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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I have pollen and herbal allergies. They are not going to go away unless I leave farm country. Fresh mint and basil will get the nose running in less than a minute. Pollen is about trees and fruit pollen. Cherry and plum bloom is the worst. Then there is tomato pollen. You walk through the rows of tomato plants once they6 get shoulder high and get covered, head to toe, in a coat of green pollen. Corn pollen, released after a good rain, hits hard as well. The price of farming , I guess?

    I could do like one grower, and go for biweekly injections, but I prefer to stay away from that.

    The Aerius seems to be effective on making the symptoms bearable.

  2. cops have radio's.


    cops are everywhere.


    cops should not "give up" because "they" are too slow.


    reading motorcycle forums on the net, its well known that if you see a radar, and your speeding, SPEED UP!


    cops will say "it's too dangerous" to chase.


    what they are actually saying is "we are too lazy, and there is another car going 25km above the limit coming right around the bend".

    Actually, it's because of public outcry, civil suits, and cowardly politicians, that the police have set rules on whether or not they may engage in a high speed pursuit.

  3. Seniors are not all a low income group. If some seniors are having trouble scraping by a realistic answer is to improve the CPP as most, if not all, of the provinces urged the Feds to do. Failing that---not that Harper put the kybosh on that idea---a provincial pension plan would help, as Ont and some of the others seem intent on doing. This nickle and diming it with 'seniors, discounts and free fishing licences is for the birds!!

    I'm OK with the seniors license as long as everyone pays for a license. Whether that be a youth fee, a family rate permit, or the kids catch and possession limit is incorporated into a supervising adult's limit. After all, we want to be fair don't we??????

  4. Fair warning, BigUgli, there is nothing more dangerous than a P-Oed dutchman with his wifes backing......Thems fightin words there buddy. :ninja::ninja::whistling:

    I'm surrounded by "Klompers" every day. When aren't you people P-Oed?????


    Klompen zijn voor bonken, niet voor bonking

  5. At the end of it all, and having time to digest the whole trip, got to admit I am one lucky Dad :wub: , to say the least. It's quite something for Rob to put this all together out of his own pocket :worthy:


    We are already talking about next year, but I don't think I'll let him foot the bill next time.

  6. Catch any bigger ones that were in the slot/ what were the overall #s per day like? The reason I ask is that I may be going there in Sept. thx

    Despite the cold front and the start of the mayfly hatch, we caught lots of fish. We really had to change tactics. Both pike and walleye feeding on crayfish and a large grey underwater beetle on mud flats or by beaver lodges. The smaller the bait profile the better the catch rate. Slowest day was about 20 fish. Busiest was close to 100.

    We did not catch too many fish over the slot.

  7. Yes the waistline comment was uncalled for, I'm sorry. We just lost a friend at a too young 52 because he wouldn't watch his weight and it's beyond frustrating. It is not healthy, but to each his own, we are adults, I even act like one sometimes.


    I have to remember a 5 pound Walleye here is too small to keep. But I still say those fish are too small to keep.

    You are only allowed to keep one walleye over 18". That ain't much more than a 2lb fish.


    As for dying, I could care less. Been dead once before.

  8. Wednesday we were chasing pickerel, again, in another location.




    The pike kept interrupting the bite, with lots of bite offs, but we still got some on our 4lb line.





    Rob picked up a rare 13" perch as well.


    Our last day out was a pike hunting day. Gray and wet outside. We were still hoping for a "BIG" pike. We found lots, just nothing big.



    Even hit a few walters in the shallows.



    We had a bald eagle watching over us the whole day.


    Rob even picked up a walleye from the deck, 20' above the bay.


    At the end of the day, Rob's one spinnerbait, our first prototype we manufactured, was looking real beat up, but still working. Lots of teeth marks in the head, and 1/2 the paint stripped by the pike


    And the last meal was a fish fry.


    Our lodge handyman, taxi, guide, on the way out.


    The cabins were simple and clean. The owner, Bryan and his helper, Andy, were great. No shortage of food. The guide, Ed Gagnon was excellent.

    All in all, a fantastic trip with hundreds of fish caught. Our first prototype spinnerbait worked great. The walleye really loved the bucktails and the minnow head jigs.


    We are already thinking about next year

  9. Monday morning was Mom's turn to go with Rob and the guide in search of pike. I have to wait for Mom's pics to show their day with Ed. I hung around the lodge checking things out. Things are finally warming and the flowers finally starting to show.



    A little solo fishing .


    When they got back, there was a healthy number of pike for me to clean



    The gang with their guide.


    Back to more fish in the evening to put more bucktails to the test.



    Rob would use the same spinnerbait all week.


    Tuesday morning we headed out on our own for a 1 hour run past Grey Owl island to hit a walleye flat with some great results.


    Lots of double headers





    My Quasimodo walleye with a big face tumor


    Then we hit a nice shallow bay for pike in the afternoon.



    Our end tally


    That evening we went and scouted a few more spots. We found that the bait of choice was leeches. and the walleye preferred them baited on a minnow head, instead of a ball jig.



    The next day, would again be about walleye

  10. We is back.


    All I can say is "WOW"!!!!!!

    Left late on Friday night to avoid the traffic for our 9 hour drive. Did you know that lots of the Tim's, up north, close over night?? We arrive in town with a glass bay and clouds of blackflies and skeeters. A short hop across the bay on the barge and we are there at Ritchies End of Trail.


    Once there, its into a boat to check the nearby shoreline.



    Not a lot to show in the first day but, Bisco has some 600+ km's of shoreline to drift.

    As predicted a cold front, with rain, moved in Saturday night. We woke up to a wet dreary morning for our first full day. We had booked local guide, Ed Gagnon, for a day of scouting for walleye. Ed was the same fellow who had guided the Fish'nCanada crew for a series of shows a few years back.

    As I said, a cold front had blown in and conditions were tough. It was a very soft bite, when we had a bite, but Ed did have us on walleye on almost every location.




    At least we know the fish were hitting our bucktails


    And of course, Ed puts on a great shore lunch.


    Despite the tough bite, we still had a decent number of walleye, with enough for supper and brekkie.


    In the evening we went out to wash some more lures and catch a few more fish.

    First a dock pike



    DSCN4316_zps42c3950c.jpgAt the end of the day we were beat.

  11. I have a wonderful son, A bit headstrong, stubborn and impulsive, but loves us dearly.

    This winter he went and booked, and paid for a bucketlist trip for his Grandmother, himself, and moi. It's something we talked about for a few years, and Rob decided it was time to "get off the pot" before it was too late. Let me tell you, I have been itching to go for weeks. Ritchie's on L Biscotasi for a week of hard fishing, beautiful surroundings and serenity.

    For those wondering why my mother...


    She has the ability to outfish most you boys.


    And tied to the reading material thread, I'm taking my old copy of 'Tain't Running No More" for some night time reading. My way of keeping in touch, in a way, with my dear Grampa.

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