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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Yeah, but so is this...

    <object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZSlrrQaMTQ?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZSlrrQaMTQ?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZSlrrQaMTQ?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

    I remember when Holly worked the stage at Philmores in Toronto.

  2. Thanks dood!


    Is there a reason why not to add the entire fish(sans gills/fillets)???

    If you add the flesh from the start, you will have mush by the time you are done. Better to have nice chunks of fish in your chowder instead of mush.

  3. Fish stock for soups and chowders is simple. First fillet fish and set them aside for later. Remove head and tails, and place them in a 2gal pot of water. Add 1/2 tbsp salt, 6-8 whole allspice beads, chopped celery, parsley, onion.

    Set to a low boil for 1-2 hours, or reduced to half of volume. Strain through a fine mesh sieve, cool, package and freeze.


    Fish heads always make the best stock, as my Gram always said.

  4. Ryan, rules were sometimes meant to be broken.


    Keeping the kids out late, or pulling them from school was a regular thing in our home.

    If it means you and your kids are having fun together, and getting in some precious bonding time time.... WHO CARES WHAT THE RULES ARE. Enjoy every precious minute of it.

  5. That's really a shame.. there should be a volunteer org. kind of like neighbourhood watch.

    It only works if enforcement is available to answer a callout. There are 3 CO's available to cover 15 of 21 shifts, minus vacation time, sickness, court days. Assignments to surveillance and special task forces, etc....

    The same shortage occurs throughout the province, and most local police are utterly unqualified to fill the gap. and when they try, at least in Niagara, they screw up royally.

  6. Turtle poachers? wow

    There is an extensive and lucrative market for both Painted and Map turtles. I've seen some of these people at work at some of the ponds, armed with dipnets and coolers, combing the shoreline for small turtles. Have called the MNR a few times. Sadly, no one available, as the Niagara region cannot have 24/7 coverage with a 3 man team.

  7. I even take it with me to Alaska evry fall.

    I have it hooked up to a generator and it has a place of honour in my camper. :lol:

    Eventually hope to have a Rancilio Silva and a Rancilio Rocky grinder. B)

    I'm sorry, but taking the cappuchino machine camping is so urban limp wristed. Whatever happened to the good old tin pot over the fire, a dash of salt and some eggshells fer good measure. A man should be able to chew his coffee :tease:

  8. It's all about the lawyers. What happens when Lola Granola sues the network because her child was "traumatized" by the site of blood? The disclaimer helps get them off the hook.

    This is just one of the consequences of a limp wristed modern society. Don't want to know about the realities of fending for oneself and can't cope if they tried.

  9. IF you want the carpet to last any length of time, do not go with the cheapest line. Whether carpet or underpad, they will not last.

    Amount of traffic is also a factor in choosing underpad for different parts of the house. Is insulating "R" ratings a factor? How about the flooring's ability to muffle sound?

  10. What a great day. The swap meet was very busy. So many familiar and new faces. Glad to have been able to have at least a few words with every one. Casey sure enjoyed all the attention and was plum tuckered out at the end of it all.

    Hope you guys enjoy the salsa


    Thanks for making it a good day.

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