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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Finished from market, 10:30 Sat night, and had the family, gandkids included, all packed up and on the road by 2am for the 4 hour road trip to Windsor. It was a very long and busy day..

    Over the course of the day, we would catch smallies, walleye, and, the target of the day, silvers. Made several donations to the river gods on the rocks, but the fishing was great for every one except the daughter's fiance. Guess he'll be on pink glove duty for the next little while. Pity we had to go home the same day .

  2. Don't know of Painted Turtles being marketed illegally as pets but I know there is a problem with persons releasing alien Red Eared Sliders into the wild .

    For 3 years, there was a group of people trapping painted turtles at Charles Daley. I would call the MNR every spring, then they stopped showing up. I would like to believe they finally got caught.

  3. Monsanto is a chemicals/synthetics giant. Long before they became the big GMO crop specialist, their claim to fame was all the synthetic yarns and wools we all wore in the 60's and 70's.


    The original formulation of Roundup is no longer permitted for agricultural use in Ontario. Glyphosate, however, is still in use as an herbicide.

    You want disturbing. Many chemicals banned in Canada are still in use worldwide. Canada will not inspect for, or ban foodstuffs treated with such chemicals, that we import. The government argument being that those chemicals are not illegal in the country of production. So it is OK for those producers to poison us, just as long as it is not a Canadian doing it. Think S American, India, China, South-East Asia


    Canola,corn,soybean and sugarbeet are the only gm crops grown in Canada

    Yes, but we do have genetically modified livestock.

  4. Congrats on the new house,let's hear some details of the new digs! Usually a new house means less fishing time for a while....

    Larger house and much smaller yard. So I should have a little more fishing time. Even have me a room just for all my, and my grandkids, fishing swag and tackle making.

  5. I think Brian hit it on the nail. We all choose to accept, or reject, the influences our elders have on us. Same goes for our children. I never had a father. A stepfather who was never a "Dad". Didn't fish, hunt, swing a hammer even, and was more married to his job than my mother. But I had fantastic uncles and a wonderful grandmother as I grew up. I chose to accept their influences and reject the role models of the stepfather and deadbeat dad. And there were some choices in life my mother was not thrilled with either.

    My kids have been taught what I could teach them in word and deed. It is entirely up to them what path they end up choosing. My kids did not start out as model sons and daughters. Like me, they've made mistakes aplenty. That's all part of growing and learning. I do see more and more of me and my values in them each and every day

  6. Took 3 days, but we are finally in our new digs. Smaller yard to look after, which means more fishing time. Also a roomier house for my granddaughter to grow into. I even get a dedicated fishing room.


    Now to spend a week unpacking so I can get back to making tackle.

  7. its not just fisherman. As I drove thru town today I was stunned how much garbage I saw laying in the ditches. Seriously, who throws garbage out their window? Is it someone elses responsibility to pick up your coffee cup or even cigarette butts? Ignorant. We truly live with a bunch of slobs

    There isn't a roadway in southern Ontario, short of the few kept clean by volunteers, that is not a pigsty. I cashed in $250 in aluminum last year picking up cans on my morning walks with the dog.

  8. Why don't you stick with the bluegills? I like catching crappie...don't get me wrong....but for a feed of fish I will take gills every time over crappie. If I am catching both....like in an area I fish on Little Bald....I just let all the crappie go and keep gills for a fish fry. If you haven't gave them an honest try your missing out IMHO. And they are easier to find and catch ALL summer long.

    What he said! Was out on Sturgeon today and we could not keep the bluegills off the hook. Lots and lots in the 8-10' size. We were catching 4 gills to every crappie all day long.

  9. Despite all the up and down temperatures, I have been getting out int the Niagara area for some slabs. Not a typical spring by any measure. Have not had any on fire days. Mornings being too cold, the crappie don't turn on until the last 2-3 hours of the day. When they do turn on they are plain crazy, smacking anything that moves. Bucktails have been working great. Caught one that swallowed my float.

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