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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. A person's rights should be forfeit the moment they violate the rights of others.


    The other way to see it is simple. Rights must be balanced with responsibilities. Failure to meet one's responsibility should be met with a suitable loss of rights. Sadly, his kind of vermin never receive the appropriate punishment.

  2. During the postwar occupation, a lot of bartering went on between Canadian soldiers and the German populace. A lot of nazi contraband, weapons, souvenirs made there way back to Canada. Medals, daggers and lugers were the most popular. One family member, a stamp collector, obtained vast stockpiles of nazi postage in return for various military items, like food, clothing, medicine. One Canadian MO brought back hundreds of original pieces of Hummel figurines in return for off duty medical care.

  3. Chimney should be scrubbed from top on down.

    The sweep failed to inspect the full chimney, cap and shields, which should cost him his certificate should you report him.

    Many insurance policies require annual inspections and cleaning, or your insurance is null and void.


    My old house was heated primarily with wood. I only once had a problem. I had a "certified" hack do a poor job of a cleaning/inspection and had a chimney fire. I got nothing but grief from the insurance as we had misplaced the receipt. The only reason they finally paid out was an affadavit from the fire department inspector who referred the the sweep who did the work.

  4. LOL! Poor guy. That's worse than when Fish TV got switched to Legend Boats LOL!


    Fishing show hosts are not educators, but product pushers in the truest sense and can't think of many shows still going that promote the sport at its most basic level, and why I almost never watch fishing programming anymore.


    I wish I had lived to see the Red Fisher era.

    Red may have been souped a lot of the time, but he was great to watch and listen to.

  5. When we leave him be in the house he is usually pretty good. Except when... Mom leaves her nose tissues lying around. <_< Came home to this.



    Seems he dug all the used ones out of the waste basket, then he emptied out the new ones in the box.


    At least he is not as bad as Peanut. She used to dig into the dirty clothes basket and chew holes through the ladies underwear. :P

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