the plate and into the stray ashes, she reaches over grabs the fries and puts them back in my plate. I completely lost it on that stupid waitress. I didn't pay for my food and walked out, so the manager comes out to try to gte me to pay and I told him the story he politely told me not too worry about the bill and walked back in. Within 25 minutes the waitress comes out to ask me what I had told the manager because she just got fired. My response was " You got to be kidding me, having the nerves to ask"



    That's freakin' disgusting. Good on ya.

  13. As I originally stated.. I got a $300 cheque (and one for even more at .5% of gross sales).. for every Ontario Corp # that I own. Has nothing to do with personal HST/GST help cheques that people get.. These $300 cheques were sent to every business in Ontario(with no fanfair or announcement) to help offset the costs of upgrading electronics and invoices etc to reflect HST vs Gst and Pst.



    I have an Ontario Corp # and received it as well.

  14. Sounds like Hell's Kitchen.


    I've had terrible service three times from a certain franchise of breakfast joints (Which after our last experience we don't go to anymore). Super slow service, dirty cups, forgot to give me half my order but then charged me for all of it. Only place I've been too where I didn't leave a tip.

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