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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. This was my first time back to the Sault since '85. Lots has changed, yet much is the same.

    They really made a nice job of the waterfront.


    The main reason for the trip was to take the Agawa Canyon rail tour. In my opinion, money well spent.





    I could have easily hopped off the train and just disappeared into the beautiful countryside.

    Water levels everywhere were critically low, sot the falls did not have much show. Even so,....



    I did fish during the road trip, but I was so taken up with the beauty of my surroundings that i never thought to take pics of any of the fish caught.

  2. For those few wondering where I disappeared, Life doesn't always unfold the way we expect.



    To start, the puter folded on me, again, early August.

    I have been very busy with my garden. Seemingly endless bushels of produce are being picked each week. I've made numerous hospital visits with the Mrs. The bones and joints have been rapidly deteriorating, and now, she has to contend with skin cancer. Put simply, I've had very little time for fishing.

    I did set aside 4 days for our anniversary. We went for a little road trip to the Sault to finally take care of another "bucket list" item; a trip up the Agawa Canyon. Despite having lived there a bit, some decades back, I had never taken the rail trip. It was beautiful. Stunning scenery, landscapes and lakes. Lots of great places to stop and fish when I finally slow down.


    A trip up the 17 has to include some fishing. Along the boardwalk in the Sault. Smallmouth and pike at various road stops along the Mississagi, at Blind R. and Elliot Lake.


    Was nice to get out with Mr Bill, a week ago, for some Niagara region smallies

    Tomorrow will include another unpleasant task. At 17 years, it is time to put our oldest dog, Lucky, to rest. Despite having been an abused dog when we found her, she has been a wonderful companion. Now she is tired and hurts and it isn't right to let her suffer

    Sadly, since the puter was attacked, I cannot access photobucket, so I can't put up pics.

  3. We could,nt find them in a bushel basket. Bought two quarts at the local market. Made 9 small jars. Buying this way,it,s over costly. Funny,we traveled a bit this morning to local farm venues. No one is really growing them in bunches.


    Canning the beets is great,but the tops are the real treat in my opinion.There were no tops today.

    A lot of roadside stands don't sell bushels. Not enough mark up unless they produce bulk.

  4. There are now DNA enhanced peppers hitting 2.5 to 3 million on the Scoville scale. There is a reason for the extreme gagging and vomit. It's your body's natural defence mechanism to a noxious or dangerous substance.

    I like heat. I grow a wide variety of hot peppers up to 400,000 SC, but food should have flavour.

  5. It all looks good Bruce . You definitely have a green thumb :thumbsup_anim:




    Since you have it all figured out...when and how do you suggest I harvest/store my garlic crop?

    My garlic was already harvested back in June, but there is no set date. You should pull the garlic once the leaves have 1/2 turned brown, quickly rinse off any loose dirt, and let them dry for a couple of days. You can store them with the stalk on or off.

  6. I'm tired of hearing companies like GM going to the government with cap in hand. You end up with another Massey-Ferguson. A company that lives off 30 years of subsidy, and could no longer stand on it's own. They finally shut their doors in the 70's when Ottawa turned off the money taps.

  7. Here I thought that I would have lots of time to fish in the summer. I guess farming, for a hobby, has taken too much time. It has been very satisfying.

    Despite the drought, I'm experiencing bumper crops.









    And summer means canning season.




    By the by, Casey is full size now. All of 10 lbs.



    I may be busy, but it sure is fun.

  8. For you Country fans (get lost Spiel) less than two weeks from now I`ll be seeing Toby Keith singing Red Solo Cup with 80,000 other country partying dudes, Alabama, Little Big Town, Steve Martin (yeah, that Steve Martin), Sawyer Brown, John Anderson, and many many others at one of the biggest country music parties in the USA. :thumbsup_anim: Gonna be a fun time. 4 days of fun with VIP seating to boot!

    Steve Martin's a pretty good picker

  9. The Hormone traps work great, if you set them on the outer edges of the property. The japanese beetle comes in from neighbouring properties homing in on the scents of plants and flowers. The hormone trap triggers reproductive attraction.

    I have used them with great success in protecting commercial nurseries, berry farms and garden centres.

    You must empty the traps every day.

    Spraying the grapes with Ortho, Bug B Gone, etc,,, may not be advisable, if you plan on eating the grapes.

  10. I remember 'em all, but Verner's was a breed apart!

    That said, as a tyke, I used to love getting one of those little (absolutely freezing) bottles of Coke from the vending machine....

    You mean the old water filled pop coolers. Fingers would be chilled in a minute. Oh the days of running up to Gerry Bye's or Tolles and picking my 6 pack from the cooler and a pocket full of penny candies.

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