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Posts posted by Governator

  1. Hey!! I thought that it was against the rules to post political threads on the board. Welcome to the tea party folks. Don't complain when you have to wait to go and see your doctors unless they work in the prison system or fly fighter jets. HMMM we need more hospitals and road work oh wait no we don't we need guns planes and prisons screw the old people that need to get to a hospital.Gays are out, drug injection sites are out, abortion centres out shall I go on!! What a bunch of fools for voting in the cons. Enjoy!!! the next four year folks. :asshatg:



    No, you know what was stupid? The opposition voting down the Government and having a reelection to begin with when the outcome was inevitable. It costs Canadians $300 million dollars to run an election (We've had 4 in 7 years). Money well spent for losing power in the house & putting us further in debt. I'd rather have an extra couple fighter jets than a reelection any day.


    False promises come from ALL parties including those that think they can magically change the landscape of education, healthcare, environment and all private organizations in just a couple of years without increasing taxes. Sadly that logic only works if they go after businesses to get money for it. This of course backtracks us, raising unemployment rate and the closing down of small businesses. You can't have it one way without hurting the other, the middle ground just doesn't exist no matter what lies they tell you.

  2. Yes people, do get out and vote... however I do take issue with the above statement... in my mind, you have every right to complain, whether you vote or not, providing you PAY YOUR TAXES... that, in my mind gives you the right to complain.




    I meant you can't complain which party wins the race, not how your tax dollars are being spent. Often races can be very close and if only 50% of a town voted than that means those that didn't can't complain because they could've made a difference.

  3. So I'm watching CNN an hour ago, and they throw in this line" The DNA evidence shows this to be Osama Bin Laden. His body was disposed of at sea" then carried on the discussion casually.


    This is not gonna be accepted very well, I hope they are going to prove this action actually took place. I'm not one for conspiracies etc, but 3000 families would like some sort of evidence/explanation I'm sure.



    Osama was shot in the head and I'm going to guess more than once considering they were ordered to kill. It would not be a pretty photo for the news although I'm sure they'll either end up releasing it or it'll get leaked (The one out there right now is fake).


    The explanation I read on cnn.com was because they did not want his body brought back to US soil, in fear that others will use his grave as a worshiping ground. Makes complete sense to me.

  4. i respectfully disagree.

    it's not the same mission, the same generals, or the same director of the CIA. it's obama's people that were conducting the operations, and america's military was the tool to execute them. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, but like i said, this will be part of Obama's legacy whether you like it or not.



    Obviously yes this is true, it will go down in history books that he was in charge when he was killed and he did the speech afterwards.


    This was too funny not to post assuming you recognize the original:



  5. Obama did what Bush failed to do and that's going to piss off a lot of Obama haters like yourself... Your bias is comical at best.



    What he's saying is that Bush sent the mission to get him, not Obama. Just because command changed doesn't necessarily mean one did what the other couldn't. More of a joint effort over a 10 year span. If Obama was in charge in 2001 the same forces would've been sent and the same result would've happened and likely in the same timeframe. Infact it almost never even happened, considering they found the home owners of Osama's hideout from questioning Guantanamo Bay prisoners. If you remember Obama last year ordered to put an end to Guantanamo Bay. It's a good thing he reversed that decision in March of this year.

  6. Burial at sea?? Too bad they didn't load him on a jet and have him buried under a new trade center building...alive.


    I feel bad for the folks who lost loved ones as this will bring back old feelings except now with a hint of justice.



    If they brought the body back to US soil it would become a worshiping grave for his followers. I don't think you'd want him in your town.

  7. Ya, I know what you mean. My wife was going on about the cost and what she could have bought with the money we spent :blahblah1: He's my everthing right now. With me all day, everyday. Spends the days right beside me in my office. They just dont understand. :dunno:


    He's doing better today as he threw up agin yesterday. Just hope he holds down his food for now.



    If he's still having problems keeping the food down, you can try a more bland option. Just plain white rice & cooked chicken. Of course do what the vets told you but I'm just saying what we use to do. White rice is as plain as it gets and simple to digest.

  8. I have experienced this exact thing and my heart goes out to you. My dog had extreme allergies and had 4 or 5 episodes over a 3 year span of vomiting, shivering, diarrhea (with blood in her vomit & poop). She had a lot of issues and our vet bills were through the roof. She would do 2-3 overnights at the vets with $1500-$2000 bills each time (this is on top of her hypoallergy food & pills she was on to control itchyness). Eventually though her allergies had just overtaken her where she'd naw herself till she bled and was a living a very unhappy life. Thus we put her down last fall.


    Of course every dog is different and it could very well be that your dog happened to eat something out of the garbage and just didn't settle well in their stomach. It happens, unless this becomes a regular occurrence you shouldn't worry too much about it just keep a close eye on her. When they are young they don't know better and get in to everything often without you knowing.


    If the vet bills though become such a worry for you, you should really consider pet insurance. I'm not sure if you can still qualify for that but its worth a shot - I wish I took it when I had the option.

  9. I don't have a problem being asked for a raise but I wouldn't let someone tell me they've been offered a new job and ask what I'm willing to do to keep them. I'd say don't let the door hit you on the way out. There's a right way and a wrong way to approach your boss for a raise and if you feel someone else can has offered you better than just hand in your 2 weeks. Your boss hired you, he has the upper hand, period. And if you want a nice recommendation for your future career be kind to him.

  10. I think the Canucks can and will beat any team they face. I just don't see them losing 4 of 7 to any team.


    I'll bold my round 1 winners:



    Eastern Conference


    Washington Capitals (1) vs New York Rangers (8)

    Philadelphia Flyers (2) vs Buffalo Sabres (7)

    Boston Bruins (3) vs Montreal Canadiens (6)

    Pittsburgh Penguins (4) vs Tampa Bay Lightning (5)


    Western Conference


    Vancouver Canucks (1) vs Chicago Blackhawks (8)

    San Jose Sharks (2) vs Los Angeles Kings (7)

    Detroit Red Wings (3) vs Phoenix Coyotes (6)

    Anaheim Ducks (4) vs Nashville Predators (5)

  11. The only thing about that article that I question is the five year timeframe.


    Leafs have sucked since 1967.


    What the heck is going to change in five years?



    There were 6 teams in 1967... There have been many Leaf teams since that could've easily beat past Leaf championship teams, especially from the 90s. They had good teams in much of the 90s, they didn't suck like they have the past 5 years.

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