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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. nice day to be out for sure....seems like the bite is as slow for you there as it has been for me up here bigugli...dying to get a fish entered for our team......was not planning to go fishing tomorrow...but just realised i have nothing that important to do...the wife's at work...hmmmmmmm...lol...guess i'd better drag myself out somewhere....hehe


    My sentiments exactly. Just don't tel the Mrs. :ph34r:

  2. Spent 9 hours on one of the Niagara area ponds today looking for perch and pike. Among others, there were OFNers Rockfish, Smokin Joe.

    Beautiful sunny day and the wind wasn't too bad. Unfortunately the fish would not co-operate.


    Today's total: 1 perch, 1 mud puppy.


    Too nice a day to be indoors.


  3. Well, my son and I have been tunnelling in the snow banks for weeks! He's loving it and I'm having a blast spending quality time with him... although admittedly, I'm starting to get tired of shovelling!

    Atleast we didn't get the ice storm our neighbours to the south did... that looked nasty and even more so for folks who aren't used to this kind of weather.


    Used to dig out a quinzee in the yard that would sleep 4 and let the boys in the scout troop camp there to work on their winter skills before going on an actual winter camp.

  4. Sounds like pretty good training for the post education years.


    It's ironic how so many of us couldn't wait to become adults, and once we got there we wished we could be kids again. Some of us have managed to make the reversion. :D




    I'm almost there.

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