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About gogu392

  • Birthday 03/06/1973

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  1. Nice performance.
  2. Got in sale an ICom handled VHF marine transceiver: IC-M92D I am trying to register a MMSI # via internet here: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf08138.html Is this the correct link to register my device. Thank you for any advice in this mater.
  3. That 2Hp comparison I was looking for. Thank you.
  4. Hi Guys, I will ask a basic question that I know does not have a sharp answer. I need to know what is the ration between 1Hp and 1Lb thrust How many Lb thrust is in 1Hp. I understand in the past Johnson motors label the outboards in Lb thrust. I know that the HP and Lb thrust are two different UM (unit measure). I am just looking for a raw estimate for ideal conditions. Thank you.
  5. Krown here for last 10+ years. Happy with the protection. I don't care about rain, snow or salt.
  6. Survey completed. It will be nice to have also a way to know how much contaminates are farmed fish? Just to have a baseline. Are the farmed fish cleaner that wild? I doubt that.
  7. Nice performance.
  8. Hi There, What will be a good store with cheap shipping rates and if possible from Canada? I don't want o pay imports. Thank you for any info. Happy holidays.
  9. Thank you for replies. Yes is white plastic, the third one type. I got the tank installed 3 years ago and was flushed at that time - I saw how they hook a hose to the valve but never bother to ask how they open and close it. I do own the tank, so I will try to flush it every year from now on. Thank you for your replies.
  10. Hi There, My water thank is Rheem Guardian System 50 gallons. I see the drain valve but it does not have a screw to open it. Any body know how to drain this kind of water tank? Thank you in advance for any info. Regards.
  11. The easiest way is to make red wine. You just need a pale of must from California. I do mine every year. A lot cheaper ($3/bottle) that LCBO and free of chemicals.
  12. Rob Ford does not make the games of smart guys who want to milk more taxes from the citizens, therefore it has to be trashed in the media. TV media in all countries are controlled and manipulated by strong financial interests. I don't want a mayor that speak nice and increase my taxes every year. I want a guy that deliver result with the same budget (that's performance). I will vote for him as long he will candidate.
  13. Hi There, Does anyone knows where are the $ spend from our licences fees? I am curious how much is the total and where that amount goes. These are public money we should know how are spent.
  14. X2: Do it yourself, read, learn, and avoid anything that promises huge returns! X2: for Big Cliff details
  15. The plan sound good, very good.
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