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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Not quite the same thing, but many years ago when I was a teenager we had a St. Bernard and you'd go a very long ways in finding a more loveable, loyal dog.


    Huge dogs are plenty of work but the payback is also huge.


    Here's a pic of "Tiny" with my dad about 50 years ago.



    They are beautiful and loyal dogs. Biggest summer drawback is the drool. Duffy was like a travelling Niagara Falls.

  2. Behaviour and temperament of a dog has more to do with the upbringing and training of the individual dog, than the breed itself.

    Resist the urge to bring home pups as soon as possible. It is a convenience and money saver for the breeder. Some pups are even weaned prematurely by a breeder. It is a constant problem encountered with pups from large scale and small scale puppy mills. My wife and kids brought home one such puppy, at 9 weeks, despite my hesitation. What a mistake. That breeder, and a few pet stores, were finally busted for running a puppy mill operation. A good vet ( read old school) will help steer you towards a reputable breeder

    Any reputable breeder will wait 12 weeks or more before removing a pup from it's litter. Generally,the longer the pup is interacting with the litter, the better it will socialize with other dogs.

    After that it's up to the owner of the new pup to teach it social skills with children, strange dogs, strange people.

  3. Over the years, Christmas has always included periods of depression from mourning lost loved ones in our family. My wife's parents both died around Christmas. It has taken us a long time to adjust. I've learnt many years back that the greatest and most precious gifts are the love shared by our families.

  4. Fav Christmas drink would be eggnog with a good splash of spiced rum in it. You can drink beer any time. Rum and eggnog comes only during the holidays.

    Extra thick with a good dash of nutmeg.


    Of course there is the love affair with traditional nordic brandies like Peder Heering, Lapponia, and the odd splash of Aqvavit

  5. It depends on the type of stenosis. I suffer from a congenital scoliosis of the spinal cord. Surgeries are the only reason I can still walk and have an active life. Albeit with some difficulty, as the damage to the nerves is beyond repair. The best thing about the surgeries is that they removed the pain. Sadly the surgery is no cure for the damage done. It merely delays or stops further damage to the spinal cord.


    I hope the surgery helps.

  6. Shall we also take away your right to drive a car or have diesel and fertilizer banned too? One has kill thousands of people a year the other can be misused and do a huge amount of damage or power a car and grow plants. Sorry back to the thread I am heart broken for the families that are affected by this tragic event but to blame a tool for the acts of a human is incorrect.




    In Canada a drivers license is a privilege that is granted, under Canadian law, as long as certain requirements are met. Driving is not a "right".

    However, regardless of the gun rights argument, rights must be balanced with responsibilities. As fewer people exercise their responsibilities, the more frequent this cycle of violence will become.

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