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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I can see the fine for going out on poor ice and being rescued. The amount, however, is absurd. Heck, I've paid out for some 40+ ambulance trips over the past 3 years for family members. It hurts the pocket, but it does not stop me from calling 911.


    Emergency services have evolved considerably from 30-40 years back. Back then, community members were called upon to search for missing boaters and ice travellers. Methods and equipment are far more advanced. Due to liability concerns, they do not call on local volunteers. Risks still exist. I get a knot in my stomach every time my nephew gets called out on marine rescue, and it does burn bad when I hear he is risking his life for someone who disregarded weather and condition warnings.

  2. Between all the hospital and clinic visits, and poor weather, there has been little time for fishing. I finally got out for a day with the son for some local perchin. Nor a lot of fish, but no dinks in the mix.





    Also been puppy sitting my sons little newcomer.


    He's a short little rascal. 1/2 Jack and 1/2 Daschund. Only 10 weeks and gets along famously with Casey.


  3. These acts of peaceful disruption have been used before. There were many highway and railroad disruptions back in the 70's and early 80's.

    Those actions also had serious consequences. Some communities polarized between native and non-native, forcing people to chose sides along racial lines. Both sides being equally guilty. Some communities were hurt by the disruptions, and those people retaliated economically.

    I fear this will again bring about a similar polarization.

  4. Tried to contact Rockhaven Inn to arrange a tournament, but the e-mail bounced back. Can't find any recent mention of it on-line either. Does anyone know the status of this facility?

    Apparently they are rebuilding their website. Some lodges do completely shut down in winter, and you may wait 2-3 weeks for a response.

  5. We used to have small arms instructors who had no problem pegging targets with the old LeeEnfield III and IV at ranges of 1 mile without all the gadgets.


    I still remember... " Downs!!! Having trouble finding the target?? 25 pushups for each round missed." The 5 with the lowest scores that day got an extra trip to the Assault course. You got proficient real quick

  6. Been there a couple of times. Worst example resulted in a police chase with $7Gs and 6 weeks in repair costs to our Oldsmobile. The punk had just gotten out of jail 2 weeks earlier for, you guessed it, auto theft. 2 days later he was again released on his own recognizance pending trial. He would have been safer in jail.

  7. As a rule, help houses are supposed to be temporary structures. The usual buildings being portables, mobile homes, trailers. All of which lack a foundation. The moment you lay down a foundation for living accomodations, your structure will fall under the Ontario building code.

    Perhaps the municipality may give some leeway. I have not met many building inspectors willing to show much flexibility, mind I stopped building houses 12 years back.

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