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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. You would have to go to a rare book dealer.


    The works of Prof. Sherwood Fox. Of Western U.


    "The Bruce Beckons"

    "T Ain't Runnin No More"

    His books were a big part of popularizing the Bruce Peninsula. My Grampa was his driver and guide through many of his hikes and misadventures.


    Just about anything by Farley Mowat

  2. I heard this a few years ago, I don't know if it's true


    It's legal in Canada to not have a SIN #, no birth certificate etc., you receive nothing from the gov't, no health care, no EI, no education etc., and old laws still allow you to safely travel on roadways by whatever means you have, build a homestead on crown land (no permits etc.) and farm, forage, hunt and fish without being subject to regulations


    there was a name for living that way, I can't remember what it was


    The old laws regarding squatters rights/adverse possession on Crown land were repealed several years back. Under the old law you needed to occupy the patch of land for upward of 7 years before the courts would recognize entitlement. At any time during those 7 years, you were subject to eviction for trespass and any home you built torn down.

  3. Not confused at all. I despise all politicians. Hence my direct participation in the electoral process. Someone has to try and make sure they play fair. As for the mock ad, that's all fine until you put it up as an election ad. I merely pointed out the problem as a responsible voter. Don't be surprised if someone brought it to the attention of Elections Ontario. I've seen heavy handed responses for far more trivial breaches of "political etiquette' during elections.

  4. I have involved myself in the political process since I have been old enough to vote. I vote religiously, I have campaigned, written party literature and speeches, worked as part of the electoral process at all 3 levels of government. I am having a hard time this go around. To many lies from all sides. Not one leader with any real skill, potential or vision. A whole lot of waste and greed. Far too many political dynasties that have controlled policy in this province for decades, and they are not interested in listening to John Q Public. No one party gives a hoot about the MNR, unless it pertains to winning urban votes.

    On the topic of a spoiled or declined ballot... They only really take note of these irregularities during a close/ contentious/ appealed vote.

  5. Sadly, Tim Hudak has been, until this spring, my MPP. Don't go expecting any salvation of the MNR coming from him. There have been enough environmental and MNR issues for him to face here in his backyard. Hudak's track record... back pedal, sidestep or avoid, unless you have a pet project and money to throw in the "right" direction. Just go back to that long thread about 15 mile creek.



    After an initial positive response, Baby Face and his office did everything possible to avoid that issue. Might have something to do with the big blue sign that was on the lawn. The only reason we got any response at all from his office was because of a very large number of letters and emails that began to flood his office.


    On a side note, re the MNR's involvement in this, The ministry made a serious effort to shut down discussion of this matter.

  6. Sorry for your loss,still missing my Stella everyday as well.It will be a long while before I can think of getting a replacement.who am I kidding,no other dog could replace her

    You never replace them. There isn't a day where I don't think about Peanut or Lucky.


    That said there is nothing wrong with making a new friend

  7. Down here in Niagara there are communities which also have similar views to those experienced by akaShag up in Moira. Until 2008, pike could be speared and netted, and fished all year.


    Seems many here have not heard of the regs changes, and there are those who feel they are "entitled' to carry on as their forbears did.

    No it is not the native community, nor is it the immigrant community. Some of these communities have 200-250 year histories.

  8. It's the dealerships that focus on the small things that you want to do business with. They will make sure the details are right, answer all your questions, and that you get the service your hard earned money deserves.

    For years I went to the same Ford dealership. Was always treated well and fairly. They now have new owners and customer service seemed to disappear. I'll be looking for a new car dealership.

    As for boats, I had similar problems of poor service with Legend's big dealership on the 400. I will never look at them ever. Now their Ft Erie dealership, Nicholl's, is pure gold. In 15 years of doing business with them, I have never had a bad experience. Tim, Judy, and the staff, take the time to look after you. So the son and I continue to give them all our business.


    If I wanna fish the northern shore of Lake O I pay to park/launch, what's the difference?

    Along the west shore of Lake Ontario outsiders and residents pay the same .At St Kitts that's $12 a day.


    There is also a huge difference between public and private facilities. If a private facility offers a price break to it's members so be it.


    And before we get on the subject of taxpayer burden, just remember that many of the public launches , facilities, and waterfront renewals were built, in large part, with provincial and federal funds. I contracted on many of those projects.


    While everyone else comes here and takes limits of lakers and whities home? Do people complain about having to pay launching/parking fees on any of the numerous Lake O boat ramps?

    Would you appreciate paying $25 for the privilege of parking your car to fish the Niagara?


    Most public ramps, like those on the Niagara, down my way are free. Private ramps are private. I do know that the local clubs are happy to participate and fund stocking in our area.


    I know that NOTL instituted a permit system for resident only angling on public lands, and I am one of many who have since boycotted that town. Won't be caught spending a dime in the new basspro either, as I would then be supporting an NOTL business.

  11. Perhaps funding for stocking the lakes should only come from the local ratepayers. It seems every year some group of ratepayers, in one town or another, wants to restrict or limit access to their local waterways. Save what little provincial funds available for stocking for bodies of water equally to all.

    let Barrie and Innisfil pay to stock Simcoe, and pay for their own fisheries enforcement.

  12. Making trip to the US?

    There is a great grub killer available from Lowes. $20/bag. Has an ingredient called Merit. Manufactured by Bayer.


    Not available or legal in Canada, but I bring it back every spring from vacation. Also has a fertilizer in it. Available in NY state.

    Great product. I don't have my lawn being torn up by skunks, possums, voles etc.

    like some folks.

    Just don't get caught. They'll bend you over double for smuggling an illegal substance. A farmer down here got caught a few years back bringing back an illegal pesticide. it was a painful experience.
  13. Quite right Dave524. I supported the license when it was first proposed


    The idea behind the license was to provide additional funds for conservation and fishery enhancement

    that were to be in addition to regular MNR funding. It was not intended to replace budgetary funding from the public coffers. The OFAH was supposed to be our public watchdog. That is the other part of the joke.


    Just another example of how big govt and bureaucracy will take what they want, use who they want, when they want. and it won't matter who you vote in. The story will remain the same, they just change the language.

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