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Posts posted by Governator

  1. Yea like Sinclair said it's hard to find places renting just for weekends or 3 day trips in the summer. Most want to book up full weeks and are usually booked a couple of weeks in advance.


    The easiest way is often browsing through cottage rental ads on kijiji. They are not resorts of course but you can find great deals privately and usually able to book for just 2-3 nights. Just ask if you would have access to a boat, of course doing it this way you'd need your boating license.


    Also, what are you looking to target?


    EDIT: You may want to check out http://www.fishermanscove.com - I haven't been but it was recommended to me a while back. It's no Muskoka and could be more family friendly than you're looking for. Have you guys considered just camping? Many more options.

  2. Just bring your bathing suit Skinny!!! Things get too hot in the afternoon, we're swimming!!!

    After all this is about raising money, and, having fun. It isn't a tournament :)

    Five days left!



    Yep agreed, just bring a cooler & go for a dip if you get too hot. You'll dry in no time anyway.

  3. I have the bold & wife as the torch, buddies have iphones. I've also had a Samsung Galaxie (Sweet phone btw). The data usage between blackberry & any other smart phone (ESPECIALLY iphone) is quite drastic. Anyone who has carefully looked at their bills would notice just how much more they are paying each month for their smartphones. Blackberry compresses everything and saves a ton. With blackberry you can easily get away with the lowest monthly data plans which you can't possibly do with an iphone (Blackberry should market this fact but don't, it's one of their biggest pluses right now).


    Keep in mind RIM's next lineup is either going to make them or break them. I know they are releasing a touchscreen bold and they are updating the phone OS to the same as the Playbook which is a thing of a beauty on it's own. Before they were innovators and others were playing catch up but those roles have reversed and RIM is now reacting to other companies moves. Sadly they've been on the decline and I really hope they can bounce back strong in 2012. I've been a blackberry user for 6 years I would hate to see them sink.

  4. We took my my son last summer, but he was only 1 at the time and I don't think we had to pay for his admission, just our own which seemed backwards. It's definitely a good time for the younger kids (Like I'd say under 6) but if they're older they probably won't have as much fun.


    I think Centreville offers a lot more bang for the same buck if you're in the Toronto area.

  5. Aren't the limits in place to prevent over fishing of specific areas that we fish? I don't see why on earth it would matter if we catch the limit of 4 in lake A yet the zone we reside in is a limit of 2. I would think you should be allowed to take the fish home since you didn't effect any lake within your zone which is the reason for limits, no? I understand in cases of selling fish illegally, but that's another can of worms.

  6. I've been using braid for 3 or 4 years, on everything! When a spinning reel gets a loop knot, I cut it off above the knot and magically it doesn't happen again. People saying mono backing stopped their looping issues are kidding themselves. I have never used backing, sometimes when I have a retail package of power pro I will use the little foam sticky pad that comes with it, but an arbor knot tightened down is usually all I use. from my experience loop knots happen for two reasons; first is cranking the reel to close the bail, and second is overfilling the spool. Everyone is guilty of overfilling spools, they don't want to see a couple dozen yards of the $20 spool of braid wasted, myself included. I've had it happen on 1000-3000 size reels, 10-30lb braid. I always close my bail by hand, and any time I've had a loop knot simply cutting above it has solved the problem. Maybe everybody's idea of overfilling a spool is different, but i like to see at least a couple mm of the lip of the spool. Also, buying bulk spools will give you peace of mind when filllig up because you can put the proper amount of line on and not feel like you're wasting any.



    100% agree. When I first started using braid last year I was getting a lot of loop issues of line spilling over. At first I thought my line wasn't on tight enough but after re-spooling a few times I realized having less line from the get go highly eliminated twists for me. Don't overfill the spool, I don't know what the magic number is but I definitely keep about a few mm gap from the lip.

  7. Thanks everyone - good times indeed!



    Now I'm hungry for walleye/taters and beans. <_<


    Nice little boat too.

    How do you like your Fisher? ;)


    Thanks! That's my fishing partner's boat. We started with a zodiac which is hard to believe, then to a 12' aluminum and got this one last fall so this is our first season with it. What a treat to finally have some space & stability. It's just the perfect size for what we do and zips nicely. First time we've had fish finders as well, what a bonus that is. Just nice to know for depth, quite surprising how many drop offs we didn't know existed until having them.

  8. My buddy and I plan two fishing trips each year, usually Spring & Fall. So last weekend was the first of the year and even though the weather didn't cooperate throughout, it was great times & good fishing (Which is really all we care about).


    We left my place in Barrie @ 6:30AM on Friday and our destination was a small lake with limited access in Temagami. There's something about camping on an island in a remote area that gives you a real appreciation to the outdoors. We do these types of trips often and they always bring good times. We didn't see a single person or boat all weekend, and there's only two cottages near the launch area to be seen.


    Anyway we make a pit stop at Gramps and double check the load:





    We were launching before noon, and setup camp before chasin' the fish:




    Pop-up bug net was real handy for a quick filleting station. Small black flies still found ways through but it was a big help:




    A perfect rock face for docking:





    Friday's fishing was slow. We've been here before and thought we had a good idea where certain species would be hiding. We first targeted pike but came up empty other than a couple smallies swiping our lures. So instead we hit another bay, marked some fish and landed a couple of walleye:


    My buddy Ash landed the biggest walleye of the weekend (around 23"):






    I got a little guy:





    We moved on as the action stopped and headed to another spot we had success on in the past. Ash landed another couple of walleye and we called it a night after the bugs came out hard. We slept in a little bit and started the next day with some good ol' bannock before hitting the lake:





    The day started rather slow and after hitting our usual spots we headed down a different bay. Ash landed a small walleye and in the process I rigged up a jig & shiner. About 5 minutes later he saw what he thought was a massive walleye taking a couple chomps at his lure right near the boat. He hollered over to quickly drop my jig down, so I dropped it and within seconds it was fish on!


    A tag team effort to say the least, it was a surprise 24" Pike. Pretty thick guy actually, didn't get a full shot though:




    We called it a morning, headed in for quick bite. The rain at this time was now coming down pretty hard. Didn't prevent us from fishing, we were all geared up and this time the rain I think certainly helped the fish action. We headed to another bay when Ash put on a walleye catching display, within about a 15 minute period he had landed 6 walleye while I had just 1. We moved around a bit and when his hot streak came to an end I suddenly felt big hit on my line (probably why the action ended?)!


    I thought I must've hit a massive walleye although once again to my surprise it was a nice size pike (In fact my Personal Best on my line). I hauled it in but the real unfortunate part was she inhaled my little 2.5" walleye crank deep in to it's gills. She was bleeding excessively and I felt awful, we jaw spreaded her and by the time we got it out she was pretty well done. We couldn't revive her (OR SO WE THOUGHT) so we decided that it was best to place her in the live well and see if the running water would do anything. If she wasn't going to come around I'd just keep her not letting her go to waste. Wouldn't you know it? I opened up the live well when we landed and she was no longer belly up she looked live & ready to go!! WHEWW!


    Here's a quick pic of her in the livewell with some small eyes:




    I held her up for a pic & then had a great release:





    We also kept a few walleye for lunch from our 8 combined possession limit & let the others go too.


    Time for some good dinner, the photos can do the rest:


    Ash worked the taters while I cooked up the fish:













    Can't wait for next time!

  9. I've done it several ways inc luding the immerse in water. My favorite way now is to wrap each filet in cling wrap,keep as much air out as possible then store in a zip lock bag again keeping as much air out as possible. When I want to eat them I don't thaw slowly on the counter. I run cold water into the sink and throw the cling wrapped filet in the water. I cook as soon as the filet is thawed.



    I do it this way as well. I've done the water method and found it's just too much of a pain to prepare & defrost. This is the quickest and easiest, no to mention my fish don't stay in the freezer longer than couple weeks.

  10. People have to know there is absolutely no apples and oranges difference within a monopoly of two giants. Rogers or Bell, people will eventually have a bad experience over time with either service from either company. It's what happens when call centers are spread out over mass areas and their only main competition are each other. It's well known that Bell has call centers in India, as far as I know Rogers only uses Canadian call centers. It doesn't change the experience all that much to be honest. You just get the shortest queue line.


    I was with Bell with all services until they gave me an insane $1700 bill out of no where for a phone number I never owned that was apparently hooked up 4 years prior. I even had the stupid service rep reverse lookup the phone number which proved it was routed to the Police Station, not my address yet it still took 6 months to clear that off my name after about 8hrs worth of phone calls over that time. That could've ruined me in credit rating. It of course was the final straw for me and I switched.


    Without a lot of options though they don't really give a crap if you switch, someone else will switch from the other anyway. It's different if there are 6 different top companies fighting for position, they need you then, Bell or Rogers don't need you and don't need to give better promos than their competitor to keep you.

  11. We had bell home phone until the 25th. Over the last 5 years we have called bell to get them to repair the lines coming in from the highway many times. The repair guys have told us that from the highway to our house (less than 1 KM) the line has been spliced 22 times, and that they will not replace it. Bell did try to get us to stay with them, but did not offer us any incentives.


    I had rogers cell phone also for about 5 years. I had great reception, but lousy service and prices too high. Again, was not offered any incentive to stay with them.


    Now I have Koodo for cell (3 of them actually mine, my daughter's and my boyfriend). We have had it for about 4 months. No complaints as of yet for quality for calls or text, it takes great pictures. Prices are very reasonable for what we wanted. Grateful for the unlimited text as my daughter has used over 15 000 in the last 30 days.


    Internet, we were stuck on dial-up here and only connecting at 21 - 24 kbps since 2006. We finally bit the bullet about 2 months ago and went with netspectrum for high speed wireless. As of this moment, we can not be happier with it.



    15000 text messages in a month, I hope that's a mistype!? That's 500/day, is that even possible?

  12. Caught them Saturday with x-raps & livetarget smelt also had a hit on a spoon. Spinnerbaits are never a bad choice neither are Husky Jerks. If you use smaller jerk style baits, you may get some bass instead so just be aware of what's there. Also, Daredevil weedless spoons are excellent for launching across the lake. When they skip on the water with a sidearm throw, it often triggers a reaction strike if there's one sitting there.

  13. How does a gas gift card lower your cost? Wouldn't you still have to swipe it at the pump based on on how much gasoline you use? If you buy a $20 gift card doesn't it just equal $20 worth of gas at the pump? I've never seen a $20 gas gift card for $15. They would be sold out in seconds. Not to mention you probably pay tax on the card itself, costing you more.

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