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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. With all that has been going on, it was a treat to have the son take me out for a few hours on a local pond. I've not had a lot of fishing time the past while.

    Despite the threat of stormy weather, we puttered around on the electric, tossing at every potential pikey looking spot. We weren't disappointed.

    I can now do some BBQ pike and moujakka,



    4 Hours was all the body could handle at that point, but I was happy with the 1/2 dozen we caught.


    The daughter opted out of the little adventure as her foot was in another cast.


    No pain

  2. It has been a hectic few weeks since the puter crashed.


    A lot of visits to Drs and hospitals, for my family, have been the priority the past while. The computer just did not seem so important. Anyhow, all are well, recovering, or as good as they are gonna be.

  3. As kids we used to use mice as live bait some decades back. We would go out to the boat shed and one of us would chase them out of the stored coils of rope while the other scooped em up with a net. We were going to kill them as a nuisance anyway, so we never though it was a big deal.

    We'd hook the mouse under the skin unweighted, toss it out on a float and let it swim about. Didn't take long before a big pike was on the line.

    I'm sure the Humane Society would crucify us today.


    Time and attitudes change. You didn't pass up an opportunity to use live bait. You didn't pass on an opportunity to bring home a meal.

  4. The time for proactive solutions is, I',m afraid, already past and gone. All that is left are reactive policy, and we all know how effective those are.

    In the end Illinois and The U.S. will throw up their hands in frustration , tell us they tried their best, and suggest we now learn to live with the problem.

    Same kind of response they've had with 3 mile island and, more recently, the BP oil spill. Wait for the disaster, then deal with the cleanup and fallout. Ottawa is no different either.

  5. With the warm weather comes so much to do.

    Spent the morning getting things going in the pepper patch, followed by a wee break at the pond.



    Casey has finally decided he likes sushi :lol:


    Capped the day off with a serious effort in the kitchen. Canning season has officially commenced with the first 2 cases of bread & butter pickles.


    Now I can think about bed.

  6. It is not hard to tell that you're proud of her accomplishments.

    Irish knows the feeling.


    Anna has been through a lot of difficulty in her young life. Every time she takes a step forward, or overcomes another obstacle, gives me reason to be proud and celebrate.

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